Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thank You Nora!

One of my oldest, dearest friends, Nora, has a dog that she loves like it was, well, anything but a dog. I get pictures of the dog, cards from the dog, calenders of the dog. You'd think it was a cat. Anywhore, this year, for my birthday--and before you ask I am somewhere between forty and death--my old old OLD friend Nora sent me a stuffed toy dog that looks ::::gulp:::: just like her dog Cotton. Along with a picture of Cotton wishing me Happy Birthday.
  So, naturally, I had to show her what a gorgeous animal like Tuxedo: The Most Beautiful Cat EVER!!! with a Thank You "card" looks like.
  Thanks Nora, the cats love their new playtoy!!!


  1. lololol!
    Okay, don't tell anybody but my dogs and my parents'dog send each other cards...

  2. Oh shit - is today your birthday?!?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOB!!!! I'm going to update my Anita Baker Birthday post now...


  3. And I look forward to that duet with you sometime.


  4. Happy Birthday Darrrling!
    The adorable tuxedo cat can pass as penguin?!
    BIG XO to you!

    PS: THank you for the award as well Bob, you are sooo sweet!

  5. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Very very cute!!

  6. Happy Birthday, Bob!! Hope it's lovely and wonderful!

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Habby Birdday, Bob!

    Loving the westie! I send you somewhere between 40 and infinity virtual paddywhacks!

  8. Happy belated B-day Bob!

  9. A Very Happy Birthday, Bob!


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