Monday, January 04, 2010

LUV = Hate. No Really

I was one of those gays you could have pushed over with a feather boa when marriage equality became the law of the land in Iowa. I mean, come one, Iowa? California, sure....oops, never mind. But surely, New York....nope, skip that. Iowa. A square state in the middle.

Nice going, I said, that day.

Now, with the defeat of marriage equality in Maine and New York, and possibly New Jersey, the Asshats of Iowa [AOI], though they call themselves LUV--Let Us Vote--are crawling out of the slime bogs of humanity to try and turn the law around. See, for them, the majority should always be allowed to vote on the rights of the minority. Why, it's as American as apple pie and Iowa....corn?

LUV, which really isn't love at all but something far more heinous, is being sponsored by the equally misnamed Iowa Family Policy Center [IFPC] and together they are building a campaign to strip LGBT Iowans of the right to marry in what they are calling the “Two Days For Marriage” event.
IFPC Action President Chuck Hurley says Iowans are fighting for “traditional marriage” and to force Iowa lawmakers into passing a state constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. The group plans to lobby for the effort throughout the entire upcoming legislative session.

How many times do we have to hear this "traditional marriage"crap? Chuck, honey, there is no such thing as traditional marriage because marriage has been redefined and rethought of and reworked into something that no longer resembles what marriage was at the beginning. So, please, come up with a new argument because that one no longer works for people who think for themselves.

Chuck Hurley, threatening anyone who doesn't share his religious beliefs, because that's so American, said: “Any (Legislature) member who stands between the people and our right to vote is risking their political future.”

So, is there someone who can explain to me why people can plainly use their religious beliefs to manipulate legislation? And when do they stop? I mean, not everyone has the same religious beliefs, or has any religious beliefs, so where does it all end? Will the asshats like Chuck Hurley keep going, keep bullying, until everyone, by law is forced to share his religious beliefs? Is that where we're headed?

See, one day, it won't be about marriage equality anymore, it'll be about something else, and people like Chuck Hurley, will be religiously legislating, or legislating religiously, about someone else who has a different point of view. It all reminds me of the poem by Martin Niemoler:

And one day they came for me, and there was no one left to speak.

I'd hate to see that world, when no one is left to speak up. so, to that I say, Speak up! Go to the, ahem, LUV Iowa page where they ask you to "speak now of forever hold your peace,"and tell them how you feel about their tactics, about using religion to legislate, about hate. Go HERE now. And after you've told them what you think, as I have, head on over to OneIowa and offer your vote and your support there.

Hate and discrimination are unAmerican

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