Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. mother keeps putzy's jewels under a tight lock-n-key.

  2. Well, you're asking the Devil's Butler to know about lady parts. How dare you?


  3. Just a thought, but isn't spreading disease and death a bit more invasive than a nose swab?

  4. Someone should give him a transvaginal ultrasound.

  5. Unless it is a male consultant recommending that you have an ultrasound for whatever medical reason, no man should have any input into what goes on in a woman's vagina.

    After all women don't demand that men have their penises inspected to ensure that they are up to snuff! Women have better things to do with their lives.

  6. @AM
    I think she carries them on a keychain.

    Yes.way too much.

    True dat!

    But it's more important to control a woman's body.

    I like your style!

    I kinda wish women would rule and then start telling men what they can do with they bodies and their healthcare.
    Sorry, no Viagra for you!

  7. Bet if those swabs were coming out of his boss's ass he wouldn't have a problem.

  8. I loved it when Kamala asked Kavanaugh if he could think of any laws by which women could mandate how a man's body should be treated - and he couldn't answer!


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