Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Tuesday Thought #2



  1. In any normal democracy 18 months experience as a judge would not be sufficient to take up a post on the highest court in the land. And no country in their right mind would approve a woman who comes with such a weird religious history. Will Mr Rabbit tell her which way to vote on issues?

  2. I thought the same. Their all a bunch of dumb asses for being so highly educated. Ans that bitch had it already too I believe I read.

  3. @ Helen "And no country in their right mind would approve a woman who comes with such a weird religious history. LMAO!!!!! Well, we are talking about the US!!!!!

  4. Supposedly she had Covid this past summer, but that doesn't mean she can't spread it.

  5. So sayeth all (or a lot of us!)


  6. Well, ____ lacks the skills and basic common sense to be president so this is not surprising.

  7. She already had the covid... so, she all that! She's invincible. But, yeah... common sense? Not in her wheel house. Well, she's a freaking card-carrying Xtian, fer chrissake. And we KNOW all those people are freaking nuts.

  8. What Anne Marie said.


  9. @Helen
    As long as she tows the GOP line twenty minutes as a judge would have been enough.

    I hadn't read that about her but it doesn't surprise me. Maybe SHE'S the superspreader?


    Yup, too.

    Smart enough to maybe get all those other people sick?
    Lying faux-christian.

    Best word ever for her.

    AM nailed it.


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