Monday, October 07, 2024

GOP Dumpster Fire: Racists, Liars, Grifters and Some Good News

There’s an old saying about when someone shows you who they are, believe them; and when someone says something, openly and publicly, believe that, too, and not the spin machine that envelopes the liar afterwards.

Here are a few examples of liars, and morons, and weirdos showing us who they are …

The Felon visited North Carolina last week and took questions from supporters, telling them that the federal response to the storm had been “rotten” and “terrible.” GOP Representative from Florida, Anna Paulina Luna moderated the event and told the crowd that federal authorities have “intentionally not helped out residents” because “it’s red communities impacted.”

Ten days ago #ThisBitch was among the 87 House Republicans who voted against a stopgap funding bill to keep the government running which included funding FEMA.

Remember, every GOP accusation is an admission.

The Felon was reportedly caught on tape saying vile thing s about Helen Comperatore, the widow of Corey Comperatore  who was actually shot and killed a Felon rally, into a source of amusement for his uber-wealthy dinner guests:

“So they’re going to get millions of dollars but the woman, the wife, this beautiful woman, I handed her the check—we handed her the check—and she said, ‘This is so nice, and I appreciate it, but I’d much rather have my husband.’ Now I know some of the women in this room wouldn’t say the same. At least four couples here would have been thrilled, actually.”

F*cking pig.

JD Vance AKA Sofa Loren AKA Lying POS tried to distort his own position on abortion at the debate last week saying  he “never supported a national ban.”

In the past, this Lying POS has said that he “certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally” and was “sympathetic” to the view that a national ban was needed to stop women from going to another state to get an abortion.

His lips move, he lies.

The Felon has vowed to revoke Temporary Protected Status for the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, and deport them if he is reelected in November.

“You have to remove the people, and you have to bring them back to their own country. They are, in my opinion, it’s not legal. Absolutely. I’d revoke it, and I’d bring them back to their country.”

Temporary Protected Status means these immigrants are here legally.

It was a substantive and mostly civil debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz who showcased the difference between the two parties on immigration, abortion and foreign policy. But no issue made clearer the size and stakes of the country’s current political divide than when Lying POS refused to concede that The Felon lost the 2020 election, saying:

“Tim, I’m focused on the future.”

Walz replied:

“That is a damning nonanswer.”

Then Lying POS actually uttered the line that The Felon “peacefully gave over power on January the 20th.”

I guess he skipped right over January 6.

Once again proving he’s anti-military, the draft dodging, bone spur riddled Felon actually referred to brain injuries more than 100 U.S. troops sustained in an Iranian attack on a base in Iraq as "headaches":

"What does injured mean? You mean because they had a headache? Because the bombs never hit the fort?"

He has no business being Commander-in-Chief.

The Felon has openly admitted that he “hated” to pay his workers overtime at his organization and would in fact fire those who were due overtime pay:

“I know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime; I hated it. I’d get other—I shouldn’t say this—but I’d get other people in. I wouldn’t pay.”

He has built his ego and his so-called empire of screwing over his employees.

The Felon has called for “one real rough, nasty” and “violent day” of police retaliation in order to eradicate crime “immediately”:

“One rough hour—and I mean real rough—the word will get out and it will end immediately, you know? It will end immediately.”

Yes, the bloated gasbag of lies said he can end crime in the entire country in one hour.

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair, Republican James Comer, who couldn’t get any real dirt on Hunter and no dirt at all on Joe, now says he has information relating to Tim Walz and a vague alleged connection to the Chinese Communist Party.

Comer said in a letter accompanying the subpoena—issued on the day before the VP debate—that his committee received whistleblower disclosures about “serious concern among Department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel regarding a longstanding connection between” Walz and China.

Vague, and stupid; kinda like James Comer.

The Felon, on Kellyanne Conway’s Fox Nation show:

“We’re going to move education back to the states where they can run their educational programs, and they’ll do great. And you take states like Iowa and Idaho and so many, they’ll have great education. Right now, you have mostly transgender. Everything’s transgender. Some of these school programs I looked at the other night, they’re destroying our country. So education is exciting.”

Yes, again Demented DonOLD thinks schools are doing gender reassignment surgeries in the cafeteria.

At a recent campaign event in Whitehall, Montana, the GOP US Senate candidate Tim Sheehy told voters that when he set up the aerial firefighting company through which he made his fortune, he and his wife were living “below the poverty line.”

But in his own memoir that he ALLEGEDLY wrote, Sheehy says:

“So, we had amassed a nest egg of close to $300,000. I also had some money that my parents had been putting away for me since I was a kid. All told, we had roughly $400,000 to allocate toward building a business and establishing a new life.”

The poverty level is $400,000 in this buffoon’s America.

You may remember that Sheehy was previously busted for lying about a gunshot wound that was actually accidentally self-inflicted. Since then, Sheehy has given no interviews to local or national press and his election events are now “closed affairs,” no media invited.

Sheehy is hiding something, like his lies.

Y’all remember that Oklahoma school Superintendent Ryan Walters wanted to buy Bibles for all state schools, but according to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.

