Friday, July 12, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Josh Hawley, Insurrection Day GOP Chicken Runner, saying the quiet part out loud at 2024’s National Conservatism conference:

“Some will say I am calling America a Christian nation, and so I am. Some will say I am advocating Christian nationalism, and so I am.”

Be clear, this means he supports America as a Christian only nation and any other faith is considered less than.


Spencer Cox, GOP governor of Utah, on the presidential election:

“I haven’t voted for the top of the ticket since 2012. I’ve certainly had my concerns, one of those is what happened on January 6th. I’m hopeful, I want my party to win. They chose a candidate this time around that was not my first choice. Wasn’t my choice last time, either. But the party spoken and that’s who they have chosen. And so, I’ve said I’m not going to vote for either presidential candidate this year. I’ll write somebody in, as I’ve done in the past, but I am supportive. I do want [The Felon] to succeed. I want my party to win. We desperately need the right people in the right positions. I’m very anxious for who he picks as vice president. That’s going to make a big difference, I think. Certainly for me. I believe in governors. I think that Doug Burgum is an incredible leader. I think he’s somebody who could actually help to unite the party and lead us into November with [The Felon]. And that’s something we’ll be watching very closely if an announcement comes soon. I guess potentially on Monday.”

Doublespeak; he doesn’t like The Felon, but thinks The Felon should win, but he hates what happened on January 6 because of The Felon?

Take a seat Cox.


Nancy Pelosi, on Biden’s stepping aside:

“It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We’re all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. I think overwhelming support of the caucus—it’s not for me to say, I’m not the head of the caucus anymore—but he’s beloved, he is respected, and people want him to make that decision. I want him to do whatever he decides to do. And that’s the way it is. Whatever he decides, we go with. I think it’s really important and I would hope everyone would join in. Let him deal with this NATO conference. This is a very big deal. Thirty heads of—over 30 heads of state are here. He is … orchestrating discussion and setting the agenda. And he’s doing so magnificently [so] let’s just hold off whatever you’re thinking. Either tell somebody privately, but you don’t have to put that out on the table.”

Once again, listen to Nancy; she’s working for the entire party.


Ted Cruz, being Ted Cruz, on Fox News:

“They’re not worried about having a commander-in-chief who’s not capable of fulfilling the responsibilities. The only reason they’re panicking is because they now realize the American people have seen that, and they’re terrified that he’s going to lose in November. And so now they’re willing to dump him. I put the odds at about 80%. They dump him. And if and when they dump him, I think their replacement nominee will be one of two people. It will either be Michelle Obama or it will be Kamala Harris. And I actually predicted ten months ago on my podcast, Verdict with Ted Cruz, ten months ago, I predicted they were going to push Joe Biden out and replace him with Michelle Obama. That may still prove to be the case.”

Is Ted Cruz a senator trying to help the people of Texas or is he some loon podcaster trying to get listeners?

PS As a typical Republican, it has been reported that Cruz is in violation of campaign finance laws because the host network of his podcast has “donated” hundreds of thousands to his reelection PAC, allegedly in lieu of paying him directly.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina’s former Miss Cowpie and current GOP wannabe rent-boy, speaking to hate group leader Tony Perkins:

“I raised $112 million in my last race, the highest in the history of the Senate, except my opponent, who raised $132 million. We had money from all over the country, $5 and $10, a bunch of money coming in. You know what got me elected by over 10 points? It was people who knocked on doors and made phone calls on my behalf, the people who believe in the sanctity of life—the activists. All the people who write these big checks are not going to make one phone call, and they’re not knocking on one door. If we change our platform and we buy into the narrative being pro-life is bad politics, we’re going to be net losers, because the people who believe like we do are going to abandon us because we’ve abandoned what makes us different.”

Oh ma’am, so you’re saying you’re anti-choice because that makes you money?

You’re a whore.


Hair Furor, once again incoherent at a rally at his Miami resort, where he is paying himself to hold campaign events:

“You know I saved NADDO [sic… he means NATO but he’s an illiterate fuckmonkey] because when I went down—hey, Barack Hussein Obama, has anyone ever heard of him? He would go, he would go and, you know, go to wherever the holding had a meeting and he’d make a nice speech and Bush would go and make a nice speech and he would leave, in all fairness. Bush, Bush! But he makes a nice speech and they’re all going to make speeches, and then they wouldn’t even stay there a day. I went and didn’t make a nice speech. I said, what the hell are you doing? Nobody’s paying, nobody was paying. And I didn’t want to be obnoxious because I felt it was the first time I’d ever done this. And what? I didn’t even know what the hell NATO was too much before, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out. Like about two minutes. And the first thing I figured out was they weren’t paying. We were paying. We were paying almost fully for, you know, and I said, that’s unfair, but I didn’t want to make a big mess. But six months later, I went back to the second meeting and I said, you know what? You’re not paying your bills. You got to pay your bills. So somebody stood up from one of the countries. They said, ‘Sir, may I ask you a question. If we don’t pay your bills, will you protect us from Russia?’ I said, ‘You mean you’re delinquent?’ They said, ‘Yes, we’re delinquent. Let’s say we’re delinquent, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘No, I will not protect you from Russia.’ The money came in by the billions!”

Once again, illiterate fuckmonkey and this is what passes for a GOP candidate but the media is saying Biden should step down.


