Monday, September 30, 2024

GOP Dumpster Fire: Racists, Liars, Grifters and Some Good News

There’s an old saying about when someone shows you who they are, believe them; and when someone says something, openly and publicly, believe that, too, and not the spin machine that envelopes the liar afterwards.

Here are a few examples of liars, and morons, and weirdos showing us who they are …

The Felon, drawing howls of laughter and cheers from hundreds of cultists at a rally in Wisconsin calling Kamala Harris ‘mentally disabled.’

I wonder what it says bout him since this ALLEGED mentally disabled person kicked his ass in the debate so badly that he won’t even try it again.

At a recent campaign stop in the suburbs of St. Louis, reporters asked GOP Senator and January 6th Winner of the Chicken Run, Josh Hawley to list his top three accomplishments that make him worthy of re-election and he said:

“We got new housing for our soldiers in Fort Leonard Wood.”

Fact: Joshie did not secure the Fort Leonard Wood funding. In fact, he voted against military construction budgets multiple times.

The money came from President Biden.

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction, says he is very close to his goal of putting a Bible in “every school” to both combat “woke” curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure students have access to an incredible “historical document” groom children.

He is spending wasting $6 million dollars that could be better spent in any number of other, better ways.

JD Vance, AKA Sofa Loren, told a gaggle of flowers that he wished “the American media was half as interested in the stress on the local schools, the stress on the hospitals, and unaffordable housing as they are in debunking a story lie that he started about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats.

Then came the admission that he is a liar:

“Did you ever think about listening to people speak their truth instead of listening to some bureaucrat and assuming that everything they tell you is true?”

Sorry, couchfvcker, we don’t believe a word you say.

During an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s cross-country circus, has-been TV actress Roseanne Barr insisted that “they”—as always, it’s never quite clear who “they” are, but one assumes given the context she means Democrats—“eat babies,” and “love the taste of human flesh, and they drink human blood” and then added:

“That is not bullshit! It’s true!”

Carlson, who really does know better, treated the insane comments as valid because he still has Fox Lies on the brain.

Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, The Felon—polling worse among female voters than Kamala Harris—specifically addressed women during his remarks:

“I always thought women liked me. I never thought I had a problem. But the fake news keeps saying women don’t like me—I don’t believe it.”

He then said women are poorer, less healthy, and “more stressed and depressed and unhappy” than they were four years ago. Oh, and he forgot to mention that they also no longer have the right to make their own healthcare choices cuz he did that, and he’s proud of it.

Florida school districts have been told that they cannot teach teenagers about contraception, show them pictures depicting human reproductive anatomy or discuss topics such as sexual consent and domestic violence.

And now, Orange County Public Schools will scrap its own high school sex education plans and instead use a state-approved textbook that focuses on abstinence.


Lindsey Graham, licking The Felon’s ass again, claiming he “didn’t do anything with Mark Robinson.”

Well, he didn’t do anything other than praise Robinson many times, even calling him a better man than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and appear at rallies with him.

Oh Miss Lindsey.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is claiming the Democratic Party spent “tens of millions of dollars to defame” him.

This from a man who collects roadkill, chainsaws whale heads and ties them to the roof of his car, leaves dead bear cubs in Central Park, denies that he barbecued and ate a dog, confessed to having a brain worm, admitted to dozens of adulterous affairs, and claims that all vaccines are “inherently dangerous.”

Yeah, the Democrats make you look crazy.

The campaign of Republican Derrick Anderson, a former Army Green Beret who is running in a competitive race for an open seat in Virginia’s Seventh District, has posted footage of him posing with his wife and three daughters in what looks like a photo for a holiday card. In another photo, filmed for potential use in a campaign ad, Anderson is seated around the dining room table with the same woman and three girls, chatting and smiling.

Truth is the woman is not his wife, the girls are not his  daughters; they are the wife and children of a longtime friend. Anderson, who announced this month that he was engaged, does not have any children of his own.

So, he lies …

I know you may have heard this, but it bears repeating: this past week JD Vance, AKA Sofa Loren, went into a grocery store, held up a carton of eggs and told us all that a dozen eggs costs $4.00 now, thanks to Joe and Kamala … and not to the greed of corporations.

