Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024 GOP Dumpster Fire: Racists, Liars, Grifters and Some Good News, But First ...

… an announcement:

I will be away for the week tending to the closing of my father’s estate. There are some pre-planned posts and I hope to be able to comment on your blogs, but we’ll see how smoothly this goes.

I should be back at my desk by November 4.

Oh, and I did this before leaving; have you voted yet?

There’s an old saying about when someone shows you who they are, believe them; and when someone says something, openly and publicly, believe that, too, and not the spin machine that envelopes the liar afterwards.

Here are a few examples of liars, and morons, and weirdos showing us who they are …

Mark Robinson, North Carolina GOP candidate for governor, suggested that people who can’t take care of their children should be sterilized in a series of social media posts from 2014 through 2019:

“If you need a court order to tell you to take care of your children, then you probably need an operation to make sure you don’t have any more. I said this once and I’m saying it again; A weak-minded, muddle-headed negro, ALWAYS thinks he and ‘his people’ are victims.”


The Felon spewing lies that FEMA was spent on illegal migrants:

“Many of them are murderers. Many of them are drug dealers. Many of them come out of mental institutions and insane asylums, and many of them are terrorists. And [Democrats] spend money to bring these people into our country and they don’t have money to take care of the people from North Carolina and other states.”

Of note, standing with The Felon was GOP North Carolina Representative Chuck Edwards who had denounced the lies about FEMA and relief workers.

If you thought JD Vance was gonna work hard for y’all if elected, think again.

Since becoming The Felon’s vice-presidential running mate in July Sofa Lorne hasn’t cast a single vote in Congress. He literally stopped working for his constituents the minute he kissed the, um, ring.

And while the 42 votes he missed were mostly to confirm federal appointees they also included measures to expand the child tax credit, create a right to in-vitro fertilization, and to extend government funding and avoid a partial government shutdown.

In addition, from April until June, Vance missed 22% of all votes and has never seen one of his sponsored bills passed by Congress. He has been in Congress since January 2023 and barely worked for those who voted for him.

Do we need someone like that a heartbeat away?

The Felon, once again pushing the most ridiculous lie:

“You know, in Washington, I don’t know if you ever noticed that you got Department of Education, Department of Education. You got half the buildings are Department of Education. I never saw—you don’t need any of them. You know, I want one person and the secretary to just make sure they’re teaching English. Okay. Give a little English. Okay. I say reading, writing, and arithmetic. No transgender, no operations. You know they take your kid. There are some places your boy leaves the school, comes back a girl. Okay. Without parental consent … Could you imagine without parental consent? At first, what I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No. It happens! It happens in areas where it happens. We’re not going to let it happen, but we are going to straighten out a lot.”

Oh, well, it happens in areas where it happens and yet this slobbering gelatinous bag of feces can’t name one child, one school, one case.

Tim Sheehy, GOP former Navy SEAL running for Senate in Montana, has said he was discharged from the military for medical reasons due to injuries he sustained on duty, but his discharge paperwork tells a different story.

Huh? What? How? He lied? Again.

The heavily redacted, two-page document obtained by NBC News indicates that Sheehy voluntarily resigned his commission and does not list any medical condition that forced him out of uniform.

This is another in a long line of lies by Tim Sheehy … like when he said he was shot in Afghanistan, which never happened … and when he claimed he was impoverished before starting a business even though his wealth was listed at $400K.

Lies. The GOP way.

Governor Gogo Boots, who begged people to vote for him for President last year, is now begging people not to write his name in when they vote as a misguided protest vote.

Does he really think, given his handling of two hurricanes in his state, that anyone would right his name in?

Weird AF.

The Felon’s national security advisor and QAnon nutbag Kash Patel, who is currently hawking $90 “COVID detox” pills, on that Felon is Hitler story:

“If they want to call him Hitler and try to print out more disinformation. I guess that’s all they got, because Kamala Harris could have brought home the hostages right now in Israel from a war she started with $7 billion she gave to Iran and she hasn’t brought home any of them. She started two more world wars.”

Kamala Harris started two world wars??? Where? When??? How???

In April 2020, Vanessa Guillén, an Army private, was bludgeoned to death and then her body burned by a fellow soldier and his girlfriend at Fort Hood, Texas. After her body was discovered The Felon invited the Guillén family to the White House and made this promise:

“If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that. I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.”

