Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just For Giggles: Catty Patty Cake

I saw this earlier today, over at EllEmEllEmBee, or LMLMB, or Love Me Love My Blog, and I knew I would steal it!
Thanks Twunty!


  1. Yer welcome. Now. What exactly is a Patty cake? Someone tell me, PLEASE. Till then, I am just going to assume that it's what you eat after a Labelle concert.

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    This is beyond adorable. I love the voice overs matching up with the action!

  3. I'm late for work, but I have to watch it one more time. How they were able to get it spot-on, is a wonder. Thanks for posting and getting my day off to a good start.

  4. I am still laughing out loud, literally.

  5. I'm still laughing. And I had to steal it as well.


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