Quote Of The Day: Bryan Fischer
Bryan Fischer, one of the homophobes and haters at the American Family Association [AFA], on Elena Kagan maybe being a :::gasp::: lesbian:
"One qualification for public office is personal character, and nothing speaks to character more than the choices one makes when it comes to sexual conduct. Bill Clinton convinced an entire generation of America's youth that oral sex isn't really sex, and as a result we've seen an explosion among millenials in cancers of the throat and head caused by the HPV virus, which is spread through oral-genital contact. It's time we got over the myth that what a public servant does in his private life is of no consequence. We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility, especially when that individual could become one of nine votes in an out of control oligarchy that constantly usurps constitutional prerogatives to unethically and illegally legislate for 300 million Americans. The stakes are too high. Social conservatives must rise up as one and say no lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Will they?"Hey Bryan? You moron. Why must you equate the "sexual conduct" of gay men and women as somethjing immoral? You don't liek having sex with men, then don't do it? It isn't sexual conduct, it's sex.And, all I can say is Wow about Bill Vlinton and the power he wields. I mean, he says oral sex isn't sex and suddenly everyone's doin' it? I mean, no one ever had a blowjob before?> Or gave a blowjob before? Or, um, you know, went down....there? Seriously? People have been giving one another the pleasures of oral sex since, well, probably, Adam and Eve. And Adam and Steve. And Madam and Eve.But it's that last line that gets me. "[N]o lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court"? So, no matter her education, experience, talents, the simple fact that she might be....MIGHT BE....gay automatically disqualifies her for the job?And you say you aren't haters and homophobes?If it quacks like a homophobic fucktard..........
errr what is blow job???
ReplyDeleteDoes it pay well?!
And the more galling part. A vaccine against HPV has been available for some time but God Fearing folks won't vaccinate their children because they fear it will lead to promiscuity.
ReplyDeleteIs that fucked up or what? Put it this way, I ever have kids they're getting vaccinated for all of it.
he's f**ked up
ReplyDeleteThey always look so gay...why is that?
ReplyDeleteWhat a twatwad. Aside from everything you wrote, what about this: "...an out of control oligarchy that constantly usurps constitutional prerogatives to unethically and illegally legislate for 300 million Americans." What? That's just retarded.