Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that no one realizes that if you mess with me, I will lock you in the trunk of my car, and then help people look for you.

… that I can tell if someone is judgemental just by looking at them.

… that I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror this morning and realized that my charisma will be doing most of the heavy lifting today.

… that my patience is like a  gift card; I’m not sure how much is left but give it a try.

… that I have officially reached the age where I don’t know if I injured myself or of that’s just how I am from now on.

… that every time I try to make a protein shake it turns into a margarita?

… that if I ever forget my safe word, I just call out someone else’s name? Because it works every time.

… that I cringe at so many things I say out loud and yet I will not stop talking.


  1. Charisma? That's so cute, you should be a gamer.

  2. krayolakris9:48 AM

    Gift card..haha! All good ones.

  3. Except for the margarita and the safe word, this could be me.

  4. Love your new header, LOL!

  5. My patience lasts as long as fruit stripe gum 😂

  6. Love all of these, as well as, the new header!
    I think I have discovered while my smoothies🥤 are more enjoyable lately!

  7. Cleora Borealis11:19 AM

    😻✊ Agreein' with Marcia LaRue...that header is great! Pussies attacking Trump from his phony hair down to the lifts in his shoes!! And, I'm at that age where every handrail is a gift from the universe!! 👵

  8. For heaven's sake, except for one of these, you've read my mind!

  9. Oh, that self-injury one is SO true.

  10. Anonymous12:37 PM

    the dog's mother
    Also in the new header camp!
    xoxo :-)

  11. I've had a good laugh to start the day, with the header picture, the judgemental statement and the safe word.

  12. I have officially reached that age too. Some days I get up and wonder which part will ache today, other days I put off getting up as long as possible.


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