Friday, March 14, 2025

I Didn't Say It ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Democrat Representative, taunting Mike ‘Christian Nationalist’ Johnson for trying to blame Democrats for the next government shutdown:

“Hey Mike Johnson, you run the government. Republicans have the House, the Senate and the White House. If you have the votes, then go ahead. If you need Democrats then you need to negotiate with Democrats. Those are your two options. Blaming someone else because your shoes are untied isn’t one of them.”

Sadly, all it takes is a couple of Republicans to do the right thing and the GOP will topple out of favor and out of power.


Hunter Schafer, trans actress from "Euphoria" and "Hunger Games," taking on The Felon for changing her passport gender from female to male:

"So I'm sure most of us remember on—I think the first day of [The Felon]'s presidency—he signed an executive order to declare only two genders recognized by the state, male and female, assigned at birth. As a result of this—which I wrote down because I want to get it right—the Bureau of Consular Affairs has frozen passport applications requesting a gender marker change or renewals or new applications with a gender marker differing from an applicant's gender assigned at birth. So my initial reaction to this because our president, you know, is a lot of talk was 'I'll believe it when I see it' and today I saw it. Now, I'm not making this post to fearmonger or to create like drama or receive consolation, I don't need it. But I do think it's worth posting to sort of note the reality of the situation and that it is actually happening and I was shocked because I don't know ... I guess I'm just sort of scared of the way this stuff slowly gets implemented, you know, because things just sort of start happening I think as we've seen in historical rises of fascism and everything this new administration kind of represents ... [there's] a lot of talk ... and we start to normalize the circumstances we're under and I just feel like it's important to share that it's not just talk, that this is real and it's happening and no one, no matter their circumstance, no matter how wealthy or white or pretty or whatever is excluded ... I also want to say I don't give a fuck that they put an 'M' on my passport. It doesn't change ... anything about me or my transness … it does make life a little harder ... [though] I haven't tested it out yet; I'll find out next week when I have to travel abroad for the first time with my new passport—but I'm pretty sure it's going to come along with having to out myself with … Border Patrol agents ... much more often than I would like to or is really necessary. And this is just my personal circumstance and thinking about other trans women who this might also be happening to, or other trans people, you know the list only gets longer as far as the intricacies that come along with the difficulty that this brings ... This is getting very long but I just want to say trans people are beautiful. We are never going to stop existing. I’m never going to stop being trans. A letter on a passport can’t change that and fuck this administration. I don’t really have an answer on what to do about this, but I feel it was important to share. This is real! So, um, yeah, f*ck this administration."

Schafer first had her gender marker changed to female when she was a teenager and got her first driver's license. All of her identification documents since then until now have been female.

And no matter the marker on her passport, she should be celebrated for her courage in the face of this hateful fascist administration who are targeting transgender Americans because they knows that it excites the bigots who populate The Felon’s base.

The time to take a stand is now before they come for the rest of us.


Mark Kelly, Democrat Senator from Arizona,  on social media and X, about his recent visit to Ukraine:

Just left Ukraine. What I saw proved to me we can’t give up on the Ukrainian people. Everyone wants this war to end, but any agreement has to protect Ukraine’s security and can’t be a giveaway to Putin. Let me tell you about my trip and why it’s important we stand with Ukraine. This war started with what Putin thought would be a three-day operation to take Kyiv and control of all of Ukraine. Now three years later, that hasn’t happened. American and allied support has been a big reason why, but I saw how cutting it off now risks everything so many Ukrainians have laid down their lives for. And while our support hasn’t been free, we haven’t sent even half of what [The Lying Traitorous Russian Asset Felon] says. Hospitals should never be targets in war, but Putin is a war criminal who targets hospitals routinely. These nurses told me how they witnessed Russian soldiers raping children in front of their parents and then murdering these children in front of their parents. Horrendous war crimes which can never be forgiven. [The Felon] says he trusts Putin and is trying to make him look like a friend and a good guy. I look forward to seeing Putin rot in prison. [The Felon] is trying to weaken Ukraine’s hand and we are owed an explanation. If Putin gains ground he won’t agree to a ceasefire and will eventually threaten a NATO ally and this puts American troops and the American people at risk.  I met with Ukrainian pilots, one who I had met in Arizona when he was learning to fly the F-16. They are flying challenging combat missions against the Russians who are protected by a considerable electronic warfare and surface to air missile system defense. When [The Felon] cut off these pilots from US intelligence that they need to plan their missions, he blinded them to the threat and put them and their aircraft at risk. But worse than that, it helps the Russians advance further into Ukrainian territory and murder more Ukrainians. [The Felon] says the Russians are ‘hitting them hard’ in a tone of voice that implies approval. It is sickening to see from an American President. ‘Hitting them hard’ means more dead Ukrainian kids.”

