Wednesday, May 26, 2021

I Had A Nice Time ....

I had a nice little break. Since my Friday through Sunday posts can be done ahead of time, I enjoyed the weekend, and then Carlos and I had a boatload of errands to run on Monday and Tuesday, so I extended my weekend a couple of extra days just to putz around, get tings done, and relax.

Saturday was Cup Day here in Camden. Out little town is the Steeplechase Capitol of the World and twice a year we have races in town, though last year, both events were cancelled. When we first moved here, Carlos and I attended the Carolina Cup, the Spring race, because it was something new. Carlos grew up with horses, so I was interested in his take. We walked down to the paddock to see the horses come out before the race and you could see what majestic animals these racers are. Suck gorgeous creatures … until after the race when they return to the paddock drenched in sweat, heads down, often coughing up blood because, as powerful and fast as they are, these animals are not meant to be run that fast, jumping hurdles with a man on their backs. That was our first and last Cup Day. This year we had a leisurely lunch--with Paloma Rosas, a delicioso tequila and grapefruit soda concoction--at Masa Street food.

There was yardwork to be done on Sunday—followed by a pitcher of Bob-a-Ritas on the deck—and blowing leaves off the driveway, trimming several giant holly bushes, and cutting tree branches. And then, because of where we live, all of that had to be hauled away by us on Monday and that was a chore. I think we made about ten trips to the Recycling Center with our yard debris. I ended the day sipping cock-a-tales and wondering about hiring a yard service. An acre piece of property with all the trees and shrubs and fencing and so on, can be a lot of work, even for the two of us.

On Monday Carlos was once again back at rehearsals with the Camden Community Band for the first time in over a year, and man he was excited. Almost as excited as me! I had a nice evening home alone for a change, doing the little things I like to do which mostly amounted to doing nothing but sitting still and relaxing. I loves me some Carlos, but I also love time to myself and this past year has seen little to none of that, so it was a welcome, pleasant, strange feeling.

Tuesday was Errand Day since I wasn’t working, trying to get all the little things done; banking, stopping at the vet to get Tuxedo’s special diet food for his kidneys; and that’s a nice chore because everyone at the vet’s office asked about Tuxedo and how he's doing. That was followed by a stop at Lowes for leaf bags—the de-leafing never seems to end at Casa Bob y Carlos from the literally hundreds of trees on our property—a new sprinkler for the back lawn which has recently been reseeded. There was banking, and a quick stop at the Mulberry Bake Shop owned by our friends Peter and Fran, who are set to retire next month. So we stocked up on Cranberry Pistachio scones and Jalapeno Cheddar bread, and chatting with Peter.

So, I took a couple of days off, basically to get some chores dine and recharge and relax and refresh; nothing bad, and nothing sad, but now I have stuff to say.

Stay tuned …


  1. Nothing like down time alone; him indoors has been gone 6 weeks now and might not be back until July!

  2. Is it nice to just have a few days to putz around...Yes, errands and chores on the estate are necessary but one can go at their own pace, stop, have a drink and nosh, and carry on. Yes, alone time from one's partner is essential. I am weary of those couples that are joined at the hip. Hell, one can't even fart without the other one knowing. Glad you are recharged and not can face the other side of COVID. Happy retirement to you friends. And if I was there I would stock up on the scones as well. Stockpile them in the freezer. It seems here in Denver we have not perfected the ideal scone. For those reading, they ARE NOT BISCUITS!

  3. Glad to see you back! You were
    busy. Enjoy your week.
    xoxo :-)

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I haven't tried a paloma with the grapefruit soda, is there a particular brand you can recommend?

  5. I do so enjoy bits of tid.

  6. That sounds like a wonderful and much needed break! Good for you.

  7. Yes, get a yard/lawn service, if it's too much work or not giving you any pleasure. I never minded cutting my grass ("lawn" would be too fancy a word) but I hate the heat so I pay someone to do it and now everyone's happy. And good for Carlos for getting back to band practice. It must be a nice break for both of you!

  8. Glad you enjoyed your break and got so much done!

  9. Isn't it amazing when life gets in the way? But all that stuff has to be done, otherwise it just doesn't work. Good for you for taking the time and getting it all taken care. Have a lovely day.

  10. I'm so glad it was nothing nothing sad. Cup Day sounds tragic. I'd hire a yard service! And you don't have to worry about San Geraldo inspecting everything after the fact and saying to me: "Fire them!" I've missed you!

  11. It all sounds actually fun and constructive and another bonding experience? Bonus! And an acre you say? That's kind of lot if you have trees and shrubs and bushes. Maybe every other day you should use a professional? Just saying.
    And now I want cranberry pistachio scones!!
    Hope Tux is doing well!


  12. Days off are fine, fun, and usually very fulfilling.

  13. @brewella
    I don't what kind they use at that restaurant, but one recipe I found said equal parts FRESH grapefruit juice and club soda; or there are brands of grapefruit soda! And they use either Reposado or Añejo tequila.

    Good stuff.


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