Funny, though, that JD’s team didn’t check the sign behind him that said a dozen eggs was $2.99 and didn’t point out to him that he was holding two dozen eggs not one dozen.

Perhaps if Vance has spent less time have carnal relations with the furniture he might have paid better attention in math class.

Georgia GOP Governor Brian Kemp will no longer back North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark “Black Nazi” Robinson after the Atlanta Journal-Constitution obtained photos of a Robinson fundraiser that Kemp attended. Kemp’s spokesman Cody Hall now says:

“The governor attended the fundraiser as Vice Chair of the Republican Governors Association and will not be offering further support to the Robinson campaign.”

Some North Carolina Republicans, however, are stupid and sticking with Robinson, like GOP Senator Ted Budd who, though he called the allegations “very disturbing,” says:

“I’m going to always vote for Republicans because we have the best platform.”

The Black Nazi Platform?

After the National Fraternal Order of Police backed a felon for president, Police Leaders for Community Safety leaders have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Police Leaders for Community Safety was created in 2024 as a non-partisan 501(c)4, and describes itself as an organization that represents dozens of police officials; members of the group’s leadership include David Mahoney, retired Dane County, Wisconsin sheriff and past president of the National Sheriffs’ Association, and Cynthia Herriott, former chief of the Rochester Police Department.

Mike McDonnell, a Nebraska Republican state lawmaker, says he remains opposed to switching how the state allocates its electoral votes, a blow to The Felon and his allies, who are seeking the change in a bid for an extra electoral vote this fall. McDonnell said:

“After deep consideration, it is clear to me that right now, 43 days from Election Day, is not the moment to make this change.”

State lawmakers told the Nebraska Examiner last week that they estimated that the change had the support of 30 or 31 state senators, meaning they remained two to three votes short and Mike McDonnell is one of those two votes.

Country over party, Mike; thank you.

Three more Republicans are crossing the aisle to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the White House.

Former Kansas Senator Nancy Kassebaum, former Kansas state senator and Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger, and Deanell Reece Tacha, a retired federal judge, condemned the current state of the GOP in a statement shared with Fox News Digital:

“This election presents a stark choice that is not easy for any of us. The Republican Party of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bob Dole, Frank Carlson, Jan Meyers, and generations of Kansas leaders does not exist within the current Republican Party.”

Keep note that other than Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. there aren’t Democrats coming out for The Felon.

Down in Texas, a federal judge just struck down a provision of sweeping anti-voter law S.B. 1 that restricted crucial get-out-the-vote efforts in that state.

This is a win for voting rights in Texas, and for the organizations that help keep elections accessible.

Remember, this is a party that promises but never delivers, a party of demented old men, and mascara-wearing RuPaul wannabes who hate women, the  LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, education and members of our military.

We don't need that so ...


  1. I am so glad I moved out of Florida.

    1. Heavens knows, the weather isn't the only negative about that state.

  2. I made sure to wear my fireproof shield for the post this week and a good thing!!!! That picture of Kennedy is really starting to give me nightmares Bob.

    I also just read where the Dump put his foot in his mouth about the victims of the Hurricane Helene disaster now. As in "We are with you every step of the way." Is he planning on sending extra paper towels this time?

  3. His rally halls keep getting smaller and his tiny crowds keep walking out, and to compensate he's growing more and more extreme, and members of his party echo him. This is how they die.

  4. I remember Roseanne Barr, and it is very disappointing to read her opinions. What a disgusting person.

    Florida's abstinence teaching will be as effective as Nancy's 'Just say no', campaign.

  5. Pregnant girls will be all over Florida's schools . . . until they drop out, while the boys will be fine and face no consequences. That's what happens when the schools teach abstinence. Ronald Reagan and Bob Dole wouldn't recognize the Republican party today. They'd be appalled by it.


  6. The bs that is spewed by the group of mentally deranged ass-lickers have ceased to amaze me. I really hope Walz uses the couch-fuckers words verbatim against him in tomorrow's VP debate.


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