Saturday, July 20, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that I just realized that run spelled backwards is nur … and it’s a nur from me?

… that one of my toxic traits is assuming that people have common sense and then getting mad when they don’t.

… that most people don’t like it when I give away free samples of my attitude?

… that instead of cleaning the house, I turn on an episode of Hoarders and think, ‘Well, my house looks pretty good.’

… that people don’t understand that I don’t actually curse … I ‘m simply fluent in Trucker, with a Sailor dialect and a Construction accent.

… that it only takes one slowing walking person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that I’m a nice person?

… that when people say they like my personality, I say, ‘Thanks, I have six more.’

… that I love having a best friend that, when people see us together, say, ‘Oh my god, there’s two of them.’

… that I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t drink coffee and say ‘Fuck’ a lot.


  1. I'm right beside you with the slow walking people... or maybe even in front of you.

    1. Be slow, but move to the EFFING side!!!!!

  2. aussieguy8:31 AM

    We're basically twins. Practically every one of these could be my mantra. I stay out of grocery stores to keep the murder rate down. God knows I drink coffee and 'Fuck' seems to be my go-to word of late...and common sense is WAY under-rated!

    1. I have often considered murder in the produce section.
      And Fuck is a word I use more often than I care to think about.

  3. Trucker/sailor/construction one -- LOL!

    1. What can I say, I have a colorful vocabulary.

  4. I swear when I drop things, spill things, make a mess. Which is a lot more often and I blame it on the gravitational anomaly of New Mexico. I also swear when the "easy open" package puts up a fight, when technological devices do any damn thing they want, when I'm trying to things that require three, like all day long.

    1. Why can't the contents of a cereal box be put into a ziploc style bag instead of those glued shut wax papery motherfu .... 😓

  5. Not just in the grocery store.

    1. Well, I think that popped into my head after one painful trip to the store but, yeah, slow people need to stay home.

  6. Ahhhh ... My favorite day of the week to visit you!

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

    1. Chortling keeps my insanity levels down.

  8. Cleora Borealis11:52 AM

    In grocery stores, I get most unnerved by the opposite of slow. Even at age 69.5, I move fast (which will eventually be the cause of a fall and a broken hip 😬), and I try to be nice to those who are slower. But, I give no kindness to those who are fast with a cart! People who are pushing a cart very fast are often not looking as they move into a center aisle and many of them don't apologize for damned-near knocking down a senior citizen!! I usually shout "terrorist!" in their direction before I move back into my nice old lady resting demeanor. Hubby and I start any public appearance with the mantra posted on our front door: "Handle every interaction with every person as if you will have to spend the rest of your life with that person in a very small room." -- This is a quote by Michael Mescon, the brilliant Dean Emeritus of Managerial Studies and Public Policy at Georgia State University. I used the quote often when I was a corporate trainer in harassment prevention and diversity. I shudder to think how hubby and I would react to other humans in public if we didn't absorb that mantra before leaving home!! 😊

    1. I'll take fast as long as they get out of my way; the dawdlers deserve whatever punishment I choose to inflict.
      My quote is: GET OUT OF MY WAY! 🤣

  9. Hoarders used to be the impetus to me cleaning...I never wanted my house to look like one of those. Now I live with my daughter, who has such tendencies, and I avoid her areas of the house.

    1. I have never been a hoarder but I have been very sloppy at times!

  10. Bob's free advice - priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

    Will Jay

    1. Just drop by anytime for my advice!!

  11. Barbara Anne1:20 PM

    For some brilliant common sense, check out Bernie Sanders on 3 chopped up segments on Stephen Colbert's show - You-tube, of course.

    I enjoy your blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the compliment. 😊

  12. My mom is a hoarder and actually made her watch the first episode of Hoarders with me about 3 weeks ago

    She wasn't as bad as the people in the episode but she could turn into at least one of them

    1. I imagine it becomes more difficult as time goes on to try and stop.

  13. I turn “Brooklyn” when I swear. I almost never swore when I lived in Brooklyn. What da fuck is up wit dat?

    1. Yeah, I do take on a different affect when I'm on a swearing tear!

  14. "that instead of cleaning the house, I turn on an episode of Hoarders and think, ‘Well, my house looks pretty good." LMAO!!!!!!!!

    One got some goods zinger today toots! I think Anne Marie went to the same linguistics school.

    1. I actually keep a rather nerat home because neither Carlos or I are into having a lot of things.
      Just one of the many things I adored about Anne Marie was her use of the perfect curses.

  15. I adore this post, and we seem to share many of the same thoughts, I swear.

    1. I don't think we're all so different from one another. At least in some ways!

  16. Hoarders! I loved that show. I'd watch it and look around at my own lack of housekeeping and think "yeah, I'm okay still". These days I sweep the floors at least once a year.

    1. I have never seen the show, and I don't consider myself a hoarder at all; I like a little minimalism.

  17. I am sure you could get professional counselling for being yourself Bob. It must be a terrible burden to bear!


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