Gary Kasparov, chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, on SCOTUS:

“I’ve read the Federalist Papers, the DCeclaration of Independence, and the Constitution. But maybe I missed where the Founding Fathes supported the idea of immunity for the president. Can Justice Thomas or [the] other supposed originalists show us where it was mentioned?”

Nope; can’t, because they’re all liars and hypocrites and traitors to America.

Abort the court.



  1. Nancy cracked me up the other day when asked if Biden should stay in the race. She answered the question three times, but I guess the ABC reporter was trying to get her to say something else, while they were walking to Nancy's office, where she finally came to a halt and asked, " Am I speaking English to you?" Her remark and snarky tone sent waves through Capitol Hill. Good on her for putting these reports in their place.

    Lately the media is getting a bad rap, and I mean all of them. Their all pains in the ass. I gave up on news. 1- they beat a dead horse for weeks, and 2, it's just too stressful, and 3- if I tune in three weeks later they are still beating the same dead horse.

    1. Nancy has zero fucks to give these dumbasses.

  2. Both the New York Times and LA Times have published unrestrained editorials recently blasting DJT as unfit to hold office and saying Joe is by far more competent. How many years too late, NYT and LAT as we've all been saying this since 2015...but maybe some republicans will wake up.

    1. I agree and hope that it's not too late to change some of the more rational minds on the right.

  3. We sit and hand-wring over one debate instead of hammering away at Thing 45 and the Heritage's Project. The media are just as guilty for perpetuating the crap - now into its third week! Jim Himes (D-CT) didn't even consider the NATO news conference wherein Biden laid out a comprehensive report. Let's compare that to The Thing's rambling bullshit. If they want to win, they need to stop whining like a bunch of school kids on the playground and hammer away at the base ideas we're getting from the extreme right.

    1. A stutter or a stammer or a lapse in thought is apparently worse than a racist rapist traitor and Project 2025 architect who yammers on and on incoherently.
      And yes, the media is to blame for perpetautin gthis bull shiz.

  4. I suspect Hawley realizes that the people who will vote for him a Evangelicals. Spence is desperately trying to play on both sides of the court. Nancy is great. Cruz? I do believe his extinction event is approaching.

    1. Ted Cruz is more of a joke than ever.

  5. Calling President Zelensky President Putrid is not the action of a man on top of his game. Bring on Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris.

    1. If you were watching, Joe immediately realized his error and corrected himself!

    2. Marcia is right.
      And a slip of the tongue is no reason to drop out.
      Joe's hour-long press conference proved that, yes, he is older, but he is still sharp.

    3. I agree..... but what two people to get slipped up over!

    4. Truth, Maddie!

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    No doubt Trump, Hawley and Cruz are mental cases. Cox is a typical double talking, worthless politician with no backbone. Graham, the screeching southern fried senatrice is a rank opportunist.
    Pelosi and Kasparov tell it like it is, the unfettered truth. - Rj

    1. I have liked Spencer Cox in the past, but this double-speak word salad is a joke.

  7. Nancy is, as always, right.
    And Josh is such a soy boy. Really. He personifies that new brand of xtianist hipster that makes me hurl.

    The Repugs are scared of Uncle Joe. They hope he drops and have ready a whole battery of procedures to sink whomever could come to replace him. Evil masterplan, of course. But Uncle Joe say he's staying...
    Here between us and the internet, I think that people in this country are afraid that Uncle Joe will croak and then we'll have a Black woman as president...


    1. Xtianist hipster is spot on for Chicken Josh.
      I will stand by Joe until Joe decides differently, and if, because he steps aside, we get a Black Woman President, I will stand on the roof of my house and scream "About Fucking Time!"

  8. I don't understand how IQ45's "slip of the tongue" moments can be so easily overseen, while Joe Biden is taken to task on every one, every single time.
    Further, I fear for the entire world. I predict that if IQ45 wins in November, he along with Puukin will join China and North Korea in their goal to overcome democracy around the world. Nuclear war, anyone?

    1. I seriously think it's because everyone knows The Felon is a rambling, blubbering idiot, so he gets a pass.
      But not from me; not ever.

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    the dog's mother
    Vote Blue!
    xoxo :-)

  10. I always love reading your "I Didn't Say It" posts as they always point out the hypocrisy of the GOP. I would love for Ted Cruz to lose his election this November. Josh Hawley too. And of course, The Felon.

    1. If Texas keeps electing Cruz and Abbott, who both ignore their state in times of crisis, then Texas deserves what they get.

  11. Hypocrites. Liars. Sleazebags. Morons.

  12. Replies
    1. No matter who's on the ticket, I am Blue all the way!

  13. aussieguy6:30 PM

    I swear (and I do A LOT), whenever the Orange Moron opens his mouth, all I hear is static...

    1. Whatever it is, it makes no sense.

  14. Even the revered Nancy can talk doublespeak. As far as I know, Joe has said he is running.

    1. I think the decision will be his and no one else's, as it should be.

  15. "NADDO"? and he didn't even know what NATO actually is? Tsk Tsk.
    Vote BLUE! Don't let this moron win.

    1. Seriously, he's an idiot, but a very dangerous one.

  16. Teddy should know that Michele has no interest in political office, she likes being able to speak her mind. He is such an idiot. I will vote for Kamala, I did the last time, I will again.

    1. Whatever name is on the ballot gets my Blue vote.


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