After his series of twelve posts, which included photos from his trip, Kelly received many responses, many offering praise and thanks, except for one from Leon Skum that simply read:

“You are a traitor.”

Kelly responded:

“Traitor? Elon, if you don’t understand that defending freedom is a basic tenet of what makes America great and keeps us safe, maybe you should leave it to those of us who do.”

I’ll take one Mark Kelly over an entire continent of Nazi Leon Skums.


Melissa Gilbert, actor, responding to “podcaster” Megyn Kelly’s assertion that the Netflix reboot of Little House on the Prairie will be ruined by “wokeness”:

“Apparently Megyn tweeted—I’m not on that platform—asking that Netflix not ‘woke-ify’ their Little House remake. Ummm [Megyn?] …watch the original again. TV doesn’t get much more ‘woke’ than we did. We tackled racism, addiction, nativism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, rape, spousal abuse and every other ‘woke’ topic you can think of. Thank you very much.”

Too bad the show didn’t take place in 2025 so the Ingalls family could tackle dumbass podcasters who don’t have an effing clue what they’re ranting about, they’re just ranting.

PS Megyn Kelly is seriously dumb.


Pete Buttigieg, future President of the United States, blasting The Felon’s SOTU speech:

“I believe politics is about everyday life. It’s about what government can and must do to make our everyday lives better. And the biggest issue on people’s minds, the affordability of everyday life, is not something that got more than a few seconds of mention in his speech, nor did he mention some of the biggest things in dollar terms that he’s doing. I mean, objectively , the biggest thing that he’s working on is tax cuts for the rich. $5 trillion, minimum. No mention in a speech that was what, two hours? But it’s always like this, right? It’s always gonna be about—they’re gonna talk about Greenland, and about pronouns, and about mice, and not about what’s gonna actually make our lives better. We have to stand up to this, and by we I don’t just mean Democrats. Like, freedom loving conservatives, libertarians, where are you? We might not agree on everything, but if you are so committed to liberty, as a libertarian or a freedom loving conservative, that you think the clean air act is ‘tyranny,’ then what do you have to say about the head of your government threatening to expel or imprison people who protest in disagreement with his politics? Where are you? We should be able to come together around that. Our nation has always been at its best when it widens the circle of belonging and equality to take care of more people and not less, and our nation’s been at its worst when we’ve been discriminating. [But] you gotta be engaged. Doesn’t mean being online every minute, but you gotta be engaged. You’ve got to hold elected officials accountable, like, what’s going on at these town halls, and you’ve got to be organized. I campaigned on freedom, security and democracy back when I was running for president, and I still believe that is the core that should drive our message, and we need to take that message everywhere. It’s not just what we say, it’s not just how we say it, it’s where we say it.”

A father of two who often talks about raising two young children with his husband, Buttigieg and his family moved to the Great Lakes State to be closer to Chasten’s parents.

Buttigieg sat down with Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss a possible run for a Senate seat opening in Michigan since Democratic Senator Gary Peters is not seeking a third term; it is expected to be a closely watched race in 2026—one that could help swing control of the Senate back to the Democrats. But Buttigieg’s name has also been tossed around for a gubernatorial run: Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is term limited. 

Some say Buttigieg could run again for the White House in 2028, although it’s far too early for him to make that decision. And some believe he has the clout, experience, and support that few other Democrats can currently boast, given the state of the party.



