Friday, July 07, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Clare O’Neil, Australia’s home affairs minister, after Junior’s tour of the country was postponed and he blamed “cancel culture”:

“Geez, [Junior] is a bit of a sore loser. His dad lost an election fair and square—but he says it was stolen. Now he’s trying to blame the Australian government for his poor ticket sales and cancelled tour. [Junior] has been given a visa to come to Australia. He didn’t get cancelled. He’s just a big baby, who isn’t very popular.”

Junior was scheduled to speak in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne but the events were cancelled due to poor ticket sales.


Richard Grenell, former Acting Director of National Intelligence for Thing 45, lying about LGBTQ+ support for Thing 45:

“Rank and file gays and lesbians, regular gays and lesbians across this country, they’ve had it. There’s at least four out of ten, or I would almost argue five out of ten are supporting Republicans and [Thing 45]. They’ve just have had it with this left who are not able to sit and listen. They’ve lost their mission.”

In 2020, a poll of LGBTQ+ voters commissioned by GLAAD found that 14% voted for Thing 45 but Grenell thinks that number has tripled?

Grenell, a self-loathing homosexual, is wrong.


Stephanie Grisham, former White House press secretary, says she saw Thing 45 show classified documents to Mar-a-Lago guests:

“I watched him show documents to people at Mar a Lago on the dining room patio. So he has no respect for classified information. Never did. You know, listening to that exchange every time, it just makes me so angry. He talks specifically that he should have declassified it, but he didn’t. So there, I think, is proof. I believe also there’s a portion of that audio where he says, you know, this is off the record. And I know [Thing 45] knows the rules of reporters and he knows if it needs to be off the record that they can’t talk about it. So I think he was covering himself in that regard.”

While I can appreciate Grisham sharing this story and perhaps even testifying, why she said nothing at the time, in the days following her seeing Thing 45 break the law, pisses me off.


Ted Lieu, California Democrat Congressman, on Large Marge’s call for expunging Thing 45 impeachment trials:

“There is no such thing known as an expungement of an impeachment in the United States Constitution. This is totally a made-up process. It is nothing more than a glorified press release with a fake vote. And by the way, with the second impeachment, there was bipartisan support in the House and the Senate. Fifty-seven US Senators on a bipartisan basis voted to convict, the highest in US history. But you can’t just erase that. It was televised. Otherwise, people saw it. And this is more stupid stuff from a radical Republican caucus.”

And now comes word that the Freedom Caucus, the caucus of the craziest MAGAts in Congress, have voted to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene for not being crazy enough.

Both sides find her a waste of breath.


Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, on Ron DeSantis’ campaign ad that spliced DeSantis between pictures of shirtless men while trying to paint Thing 45 as LGBTQ-friendly:

"You know, I'm going to choose my words carefully, partly because I'm appearing as secretary, so I can't talk about campaigns, and I'm going to leave aside the strangeness of trying to prove your manhood by putting up a video that splices images of you in between oiled-up shirtless bodybuilders, and get to the bigger issue that is on my mind whenever I see this stuff in the policy space, which is, again, who are you trying to help? You know, we're focused as an administration on how to get things done to make people better off."

And DeSaster is focused on discrimination and hate and racist policies and bigger government coming into people’s homes to checks their kids and the books they read.



  1. Clare O'Neil has Junior's number -- the big baby, lol!

    1. I don't know her, hadn't heard of her before reading this, but now she's one of my favorite people!

  2. I want Pete to run for President again!

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Pete Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Maybe Pete had a sweet ring to it, but President Pete sounds really good.

  4. That may be true of Grenell's particular circle of LGBTQ+ people -- the gays who could stand to be around him -- but certainly not the population at large!

    Love Clare O'Neil's quote, and I think (and hope) Pete Buttigieg has a bright future.

    1. Maybe Grenell's small circle of rich white gays like Thing 45 but the rest of us? Not so much.
      I really would like to see Pete as President.

  5. Is there any Repugnant Congresspersons who don't base their lives around hate, racism and discrimination? If there are they are keeping VERY quiet. As for Margarine, she is green and rancid and totally unwholesome - don't get too close she'll infect you with something nasty.

    1. It's sad because, while I rarely agreed with the GOP, they have turned themselves into this Hate Machine and it's not going to end well.

  6. Hahahahahaha
    Oh, so sweet that Clare is reading Junior for FILTH... and I hope Grenell chokes on a cob. Such disgusting person. Rich gheyz are the worst, really. No humanity at all.
    And is it awful I wanna bang Pete Buttegieg really bad? He could.


    1. It's not awful you wanna bang Pete, but you're in line behind me cuz I think I saw him first!

    2. Well, if I recall I may have been first, but being a Lady, I'll let you two go first...and then let Pete have it and keep him, and may even use my Mayor Pete tee shirt, as a , hummmm, "clean up" rag. Chasten will move on, I'm sure.

    3. Once Pete has me, there'll be no going anywhere else ... 😲

  7. There were also a number of petition protesting Jr's arrival, that may have helped hurt his ticket sales. Grenell's like most Republicans when it comes to rewriting the truth, he's a failure. People love Mayor Pete. This is how you build a base for future political endeavors.

    1. I wonder if a petition would get him to leave the US??

  8. I saw Buttigieg's comments earlier. He is a class act in my opinion.

    1. Class and good common sense, something most politicians don't have!

  9. I love Clare O’Neil. She handed Junior his head.

    1. Yes, though to be fair it's a pin head ... or a coke head ... or a fat head.

  10. The concept of people paying to hear shithead speak, is laughable, you couldn't pay me enough to listen, I might pay to escape him. How bad is business that he needs a speaking tour?

    1. I imagine it was to feed his coke-addled ego but, yes, who would pay to listen to him speak?

  11. Clare O’Neil made me so happy!

    1. Me, too, as much as seeing you up and about makes me happy!


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