Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Tuesday Thought #1



  1. That's the truth of it. And that's the saddest.

  2. but but but COVID is fake news; just look at the pooper bowl idiots in FL. no masks, no social distancing, booing uncle joe's moment of silence...

  3. Sad. And then you got a dumb and uneducated governor with no common sense like in Iowa you decides enough is enough and rids the state of mask wearing and social distant guidelines. "Welcome to Iowa....where life is back to normal!"

  4. Too many people around the world have died because of lack of political will; we need our leaders to work together not against each other. Bozo, like der Trumpenfuhrer thinks he has made perfect responses to the pandemic and yet we have 40,000 dead out of a population of 66,000,000.

  5. Oh c'mon, Americans don't want to deal with reality!

  6. People in America have had fits for years about 9/11 but if you show them something like this, they rationalize in one and a thousand ways.
    And all because of bad management from IMPOTUS2.


  7. Sometimes it is necessary to put things in perspective to wake people up.

  8. How sad is that Bob?

  9. They should actually begin scrolling them at the bottom of the screen during the impeachment hearings.

  10. Oh, my. Tell me that cannot be correct? Gobsmacked. And... I had no idea.

  11. @whkattk
    True and sad.


    That Iowa governor is the biggest fool of all. I hope when the state's numbers go up she'll take responsibility but, alas, she's GQP.

    Ineptitude killed 500,000+

    Sure seems that way.

    Sadly so.

    Well, that's because they can't bomb a virus, so the right doesn't care.


    But then what to do about those who are comatose to the truth?

    It's disgusting that so many people in this country still don't get it ... a year later and more than half a million dead.

    Now there's an idea.

    But it's a hoax, right?

  12. @uptonking
    3000 names versus 500,000 names.


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