  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I think AOC along with Pete should be the new face and voice of the Democrats. Really. I’m super furious at Chuck right about now..

    Mark Kelly if literally the embodiment of patriotism. For the Nazi South African to even mutter in his presence is ludicrous.

    And Megyn Kelly? See You Next Tuesday.


    1. AOC and Pete, yes, and Mark Kelly, too. Leon Skum needs to keep Kelly's name out his fucking mouth.
      Chuck Schumer has shown his true colors.
      Megyn is desperate to make herself relevant again when, in fact, she was never more than a blond bimbo Fox hire.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    That was me. Google is being a little beyatch.



  3. We need a few hundred thousand more like Mark Kelly. Now that The Felon has ordered the military to create a plan to invade and retake the Panama Canal, we need military minds that believe in Democracy to stop it. I wonder if there are any left in the Joint Chiefs?

    1. I think the Joint Chiefs is now the Joint Goose-steppers.

  4. Small minded Republicans simply have no idea how badly they are poking the hornet's nest. The voices of AOC, Pete, and Kelly are not radical leftist, but are pure Centrist. Conservatives are on the fast track to learn they simply can't say "shut up, we're in charge."

    1. Sadly, they refuse to listen lest they make the First Felon pissy.

  5. I'm so with Mark Kelly. If I continue losing sleep nightly over BLOTUS and SKUM (yes, I truly do) then Ukraine and its peoples come a very close second.

    1. Kelly is spot on, especially given that BOTH Leon Skum and The Felon did whatever they could not to serve in the military, lying and cheating to do so!

  6. I would love to see Pete Buttigieg as President of a truly democratic USA. May it be so!

    1. Oh man, I would love that, too.

  7. Anorexic Megan Kelly is far from being the only idiot Repugnant. That new WH press secretary, whatever her name is, is unbelievably stupid, arrogant and rude; bring back Karine Jean-Pierre.

    1. Oh she's clearly not the only one.

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Buttigieg et AOC étoiles montantes indispensables en Amérique. Kelly, en rempart contre les réactionnaires.
    Ensemble, ils restaureront la lumière de la liberté qui est éteinte par le criminal Trump.
    -Beau Mec

    1. "Buttigieg and AOC are indispensable rising stars in America. Kelly, a bulwark against reactionaries.
      Together, they will restore the light of freedom extinguished by the criminal Trump.
      -Handsome Guy"

      We need more like Pete and AOC and Kelly who simply, calmly, rightfully stand up and speak out.

      "Nous avons besoin de davantage de personnes comme Pete, AOC et Kelly qui, simplement, calmement et légitimement, se lèvent et s'expriment."

  9. I could never understand why when either party has all three branches of government, they still can't seem to get anything done. That always blows my mind

    1. Well, the GOP is a giant clusterfuck, and they do have the barest of margins in the house, but, yeah, they can never agree.

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    the dog's mother
    (Pete Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

    1. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  11. IMHO, Pete Buttigieg would make a good POTUS. It seems to me that the Democrats are as hidebound as the GOP -- Chuck Schumer is as useless as tits on a boar.

    1. Schumer may have a hard time coming back from this.
      And Pete would be great as POTUS; common sense, something we don't have in poltiics.

  12. Surely, surely, surely by 2028 Satan's fascist regime will have run its course and Middle America will lend the Democratic Party the majority they need. #47 has begun his second term like a kamikaze pilot with hundreds of thousands of disenchanted Republican voters looking on wishing they had voted for Mrs Harris.

    1. I worry that the Cult is too blind to the GOP and The Felon's lunacy to see through the BS. They will believe whatever they are told, so we need to focus on Centrist Republicans who are aware of The Felon's inability to do anything and might lean Blue next time.

  13. I may not be from the US, but I love AOC and Pete!

  14. We are not immune from having ****wits in our parliament, but I am afraid they are not nearly as good at being ****wits as yours.

  15. Pete says he's not running for governor or the senate. I think he's waiting for the presidency, and I want to call him President Pete instead of Mayor Pete. I love Mark Kelly.



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