In December 2020, The Felon asked for an update and was told that the funeral cost was $60,000, and he shrieked:

“It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican! Don’t pay it! Can you believe it? Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”

Anyone surprised that a draft dodging sociopath would say such a thing?

At a recent Unhinged Rally, The Felon boasted that his supporters had “no idea” what he did in the White House before launching into a nonsensical claim:

“I stopped wars with France. France. You know the France story? They were gonna charge us, think of this, 25% to all Amer—I have to protect American companies whether we like ’em or not, some of ’em I didn’t even like. They say McDonald’s was one of the most viewed things that they ever had. Can you believe, McDonald’s?”

A word salad from stopping wars … plural … with one of our allies, to McDonald’s.

Seriously Demented.

In Arizona, this week The Felon said America is “like a garbage can” for the rest of the world because of its border policies:

“They unleashed an army of migrant gangs waging a campaign of violence. We’re a dumping ground. We’re like a garbage can for the world.”

Fact: border crossings are at the lowest levels since Biden took office in 2021. In September, Border Patrol agents made fewer than 54,000 apprehensions of immigrants trying to cross the US, the fewest since August 2020, when The Felon was still in the White House.

The Felon always claims to hire only the best people and one of those people is John Kelly who now says The Felon is a fascist; so how does Demenetd DonOLD respond:

“Thank you for your support against a total degenerate named John Kelly, who made up a story out of pure … hatred. This guy had two qualities, which don’t work well together. He was tough and dumb … Even though I shouldn’t be wasting my time with him, I always feel it’s necessary to hit back in pursuit of THE TRUTH. John Kelly is a LOWLIFE, and a bad General, whose advice in the White House I no longer sought, and told him to MOVE ON!”

Only the best people until they realize who The Felon truly is, and then they leave their jobs and speak the truth and, to quote from a military film, he can’t handle the truth!

But then, how to explain that more than a dozen former Felon administration officials have come out in support of former chief of staff John Kelly?

In a new letter, shared exclusively with POLITICO, the former officials stated:

“The revelations General Kelly brought forward are disturbing and shocking. But because we know [The Felon] and have worked for and alongside him, we were sadly not surprised by what General Kelly had to say. We applaud General Kelly for highlighting in stark details the danger of a second [Felon] term. Like General Kelly, we did not take the decision to come forward lightly. Everyone should heed General Kelly’s warning.”

I guess that’s a dozen more people who were the best people for the job until they spoke out against a fascist.

The five men who comprise the Central Park Five, and now call themselves the Exonerated Five, have filed a lawsuit against The Felon for defamation in connection with his remarks during the presidential debate where The Felon said that the five men—Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise—pleaded guilty when they were tried in connection with the assault and rape of a woman who had been running in Central Park on April 19, 1989, and that the victim died.

In reality, all five men pleaded not guilty and the victim of the attack survived. And years later DNA evidence linked another man, a serial rapist, to the attack.

But to The Felon these five Black men should have been put to death and, in his mind, are still guilty.

Kamala Harris has a sweeping lead over The Felon—among voters who have already cast their ballots; Harris leads by 63%-34%, close to 2-1, among those who have already voted. One in five voters volunteered that “abortion rights/women’s rights” were their most important issue, second only to the economy/inflation.

The Dallas Morning News  has endorsed Democrat Colin Allred over Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz in the coming election saying:

“Ted Cruz had the opportunity to support a step toward a solution with the bipartisan Lankford-Sinema bill that would have provided massive resources for border security. He refused, calling the bill a ‘steaming pile of crap.’ Allred worked in favor of it, recognizing it as an imperfect but necessary step forward. Cruz could have supported the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to help rebuild our country … but [he] refused. In the House, Allred joined with Republicans and Democrats in voting yes. Cruz could have supported the peaceful transfer of power in the 2020 presidential election … [but] … instead was the first senator to rise in objection to certifying the electoral vote and one of just six to do so. His actions were a catalyst for what became one of the worst days in our nation’s history."

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful day to see both The Felon and Fled Cruz lose?

Remember, the GOP is a party that promises but never delivers, a party of demented old men, and mascara-wearing RuPaul wannabes who hate women, the  LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, education and members of our military.

We don't need that, so ... 


  1. We voted over the weekend.

    If the department of education were to set standards for learning English, HWSNBNed is failing to meet those standards.

  2. I voted already - Blue all the way.
    Best of luck with the work on your Father's estate. It's a lot to get through and hope it goes smoothly for you.


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