Thursday, June 16, 2011

The MGB® Movie Poster

I didn't want to post this, but then the fits of giggle started and I just had to share. This is ALLEGEDLY. the poster for the Mama Grizzly Bore [MGB®] movie.
So, what's funny about it?
For starters, the title. THE UNDEFEATED!!!
Seriously! Have we already forgotten the defeat of Ott-Eight? I mean, I can see calling it The Quitter, or Half-Term or Nobody Likes Me 'Cept The Crazies. But The Undefeated?

And what are folks saying about it, hmmmm?

Zac Hart says: Should be titled Unfinishable... Considering she has yet to serve a full term in ANY of her elected offices... Palin for president - what a joke.

Travis Michael Brown says: she is giving the double hand job.

Kenny Miller-Gass says: Is this the sequel to: "No Substance: Reiterated Talking Points and Buzz Words Beaten to Death like a Dead Alaskan Moose!"?

So, what do YOU think MGB®'s movie debut should be called?



  1. I think it should be called: "I'm a Media Whore!"

  2. It's a cult of personality!

  3. Don't know if this is how you see it, but here in 'Brit-land' we're hearing that even your Republicans are showing growing signs of restlessness with her and wish she'd just GO AWAY! Intriguing topic, though, and certainly never boring.

    or maybe- DAYS OF DELUSION...

    I could spend hours & may be back to comment again!

  5. Hints, Allegations, and Things Better Left Unsaid or the Ballad of MGB.

  6. I think it should be a made up word, a la Dubya. How about the 'Un-Beleaguered?' or 'The Un-Mistreaterstood?' Anything will make sense, as long as it's unbelievably stupid. That is how much of a mind fuck her existence is.


    I can do better drunk and vomiting.

  8. I think it should be called "The Undeflated", since she's nothing more than a pompous air bag!
    With the tagline "Oh, the inhumanity!"


Say anything, but keep it civil .......