Saturday, March 22, 2025

Why Is It ...

… that sometimes I feel like giving up even though I know I have a lot of people to prove wrong.

… that I’m still tired from yesterday’s tired and today isn’t looking so good and I’ve already used up tomorrow’s tired.

… that every day I try to decide if I should be an example or a warning to others.

… that people should stop asking me for moral support when they all know I have questionable morals.

… that I am always disappointed when a liar’s pants don’t actually catch on fire.

… that I’m pretty sure I only need one more bad decision and then I’ll have the whole set. 

… that people are afraid to share my posts because they think the SWAT team will come knocking on their door. I mean, the SWAT team doesn’t knock.

… that, while I don’t know if I could ever ‘complete’ someone, driving them batshit crazy sounds doable.

… that if anyone uses the F-word twice in a single sentence I feel like I have found My People.

… that it took me this long to get my Senior GPS. I mean, not only does it tell me how to get to my destination, it tells me why I wanted to go there in the first place.


  1. Ms. Garmin was terribly lost yesterday, I gave up and came home to take a nap.

    1. Sometimes, many times, that's the best decision.

  2. Krayolakris8:57 AM

    You're an example AND a warning! ❤️

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  4. You know that pants of fire bit? I keep praying.

  5. Cleora Borealis10:37 AM

    🤔 I've been researching what kind of cookies SWAT teams like best. I hate the idea that a large group of "guests" could burst through the door and I have no freshly baked goods to serve them...or toss at their helmets!! 🍪💪

    1. Gingerbread cookies are best because they are almost always hard as a rock and make a delicious weapon!

  6. Senior GPS could be a money-spinner!

    1. It could be sooooo helpful.

  7. Oh my god, that last Why Is It! Except that’s been the story of my life. Also, I woke up today still tired from yesterday’s tired and the night is fast approaching and the tired is hanging on.

    1. I have that same tired today and believe it will carry over ... 🥱🥱🥱

  8. We used to refer to it as being Friday tired on a Wednesday. Another expression was running out of brains before you ran out of week.

    Will Jay

    1. That second one sounds pretty accurate!

  9. If you build it (senior GPS), I'm sure you'll have many customers. I'd be one!

    1. Yeah, that's a bit outside my wheelhouse!

  10. All these questions about yourself show that your self-analysis skills are quite exceptional. You don't need a shrink.

  11. "I'm still tired from yesterday's tired.." I have days like that, but thankfully not often.


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