Saturday, September 28, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that most of you don’t know that I was away from the blogopsphere most all day yesterday because that damned Hurricane Helene knocked our power out for nearly fourteen hours; but we’re all good now!

… that most days I wake up and spin the Wheel of Attitude and it almost always lands on bitch.

… that once I uttered the phrase, ‘Man, this escape room is hard,’ and my boss said, ‘You’re at work.’

… that I’ve discovered I am at that age where I’m old to young people and young to old people.

… that my mind is like a steel trap that is rusted shut and being pulled around by a possum drunk on fermented apples.

… that once I touch my bed, chances are 90% that all my plans are cancelled.

… that at my age y’all need to stop asking me my likes and dislikes. I like money and food and I dislike not having money and food. Please don’t stress me out.

… that I identify as danger and my pronouns are try/me.

… that people don’t see that I don’t make mistakes, but instead create unexpected outcomes.

… that since our time on Earth is limited we should not be “aging with grace,” but age with mischief, audacity and a good story to tell.


  1. I'm with you on the last one, if only I had the energy.
    And the commuting distance from where the hurricane landed and where you live might be???

  2. I do like that Try/Me! And glad you survived Helene, she had quite a wallop!

  3. aussieguy8:53 AM

    Amen to the last one!

  4. Though I didn't realize you two were in the danger zone, it's good to know you're okay. The Wheel of Attitude and ‘Man, this escape room is hard,’ are my favorites. I don't know how you come up with these, but I've often thought you need to turn your Why's into a book, maybe a daily calendar of sayings.

  5. You know, there not a single thing wrong about any of that --- except losing the power for 14 hours. Glad to hear you and Carlos are safe and sound, and hoping you sustained zero damage.

  6. Hey, I've got one of those possums drunk on fermented apples too!


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