Monday, July 08, 2024

This Is The GOP & Why You Need To Vote Blue

There are a lot of reasons to vote Blue in November, and I will share some of those with you, but first, let’s take a look at the reason to Vote Blue.

Project 2025 

Under a GOP president this plan, would:

  • Eliminate the Department of Education
  • Use public funds to pay for private religious schools
  • Encourage Christian indoctrination in public schools … Ten Commandments in every classroom was the start.
  • Dismantle Civil Rights and DEI [Diversity, equity, and inclusion] in all levels of government.
  • Eliminate no fault divorce.
  • Total ban on abortions, regardless of viability or health of the mother.
  • Ban all contraceptives.
  • Ban African American and Gender Studies in all levels of education.
  • Tax cuts for major corporations and the 1% while increasing taxes on everyone else.
  • Eliminate unions and all worker protection
  • Raise the retirement age.
  • Eliminate Social Security for the elderly and the disabled.
  • Promote capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of such sentences
  • Condemn single mothers and only recognize “traditional” families by overturning Obergefell v Hodges in attempts to eliminate the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Dismantle the FBI and Homeland Security.
  • Use of military to break up protests
  • Eliminate Head Start and Free/Discounted school lunch programs
  • Ban books and curriculum regarding slavery.
  • Force immigrants to be deported or held in camps and end birth right citizenship
  • Ban Muslims from entering the country
  • Dismantle the Food and Drug Administration [FDA]. The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] and more.
This is the plan of the GOP and we know it’s the plan because The Felon says it’s not their plan and he’s a pathological liar. Here’s more:


Top advisers to The Felon have begun to discuss draft language for the 2024 Republican platform that antiabortion leaders expect will abandon the party’s decades-long call to amend the US Constitution to extend personhood protections to the unborn.

The escalating behind-the-scenes disagreement over the abortion language has become so acrimonious in recent weeks that some social conservative leaders have issued public warnings. The Felon’s advisers, in turn, have been angered by the public pressure from antiabortion activists.

Listen, the man is a pathological liar who promised to appoint anti-choice judges to the Supreme Court and then did that; and when they each, after first saying under oath that Roe was settled law, overturned a woman’s right to choose.

Do not believe The Felon; he’s saying these things to get women to vote for him and most women are smarter than that.

The Felon also revived one of his go-to lies about his record on veteran policy during a Fourth of July message to supporters this week.

Veterans Choice, a program that allows veterans experiencing long wait times in the V.A. medical system to seek care at private facilities, was actually signed into law by former President Barack Obama in 2014.


Mark Robinson, the extremist GOP nominee for governor apparently endorsed political violence in a bizarre and extended rant delivered in a small-town church:

“Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity!”

Robinson’s call for the “killing” of “some folks” came during an extended diatribe in which he attacked an extraordinary assortment of enemies, like Democrats and liberals, the LGBTQ+ community and migrants.

Kill them, he said.


Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters says educators who refuse to teach students about the Bible could lose their teaching license.

Walters issued a memo last week instructing all Oklahoma schools to teach students in grades five through 12 about the Bible’s influence on the nation’s founding and historical American figures. Schools will also be required to stock a Bible in every classroom.

They’re trying to force Christian Nationalism on America’s children, proving, again, that the GOP is the group grooming children.



Representative John Curtis won the GOP Senate primary last week over a Felon-endorsed candidate to replace outgoing Senator Mitt Romney.

Curtis won the primary easily with nearly 52% of the vote and is considered to be a moderate Republican, as shown by his vote for the Respect for Marriage Act codifying the Obergefell Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide. He is a member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus and the moderate Republican Main Street Caucus.


Sheri Biggs, a psychiatric nurse practitioner and Air National Guard Lt. Col., beat out Felon-endorsed “pastor” Mark Burns in South Carolina’s 3rd District Republican runoff.

Burns is a Death to Gays pastor so this is Good News.

Please note, that we are beating the GOP in a lot of unusual places [Utah and South Carolina] just as we beat them in 2020, 2022, 2023, and here in 2024.

Stand tall, speak up, and …


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    the dog's mother
    Thank for including good news!
    xoxo :-)

    1. It's a little bit, but looks hopeful

  2. Just being helpful Bob. You wrote "regrading slavery" when I suspect you meant to write "regarding slavery". You might want to change it. Please keep up your excellent pro-Blue campaign! Telling the truth in a nation where truth seems to be going out of fashion.

    1. I said what I said .... and then blogger muffed it up!

  3. Why don't the Repugnant party play straight with the electorate and admit they want to get rid of the protections of the Constitution?

    1. Because they know the majority of We The People don't want that and they would lose handily. Plus, since all their plans are to make rich white men richer and whiter and more powerful, they would have a lot of explaining to do!

  4. Cleora Borealis10:38 AM

    From the sources I keep up with, the GQP is doing exactly what it needs to do to bring itself down! It decided that it is so powerful that now is the time to make its "policies" known and stop hiding its true self! When actual humans hear the slightest information about Project 2025, they freak out and start looking for Dems to support! Hooray for GQP arrogance! Go Nazis, go Nazis! Go Dark Brandon! 🤣✊😎

    1. They are creating their own demise.

  5. Oh yeah, Mark Robinson, I’m beginning to think some folks DO need killing. Just not the folks you choose. What an asshole!

    1. And he calls himself a man of God ... probably missed that 'Thou shalt not kill' nonsense.

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    We must route and defeat the extreme right-wing of our country as voters have done in Britain and France.
    Vote blue in November.
    The dignity and honor of OUR USA are at stake, OUR democracy depends on US !
    As Harry Truman said “ you get what you vote for”. -Rj

    1. And you off get when you don't vote for if you don't vote.

  7. Amen, Brother! xoxo #VoteBlue

    1. Yes ma'am.
      Loud and clear!

    This needs to be spread wide and often. People are way too complacent in what concerns the plans the Repugs have for this country.


    1. You need to pay attention to what they say and what they don't say.

  9. The "liberal media" needs to make sure P 2025 is weellllll known.

    1. We all need to spread the word.

  10. Project 2025 is enough reason alone to vote blue!!!!!!!!!!! I mean Eliminate the Department of Education? Of course they do. They want a nation of stupid uneducated sheep to herd and do as their told.....nevermind the US will be the dumbest country of the globe. This group alone will unravel the whole of the US. They can all go fuck off. I guess they want another revolution on their hands. Have they forgot about the first one...when we wanted our freedoms from the King of England????

    1. You are, as usual, spot on.
      Vote GOP to stay stupid.

  11. That whole project 2025 thing scares the shit out of me. The party of Lincoln no more.

    1. All the more reason to vote Blue all the way up and down the ballot.

  12. How disgusting is that list of goals - they want to turn the clocks back to a time when only wealthy, white males had any rights and the rest of us be damned.
    If Utah and South Carolina can be semi-reasonable, why can't other red states (though I've no hope for Texas or Florida).

    1. As someone who lives in South Carolina I was surprised by this bit of news.
      And it just means we need to be vigilant and loud and voting!

  13. It's all so scary, how so many can be so stupid. I am very glad I live here not there and only hope EVERY Democrat gets out there and VOTES BLUE. The madness has to stop.

    1. It's all hate-based and as long as The Felon hates the same people as the MAGAts, they'll be in his cult.

  14. Because the Dems have finally woken up and paid attention to that, the republicans have rebranded it as "Agenda 47." Same bullshit with tamed down rhetoric.

    1. But we're not so dumb as to buy their lies.

  15. "The Felon", I love it!


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