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Jane Pitt |
So, by now I’m sure most of you have read about Jane Pitt—mother
of LGBT ally, and hottie, Brad Pitt—who sent a letter of support for Mittsy
Romney to the Springfield News-Leader, which said, among other things:
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
Wow. Brad must be thrilled. And I, myself, had a whole diatribe about
Missus Jane Pitt and her special brand of hate, masked as Christianity. I mean,
why throw in the president’s middle name unless you want to make that connection
between Barack and Saddam, you know, how they’re cut from the same cloth
because they have the same name. And why all the fuss over a National Day of
Prayer? I didn’t know we needed a ‘national’ day; I thought folks could just
pray whenever they wanted and didn’t need a special holiday to do so.
But, I digress.
Someone else has a much nicer response to Missus Jane and
her special brand of crazy:
Dear Mrs. Pitt,
Today, I saw a shocking message in my inbox. I was alerted of a HuffPost Gay Voices piece that discussed your recent letter to Missouri's Springfield News-Leader where you proudly profess your support for presidential candidate Mitt Romney while also clearly demonstrating your anti-woman, homophobic and racist beliefs.
I call this message shocking because of my own wrong assumptions regarding the woman and mother I thought you to be. As a mother of a nine-year-old and a six-year-old, I am constantly learning from other parents who offer acts of parental inspiration. One such act came indirectly from you while I was watching an episode of Oprah. I remember your son Brad, discussing a bedtime ritual from his childhood. Before he would go to sleep at night, you'd talk to him about how it didn't matter how popular he was or how good he looked -- what really mattered was what good he did for others and being a good person. He went on to say that you explained that, "The world is not fair, but this means you have more responsibility -- how you handle it, what you do with it and leading the way to help others, as well."
I was so moved by that statement that I re-watched that part of the interview and I have used that same guidance with my own children. Often, when people talk to me about how beautiful my kids are, I always go back to your statement that "looks don't matter, it's how you treat others."
Sadly, your message to the News-Leader was harmful to LGBT people in Missouri and across the country and, to be quite frank, you should know that there is no telling how many souls you harmed with your public religion-based bigotry. How, in a day and age when hate crimes and youth suicides are reported on a nearly daily basis, can you take such a harmful stance?
As a mother, I am disappointed that you chose to publicly pit mother against child. As a person of faith I find your decision to engage in such a cruel and calculated manner, heartbreaking. As fellow Southerner, I can tell you that your son has been a continual source of inspiration, encouragement and pride. Watching him take personal and professional risk by clearly standing up for the minority and those facing discrimination has been empowering. His family, your grandchildren, will grow up in a more loving and just world because of the conviction and courage that your son and his partner, Angelina, have shown to others.
Being a mother and a believer in a God that is capable of an overwhelmingly powerful love for all is what gave me no choice but to respond. I can only hope that, somewhere deep in your soul tonight, you will choose to take your own advice -- that you will think about the good that your son is doing for the world and choose, once again, to consider how you can make the world a better, more fair and loving place.
Mrs. Pitt, shame on you -- I stand with Brad!
Mother to Mother,
Robin McGehee
Maybe Mrs. Pitt had an event of the arteries leading to the brain??
ReplyDeleteShe will probably keep her mouth shut
ReplyDeleteI find what she said horrible, yet I think it also shows that not all families agree on the same thing. The media latched onto it because she's the mother of a famous actor. But I'm sure, in everyday homes across the globe, not all families agree on everything. I have many differences with my own siblings and my own mother. Some have come to full-blown arguments.
ReplyDeletePitt's mom -misguided as she may be- doesn't have to agree with her sons stance when it comes to the gays or our marriages.
Did she uses her sons success to spew the hate? Yes, and that's tacky. Did the media over react? Yes, because gossip and the shit the Kardashian's do seems to be important today.
In the end, Pitt's mom's action will now make Brad Pitt's life a living hell. Because right now, despite all the worst aspects of his disastrous World War Z film that vanished from the Christmas holiday schedule, the media will ask him endless questions about what his mom did.
It's not fair to him. Brad Pitt has done a great many things for the gay community, and that's what is more important than his ignorant mother.
I agree with David. We must continue to support Brad Pitt in spite of his ignorant mother.
ReplyDeleteAnd the people on twitter that posted death threats have help the homosexual cause how?
ReplyDeleteShe, and everyone, have a right to their opinion. Strange how the so-called tolerant are given a pass when they say she needs to die.
The stupidity of people who I otherwise thought were intelligent and resonable never ceases to amaze me. Actually it saddens me and I'm not even a Christian.
ReplyDeleteSei lá ouvi por anos que o fruto não cai muito longe da árvore,um ditado que talvez sirva pra algumas situações,no entanto,gostaria de compartilhar com vocês minha opinião sobre Jane uma mãe como todas mas que tem algo que a diferencia de todas as outras e que a torna a sogra mais desejada de todo o planeta por algumas mães e pais: SEU FILHO,BRAD.
ReplyDeleteDigamos que ele,seja pela posição que ocupa ,seja por ser um Ser humano especial ou simplesmente por algo que não precisamos saber, doou nesta semana 100 mil dólares para uma ONG que defende os direitos dos Homossexuais nos EUA,se for pela posição que ocupa isto só vem mostrar que ele pode não aceitar,mas respeita;se for porque ele é um Ser humano especial isto só vem mostrar que ele realmente respeita e se for por algo que não precisamos saber o que importa né gente basta que saibamos que ele nos respeita,no entanto,é preciso que leiam o que ele disse a "HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAING-HRC" ONG que recebeu a doação:
"É inacreditável para mim que a vida das pessoas e seus relacionamentos estejam literalmente sendo votados numa questão de dias.Em Maine,Maryland,Minnesota e Washington os eleitores irão às urnas para decidir se casais gays e lésbicos,nossos amigos e vizinhos,merecem as mesmas proteções que o resto das pessoas."
Agora acompanhem esta declaração:
"Acho que qualquer Cristão deveria passa muito tempo orando,antes de se recusar a votar em um homem de família com altos valores morais,com experiencia nos negócios,que é contra o aborto e compartilha com as convicções cristãs sobre a homossexualidade,apenas porque é Mórmon Qualquer cristão que não vota esta favorecendo o adversário de Romney,Barack Hussein Obama - um homem que frequentou a igreja de Jeremiah Wright,durante anos,não realizou uma cerimônia pública para marcar o Dia Nacional Da Oração e é um liberal que apóia o assassinato de bebês em gestação e o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo."
Esta é JANE PITT,mãe do ator BRAD PITT,numa exposição de sua opinião sobre os homossexuais,não sou contra o direito dela expressar sua opinião,aliás defendo isto,mas repudio sua forma de pensar e a maneira como ela trata certos assuntos que ao meu ver nem ela mesmo consegue compreender,haja visto que sua constituição em um de seus artigos diz:
"Todas as pessoas nascidas ou naturalizadas nos ESTADOS UNIDOS, e sujeitas a sua jurisdição,são cidadãos dos ESTADOS UNIDOS e do estado onde tiver residencia.Nem um estado poderá fazer ou executar leis restringindo os privilégios ou as imunidades dos cidadãos dos ESTADOS UNIDOS ;Nem poderá privar qualquer pessoa de sua vida,liberdade ou bens sem processo legal,OU NEGAR A QUALQUER PESSOA SOB SUA JURISDIÇÃO A IGUAL PROTEÇÃO DAS LEIS."
Então meus queridos volto ao famoso ditado que abriu esta minha postagem:O fruto pode até não cair muito longe da árvore,mas,graças a Deus alguém vem e o retira dali.