A salesperson at Mardel Christian & Education searched, and though they carry 2,900 Bibles, none fit the parameters except for one: Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. Bible, endorsed by the Felon. They cost $60 each online, with The Felon receiving fees for his endorsement.

A bipartisan forum in a small Latah County, Idaho community took a turn when GOP Senate incumbent Dan Foreman stormed out of the event, following a racist outburst directed at an Indigenous candidate.

It all began when Foreman was asked if discrimination existed in Idaho, and he said ‘No.’ Trish Carter-Goodheart, the Democratic candidate for House Seat A and member of the Nez Perce tribe, pushed back on that idea, pointing to her own experience and the history of white supremacy groups in Northern Idaho.

Foreman responded using an expletive to criticize what he cast as the liberal bent of his response but according to people present at the forum, he then told Carter-Goodheart:

“I’m so sick and tired of this liberal b*llsh*t! Why don’t you go back to where you came from?!”

Sounds like Idaho does have a problem with discrimination and it’s in the GOP.

Support among North Carolina Republicans for their candidate for governor, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, has dropped by 20 percentage points, and now, among all voters polled, Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein now has a 17-point lead.

In a previous poll, Robinson had the vote of 83% of Republicans but that support has dropped to 63% … which is still too high.

This past week Mexico inaugurated its first woman president, Claudia Sheinbaum, a climate scientist who is facing surging violence, a major constitutional reform and maintaining a key relationship with the U.S as our top trading partner; $807 billion worth of goods were exchanged both ways last year and Mexico has been a critical ally in stemming migration to the U.S.

Under a Sheinbaum presidency, the U.S. will likely see continued cooperation on migration, including massive efforts from the Mexican government to detain migrants at its border with Guatemala and elsewhere in the country before people head to the U.S but that cooperation could shift if The Felon is elected in November.

You know what that means …

Judge Robert McBurney, in Georgia’s Fulton County, struck down the state’s six-week abortion ban last week, allowing the procedure to resume and making it legal up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. GOP Governor Brian Kemp signed the bill into law in 2019 but didn’t take effect until July 2022 after it faced a legal challenge and the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

McBurney wrote in his ruling that a review of “of our higher courts’ interpretations of ‘liberty’ demonstrates that liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”

Simple, common sense … letting women make their own healthcare choices.

US job growth accelerated much more than anticipated last month, providing further reassurance for the ongoing stability of the labor market.

Employers added an estimated 254,000 jobs in September, a higher tally than August’s monthly total—which was upwardly revised to 159,000—and blows economists’ expectations for a 140,000-job gain out of the water.

The Federal Reserve, now keenly focused on protecting the labor market as high inflation appears to have been tamed, is closely scrutinizing employment data for any signs of weakness.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former GOP Representative Liz Cheney appeared in Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican party, as Cheney endorsed Harris for the presidency and spoke of her love for country and the need to stop The Felon. As she spoke, the crowd, at several times, broke into chants of:

“Thank you, Liz! Thank you, Liz!”

Cheney’s eyes visibly welled with tears; with the exception of Adam Kinzinger, Cheney was the sole Republican fighting for Democracy in the wake of The Felon’s incited riot on January 6. I have often said that I don’t agree with Cheney on anything … except this one thing, so I will join that chorus:

Thank you, Liz!

Remember, the GOP is a party that promises but never delivers, a party of demented old men, and mascara-wearing RuPaul wannabes who hate women, the  LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, education and members of our military.

We don't need that so ... 


  1. "Why don’t you go back to where you came from?!” said Dan Foreman but he was speaking to a native American! In North America, Trish Carter-Goodheart is always exactly where she came from! Maybe arrogant Dan Foreman should get back to Lake Forest, Illinois to write a deposition about why he thinks it is okay to have seven children in an already overcrowded world. Two should be the maximum.

  2. What a fire today!!!! Like you, I don't see eye to eye on Liz with everything. But she has guts, balls and know right from evil and does the right thing a politician should do.... but her book was Brillant....and an eye opener to what went on in that party... politicians should work hand in hand like her and Harris are doing. there is nothing wrong with that. Yet they get ripped out by their party just like Obama and Christie did when they worked together to swiftly get relief to us in Bucks County and Nj when Hurricane Sandy hit. That is what politics and politicians should be doing to help and support We The People.

    And beware of Anna Paulina Luna. She is going to be the next evil harpie right behind Margorie Wine -Ass Green as the GOP Evil Bitch poster child. They need to get her out of office now before she is ensconced too long. They people in the hurricane riddled area need to wake up and come to their senses....because they are only hurting themselves by reelecting these people...dumb asses...and the dump and other want to get rid of Fema as it is. You don't need a very IQ to see they want to strip anything that makes any kind of sense.

  3. Cleora Borealis10:23 AM

    I get tired of so-called journalists who defend their so-called reporting on the GTrumpP by whining "we can't spend all our time fact-checking and de-bunking!" As a result, they wind up sanewashing the bullshit! I'm not asking them to fact-check the lies...the lies ARE the story!! Every time the lies are not in the headline, they are burying the lede!! 🤬🤬


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