Thursday, March 20, 2025


Our weather has improved to the point that Severe Fire Danger is no longer an issue, though it lingers on the mind. Case in  point, I was in the house, Carlos was in the garage, and he yells to me quite seriously:

“Bob. [And I know it’s bad because he usually calls me Sweetie] Can you come out here right now?”

“What’s going on?”

“There’s something happening in the neighbors yard.”

I think FIRE!!!! And I head to the garage and into the driveway. There is indeed something happening at the neighbor’s house. They’re working in their yard; I tell Carlos that and he says:

“I heard a noise and didn’t know what it was.”

“Maybe it’s not your business Gladys Kravitz.”

“I don’t know who that is.”

“It’s you!!!”


Isn’t it funny how the Occupant of the White can sit back and watch Americans die, lose their jobs, and their homes, and their health, and blame Obama and Biden when all of this mess started on his watch?  AGAIN!!!

Last week, state senators in North Dakota rejected a measure that called for the Supreme Court to overturn its decision that established a national right to same-sex marriage.

First step, good step; the march goes on ...

If I had cakes like that I’d walk around all day with my pants around my ankles. I wouldn’t get far but, you get my point.

Nate Vance, JD Vance CouchHumper’s cousin has come for JD saying he’s “disappointed” in him for twisting America into “Vladimir Putin’s useful idiots.” And Nate wasn’t finished:

“Being your family doesn’t mean I’m going to accept you killing my comrades … and when [he] criticized aid to Ukraine, I thought it was because he needed to appeal to his electorate, that it was part of the political game, but what they did to Zelenskyy was an ambush of absolute dishonesty. [The Felon] and my cousin clearly think they can placate Vladimir Putin. They are wrong. The Russians are not about to forget our support for Ukraine. We are Vladimir Putin’s useful idiots.”

Nate revealed that he volunteered and fought in Ukraine against the Russians on the front lines for three years. He also said he has tried to contact JD but has not received a response but still it’s nice to see that at least one member of the Vance family is standing firmly on the right side of history since CouchHumper and The Felon will go down as cowards and traitors of the worst sort.

Speaking of the CouchHumper, when JD and the missus took their seats last week at the Kennedy Center in Washington they were met with a chorus of boos from the packed concert hall that lasted more than thirty seconds.

Don’t think that’s a long time? Start yelling boo and keep it up for thirty seconds. The point was made.

City councilors in Boston voted 12-1 to make Boston a sanctuary city for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Councilor-at-Large Julia Mejia and District 9 Councilor Liz Breadon called on Boston to adopt the measure supporting transgender people, pointing to what they see as harmful rhetoric coming from The Felon and the White House, with Mejia saying:

“Boston is not going to back down. We’re seeing attacks on our trans loved ones, and here on the local level, a lot of folks are feeling helpless.”

This move comes one month after Worcester city councilors approved a similar resolution.

The March goes on ...

Arlington National Cemetery is the most venerated final resting ground in the nation; across its hundreds of acres in Virginia, there are over 400,000 graves of U.S. service men and women dating back to the Civil War, including two presidents, and more than 400 Medal of Honor recipients.

But looking at the cemetery’s public website you'll find that dozens of pages on gravesites and educational materials that include histories of prominent Black, Hispanic and female service members buried in the cemetery have been removed. Cemetery officials confirm that the pages were “unpublished” to meet recent orders by the Draft Dodging Felon and DUI hire Pete Hegseth.

This regime is erasing the service of Black, and Latino, and female service members.

Martin Sensmeier is a Native American—Tlingit and Koyukon Athabascan—actor and model, but Would You Hit It?


  1. Always glad to hear news of any active ally support for the trans community.

    1. Especially given the current hate-filled regime, any bright spot is wonderful!

  2. Ah, your sweetie is being observant. If they didn't drive us nuts, we wouldn't know they love us.

    1. Yes, he is observant, I'll give him that!

  3. Tell Gladys Kravtis I said hello!!!

    Nate Vance, gets a huge kudos and he is right. I couldn't imagine being related to him. He is also by far more hot daddy material that Im digging ...just saying. And I think it's a shame what's happened to the Kennedy Center. I wish there was a way they can remove all of them off the board. I think it's funny they were booed that long, and I hope they don't return. I also hope more performers keep canceling too , that would be funny. I mean what will be left ....Carrie Underwood Kid Rock and a bunch of other country bumpkins?

    And we will take any wins!!!! hat tips to South Dakota and Boston. It may seem like wee steps...but over time it's how change comes about and stays. Hopefully.

    1. Gladys is happy to hear from you!
      Nate is better than JD on every level, and I loved the booing; I kept playing the video!

  4. Gladys Kravitz? Bob, you're dating yourself.

  5. Every family tends to have a black sheep and I guess JD holds that role in his family.

    1. Especially given how many times JD has changed his name.

  6. At least there are couple of bright pinpricks in the nightmare we're living. Pushback is important because sometimes it works, even if it's in small things.
    Gladys Kravitz --- LOL. Did you eventually tell him who that was?

