Saturday, December 09, 2023

Why Is It ...

… that I loathe Taylor Swift and find her music boring and tuneless tripe, but that I love how she  pisses off the MAGAts and the Rightwingnuts?

… that it sometimes takes me days to get back to a text? To be honest, I’m understaffed at the moment.

… that sometimes you meet someone and you just know from that first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them?

… that while some people can sleep on their backs, or their sides, or their stomachs, I tend to sleep like a rotisserie chicken?

… that when I scream at a squirrel to get out of the road so he doesn’t get run over by a car, I have the same feeling as my Guardian Angel does watching me live my life?

… that I find it impossible to ‘rise and shine’? All I can do is caffeinate and cross my fingers.

… that I get what I call ‘pre-annoyed’? It’s like I know you’re about to piss me off?

… that I tell people that the best perk to being my friend is that they’ll be called the 'normal’ one?

… that I am still waiting for the wisdom that supposedly comes with old age?

… most people are scared to say stuff but I’m not? Is that why I only have three friends … Carlos, Rosita and Consuelo?

… that the fact I cannot explode into a thousand bats to escape awkward social interactions is a constant source of irritation?


  1. "caffeinate and cross my fingers," LOL!

    1. Some days that's all one can do!

  2. Taylor's not bad, she's a liberal woman, has been getting thousands upon thousands to register Democrat, and is openly anti MAGA and they hate her for uniting so many people against them. Seeing what she's doing, I can forgive the music.

    1. I loathe her, for lack of a better word, music. Good on her for her politics and such, but if she'd stop singing and give up that phony golly gee whiz aw shucks demeanor perhaps I could manage to change my mind.

  3. These questions show that you really know yourself Bob and that you are very aware of your weaknesses and failings but I suspect that you are keeping your better characteristics quiet - assuming of course that you have some!

    1. Better characteristics? Me?
      Surely you jest?

  4. The Taylor Swift thing is a love hate issue with me too. She could buy and sell the GOP if she wanted to.

    1. I'd like her more, not a lot more, if she did that.

  5. aussieguy10:11 AM

    Hey, I could handle being the ‘normal’ one! It’d be a first! Trust me, you have more friends than you. Seems the older I get, I can’t sleep late, even when I want to. 🤨 And Taylor? I am finding her easier to tolerate which means the world is probably coming to an end…

    1. I enjoy being odd.
      I can't with Swift; I just can't.

  6. I've met several people in my life that I knew I could do without. Sadly, some of them stuck around far too long.
    As for Taylor, I've never knowingly listened to her music - I assume some of it has been probably used as jingles. I thought she only wrote one song, about meeting, dating, and breaking up with a guy...just with different music and lyrics. My daughter tells me she loves cats, so she clearly has some redeeming features. Being against MAGA and the GOP are ones too.

    1. I agree; sometimes you just need to let go and move on.
      She gets points for the cats and her politics and such, but points, many more points, are removed for her manufactured personality and her so-called music.
      Now I fear the Swifties with come for me.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    the dog's mother
    caffeinate and cross my fingers.
    much chortling!
    xoxo :-)

    1. I am caffeinating right now!

  8. Taylor Swift has given enough money to feed 500,000 people until the end of 2024 - that makes her a good bod in my book

    1. I'll give her props for that; not for her so-called talent.

  9. I don't understand the appeal of Taylor Swift but that's because I'm old, and she seems like her heart's in the right place.

    I also feel like I walk around in a perpetual state of pre-annoyance...also because I'm old!

    1. I find her too manufactured and don't feel any realness; even in her music. Her politics? She gets a nod for that.
      Pre-annoyance is good because you're always at the ready!

  10. Oh, pre-annoyance. I know it well. When my nephew was 5, his mother sang out “Rise and shine!” and he said, “I might wise, but I ain't gonna shine.” He's now 45 and still as adorable.

    1. And does he still think he'll wise but not shine???

    2. Pretty much! And he says it that way for us since I told him I would never forgive him for learning how to pronounce his “R”s and “L”s. He once proudly told his speech teacher (when he was 5) he didn't need her anymore because he used to call his brother “Wyan” but finally knew how to say it wight. “Wyan”! Kind of like Maxwell Smart and the Craw.

  11. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Oh, I seem to have pre-annoyed you. Be right back...

    Will Jay

    1. Everybody does .... but they come back!

  12. "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age shows up all by itself." (Actor/writer Tom Wilson)


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