Wednesday, November 06, 2024

I Can't Breathe ...


  1. Sadness and grief

  2. aussieguy7:28 AM

    I'm numb, but soon to be really pissed.

  3. So sorry Bob. I fear the results will be profound, on so many levels.

  4. Bob, I feel the same, I'm trying not to hyperventilate and could not Sleep, I feel so alarmed. This will have Global consequences too... and if Americans thought their situation was bad before, they ain't gonna know what hit them when he unrolls out all the Fuckery he intends.

  5. I'm so sorry, people are shocked and horrified here in Britain too. The world is a worse place today.

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Leon and I are beyond sick with the news. And I don't think the full reality has hit me yet. The possible consequences are beyond dire. We must RESIST!

  7. This country is MUCH worse than I imagined. A convicted felon over a woman --- let's clarify that: A woman color.
    And it's not just the POTUS, it's that they took the House and Senate, too.
    So much of the world will be in mourning.

  8. I'm disgusted and disappointed.

  9. A small part of me hope he does unleash his terror and it comes back and bites them all in the ass. Serve the fucking dumb asses.A red eclipse????? Really. This is bad.

  10. It really is hard to fathom!

  11. Beyond all credibility! Oh, PLEASE let it just be a collective bad dream! .......Only 'bad'? - NO! The worst nightmare for the entire world!

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Physically sickening to me, he’ll self destruct and will take his acolytes and the rest of us with him. :(
    As stated above, this will be bad on so many levels- domestic policies, foreign relations and we’ll be left with a very corrupt government and legal system. Social Security , Medicare and AHA will be on the chopping block, public schools and other public entities will be privatized and placed in corrupt hands, the environment will be in for worse damage, workers will have fewer rights, extremists in America, and the likes of Putin and Netanyahu will be emboldened leading to even more chaos, the world order will be disordered to America’s detriment, and our court systems at the local and state level will be as corrupt as the un-supreme court. Not to mention the likes of Musk, RFK Jr, Bannon, Boebert, Sheehy , Greene and others of their ilk will be around to cause even more destruction and division.

  13. Well, shit. The next 4 years are going to be such a cluster fuck.

  14. Today is indeed a dark day for America and for the world.

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The dog's mother
    Beyond shocked!!!
    xoxo :-(

  16. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Jamie (
    We are in trouble :(

  17. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I just woke up (San Francisco time). A show of hands; how many of you are history buffs? It's 476AD all over again. Now I'm wondering how long fortress San Francisco can hold out against the Hun. The implications are daunting. Buckle up...


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