I've been noticing this on a lot of blogs, as I tour the blogosphere on my blogcycle, reading blogs, and I thought it would be something interesting to do.
If I can come up with 100 things, So, let's roll:
1. I am a dichotomy. Petrifyingly shy in new groups of people, but vocally opinionated on almost any topic.
2. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.
3. I am a not a fan of cell phones and I do not text.
4. I'm not quite sure I believe in god (lower case g) but then I see trees and birds and clouds, and I wonder if something isn't doing this.
5. I think a lot about dying. Not that I'm afraid of it, or want to do it, but just wondering what it will be like.
6. I am a generally happy person....which begs the question: What about #5 up there?
7. I consider myself married to Carlos, no matter what anyone says.
8. The sound of a cat purring in my ear instantly puts me at ease.
9. I don't like to talk on the phone, so I love Caller ID.
10. I will do almost anything to make Carlos laugh.
11. I feel a need to be in a room with books.
12. I am a believer in the expression: Want the things you have, don't have the things you want.
13. I smoked pot once--hated it--and that's the extent of my drug use.
14. I don't look like it, but I have several tattoos, and could get more at any given time.
15. I can count my friends on both hands, but they are all good friends who would do anything for me, and for whom I would return the favor.
16. I stand up for the little guy.
17. I have the uncanny, or annoying, ability to literally see both sides to any situation.
18. I am ferociously anti-death penalty.
19. I love to cook, and am pretty good at making up my own recipes.
20. I am not scared of much, but embarrassing myself in public ranks up toward the top.
21. I've known I was gay since I was about eight years old, although I didn't have a name for it then.
22. I have a knack for remembering street addresses to TV families. For example: 148 Bonnymeadow Rd, New Rochelle, NY is where Rob and Laura Petrie live.
23. I believe firmly in reincarnation, and that's a faith you cannot shake.
24. I have never seen a UFO.
25. I cry quite easily, and I don't see it as a sign of weakness.
26. I don't like hurricanes.
27. I am the middle child of three.
28. I am fairly easygoing, but I want to bitch-slap people who are late.
29. I've been scuba diving in Hawaii and it is the most peaceful place I've ever found.
30. I love scary movies, not slasher flicks.
31. I must have music playing when I drive.
32. I was a Cub Scout.
33. I love a good glass of red wine.
34. I am equally at home in Smallville as I am in New York City, Miami, or San Francisco.
35. I have no tonsils, but I do have my appendix.
36. I don't like any group telling me what I can watch, listen to, or read.
37. I don't 'get' this obsession people have with golf.
38. I am moved to tears by Billie Holiday singing anything
39. I like all kinds of music (Aida to the Dixie Chicks with stops at Sting, The Supremes, and Betty Buckley along the way) but I don't like rap.
40. I don't play a musical instrument, but I love music.
41. I look younger than I actually am, which freaks people out.
42. I was a Broadway geek before I ever went to New York the first time.
43. I've written two unpublished novels. One has been lost to me, and one is awaiting it's audience.
44. I like things neat and tidy.
45. I am quite lazy, which works against #44.
46. I always wake up singing a song in my head. This morning was the theme from Cheers, don't ask me why.
47. I have no fear of being alone.
48. I am quick with a quip, smart with a comeback, and sarcasm drips off me like sweat off Whitney Houston.
49. I love corn, but not on the cob.
50. I don't really like chocolate, unless it's in a Peanut Butter Cup.
51. I am Aquarius, or as i like to say. Aqueerius.
52. I love Nicole Kidman, but I didn't like her when she was married to Tom Cruise.
53. I hate any form of prejudice; my least favorite word is 'they' or 'them.'
54. I don't mind naive, I hate ignorant.
55. I can be quite naive about some things.
56. I have never done drag--don't think I'd want to--but one Halloween I did dress up as a large Italian woman.
57. I have more hope for the future of this country than I ever have before.
58. I learned to drive stick-shift in a 1969 VW Beetle.
59. I now drive an automatic Saturn Vue.
60. I can be quite dictatorial when doing household projects with Carlos.
61. I do not like guns, and I think we are a gun-crazy nation.
62. I once followed Sting around California and saw him in seven concerts in eight days.
63. I love Bette Davis movies; I don't like Joan Crawford movies--except for the one she did with, you guessed it, Bette Davis.
64. I moved out of my parents house when I was eighteen.
65. I was born in Mississippi, grew up in California, moved to Florida, and now live in South Carolina.
66. I have been in half the states in this country.
67. I met Carlos on the Internet.
68. I love spicy food, be it Mexican, or Thai, or Chinese or Indian.
69. I love gossip, even if I don't know the person being gossiped about.
70. I once staked out the lobby of the Hyatt Regency on Maui because rumor had it Julia Roberts was staying there.
71. I am politically liberal--if you can't tell by some of my posts.
72. I know sometimes it's necessary, but I am anti-war.
73. I believe in real punishment for committing a crime, not this 'slap on the wrist' mentality.
I feel that the United States has fucked over the Native American population since we first stepped foot on their country.
75. I get annoyed at people who don't recycle.
76. I have a temper and don't fear using it. But I get over being mad pretty easily.
77. I think that greed is responsible for this mess we're in right now. Do we really need a Starbucks or a Home Depot on every corner.
78. I don't like Catherine Zeta-Jones and I have no good reason for it.
79. I believe George Bush will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever known
80. I am Pro-choice; if men were the ones who got pregnant, this would not be an issue. it's all about men wanting to control women.
81. I miss the actual 'writing' of letters; email has depersonalized correspondence. That said, I email all the time.
82. I love history, and the history of things; I love hearing old people tell stories.
83. One of my favorite vacation memories is playing chess with my Dad on the deck of a rented cabin at Lake Tahoe.
84. I have been to Disneyland and DisneyWorld.
85. I love soap operas, well, soap opera: One Life To Live.
86. My favorite expression is Pigfucker.
87. I have a foul mouth but control it quite easily in mixed company.
88. I don't understand gay men who don't like lesbians.
89. I don't like having my picture taken.
90. I love to drive, anywhere.
91. I have never been arrested, but I have had three speeding tickets and a few parking tickets.
92. I make Iced Tea at home with sugar in it, but I don't like Sweet Tea in restaurants.
93. My remedy for a hangover is a big messy turkey burger and as much Coke as I can drink--three days after the drinking.
94. I don't eat red meat, but not for health reasons or vegetarian reasons. I just don't like it.
95. I have eyes that can change color; they look green when I wear green, but are normally pale blue.
96. I love coffee, but I have only one cafe con leche a day.
97. I read on the toilet. TMI?
98. I find women who burp a little disgusting.
99. I think I need to live within an hour or two of the ocean, just so I can go see it every so often and make sure it's still there.
100. I laugh out loud at Karen Walker on
Will & Grace. Oh honey.......no...........no.