    1. I, too, love a bright spot of hope; we need more of that!
      I have called him Gladys Kravitz several times and, he knows her but he doesn't see the resemblance!

    2. LOL. Poor Carlos....give the guy a hug for me.

  7. I have to admit, I kind of get Carlos's need to know. There's a bit of snoop in me too. :)
    Glad to hear that not all of the Vance family are idiots. Like Mary Trump, I hope Nate Vance continues to call out the stupidity of his family member. Booing is the least of what I'd like to see done to JD.

    1. Carlos really needs to know what's happening and with hsi vision issues he needs to know even more!
      I like Nate coming for his cousin as much as I like the audience booing him.

  8. My sister lives in suburban Boston. I love it when I visit as it seems to be a very open place for LGBTQ+ people. Gladys Kravitz…I sure did love watching her on Bewitched!

    1. Gladys was a people of work, "Abner!!!!"

  9. How sad do you have to be to think that the only people who matter are white rich heterosexual males?

    1. If that's all you know .... sad.

  10. I cackled at 'Gladis Kravitz'.
    And you know more and more cities will be come havens because the Repugs are going to try and drive anybody who is not white, cisgender, straight and rich out of their cities.
    And I would let Mr. Sensmeier do unthinkable things to me. Willingly.


    1. Carlos is a little bit busy body!
      I love these cities and states working against the hate-filled Felon Administration.
      Martin could have me any which way he can!

  11. Cleora Borealis11:59 AM

    🥵 Hubba hubba! Is it hot in here or is it just me?! I rarely comment on your "Would You Hit It?" selections because I'm just a little old lady with no sexual drive at all. 😉 But, lordy, Martin Sensmeier makes me a 14 year-old girl again! (Squeal!) In 1969, with my family at the drive-in theater (I really miss them), I saw "The Undefeated." [John Wayne/Rock Hudson as Yanks/Rebs trying to navigate the West after the Civil War.] And, up on the big screen was Roman Gabriel as Native American scout Blue Boy! 🥵 [Yah, Gabriel was Filipino-American but Hollywood sorta came close.]
    Roman Gabriel, good-looking NFL player, tall and fit, with flowing dark hair! Oh my! I so wanted to be the female character [could Hollywood have found a
    blonder, whiter young woman as the contrast to make Gabriel look as dark as possible? Doubtful.] I was so in love by the end of the film and Sensmeier sends me back to my sexual-awakening nostalgia! But, I had to avoid his short-hair photographs because the end of the film was Roman Gabriel cutting his hair for that white bitch! I cried! I was a 14 year-old hormonal girl and I cried at what that nasty blonde did to my love! 🤬💔

    On the other hand, Tuxedo Rocks! 😻🤘

    1. I just Googled Roman and ... hubba hubba!

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Tuxedo is right what he's saying today even though he said it a few years ago for the first time!

  13. Couchhumper and The Felon sounds like a no-hit wonder don't wop band of the fifties.
    I loved Gladys Kravitz, the original. Speaking of love, Martin S. I wouldn't hit. Nope. I would brush and braid that gorgeous mane. I would bite those luscious lips. I would lick those perky pecs. Hit? Never!
    Greg & Sydney hit me right in the whimsey gland.

    1. Carlos is a wee bit Gladys because he's always coming to me and telling me about the noises coming from this yard or that.
      Martin does have the hair and lips and pecs, yes, ma'am.

  14. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Great job some cities and states are doing to protect lgbt folks and their rights. Strange how some of my MAGA relatives love San Francisco and Palm Springs, yet hate the gays. One moved from Southern California and lives in some small town in Texas to get away from the Libs. Now she can’t stand it and wants to move to some college town in another state because it has an arts and theater scene and a wide choice of restaurants ! The type of things you find in more liberal towns and cities, provided by the very Libs she hates. Her husband is a veteran and denies Trump said they were losers and suckers. Now he frets over his VA benefits.
    Go figure :\

    1. Poor MAGAts; they have no idea what they're doing!

  15. I know Greg and Sydney!!! Martin Sensmeier: OMFG. I’m not sure SG knows who Gladys Kravitz is either. But she now lives next door to Steve in London.

    1. I mean, why wouldn't you give the animals names???
      Martin is a scorcher!
      And I think every neighborhood has a Gladys Kravitz!

  16. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Luved it when Samantha, Serena and Endora would get to nosey neighbor Mrs Kravitz. :)
    -CA jock

    1. I loved hearing she shriek "Abnerrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

  17. Only we of a certain age will immediately understand the Gladys reference. It seems most of your venerated readers are of a certain age.
    How many different luscious looks can Sensmeier have! The photo of him smiling shows him in a moment of pure joy.

    1. Well, there are reruns where one can become familiar with Gladys!
      Martin Sensmeier is quite an attractive man, yessir.

  18. Nevermind all this. I'm hungry for CAKE!

    Will Jay

    1. Those are some good looking cakes, no?

  19. Name all the animals, ha ha. Hooray for decent people like Vance's cousin. And for Boston being a sanctuary.

    1. There are some bright spots in the darkness that has descended over America.


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