Wednesday, January 30, 2019

F****t. N****r. MAGA. It's All Hate.

Empire star Jussie Smollett was attacked in Chicago yesterday because he’s a gay, black man.

Sorry; it’s true.

Shortly after arriving in the city around 2AM, Smollett got a bite to eat at a Subway. As he walked down the street two unknown offenders approached him. One shouted something along the lines of …
“Aren’t you that f****t from TV?”
And then something like …
And finally …
“This is MAGA country.”
They attacked him; they hit him in the face and then poured some substance—it is assumed to be bleach—all over him. At some point one of the assailants tied a rope around Smollett’s neck.

In America, in 2019.

The offenders fled the scene and Smollett made his way to the hospital where he is said to be in good condition.

I’ll say this again …

If two people attacked Jussie Smollett and beat him up and took his wallet, that’s hateful.

But when two people shout the words “f****t” and “n****r” and then beat Jussie Smollett up and douse him with bleach and tie a noose around his neck, that’s HATE.

Hateful, however, is when many of our politicians, mostly Republicans, don’t believe that sexual orientation should be included in Hate Crimes protections. But be clear, Jussie Smollett was viciously attacked because he’s black and gay.

That’s hate.

In America.

In 2019.

In MAGA country, where the Red Hat is the new White Hood.

Be clear.


  1. That anyone could seriously contemplate this kind of thing for whatever reason is unbelievable enough, to actually follow through and attack someone is beyond belief.....more than that it is evil.

    As is the UK father who, wanting to get custody of his kids, decided to claim his ex couldn't look after them properly. To prove his point he got friends of his to throw acid on his three year old, really, he loved him so much that throwing acid on him was the only way to save him from his loving mother!

    It is in acts like these that we see the evil that mankind can do.

  2. Appalling. Just appalling.

  3. Unacceptable. A MAGA hat is the new white hood of the KKK. Racists are absolutely encouraged by the orange baboon in the White House.

  4. What idiots. Fast healing for Jussie Smollett.

  5. they hate because they know their days are numbered.


  7. I think the bullying antics of Trump has emboldened his MAGA army to be more open with their hate. Sad and depressing.

  8. Way beyond despicable. It's come to a pretty pass when even a word of sympathy from the Big Orange Genius hisself would be regarded as an insult. But of course it won't happen 'cos that would upset his hateful base.

    We've had a similarly spiked upsurge of violence against minorities - including gays, though mainly racial aimed - ever since this Brexit lunacy began, endowing such hate-fuelled attacks with a kind of spurious 'legitimacy', though naturally the right-wing media aren't buying it. The entire world's gone mad, I'm telling you!


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