Tuesday, May 03, 2022


I’ll keep this brief …

If the leaked document from SCOTUS is true, and if the Supreme Court is et to overturn Roe v Wade, then the old white men have won.

The old white men who want to own a woman’s body and tell her what she can and cannot do with her own healthcare choices.

The old white men who think rape or incest is a proper way to bring a child into the world. This will punish the victim, while the rapist will go free.

The old white men who do not think that men, who impregnate women, have any responsibility whatsoever. Where’s the call for child support from the moment of conception; where’s the call for garnishing wages of men who get women pregnant and then walk off to the next uterus. Where is the old white man outrage at men who make babies and then do nothing to support those babies?

Women will be the property of men in regard to their bodies. Women who seek an abortion will be criminalized while the men will be celebrated and regaled for spreading their seed wherever they go.

It’s quite simple: this will not end abortion, it will end safe and legal abortion; women will still find a way to get an abortion, but the cost of that may be their own lives.

If you don’t want an abortion, don’t get one. But don’t tell someone else what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

If this does not spur Democrats to flood the polling booths in November and vote out every single Republican who thinks women cannot think for themselves and make their own choices, I don’t know what will do that.



  1. Lots of discussion about this on JMG and talk of ramifications on same sex marriage and sodomy laws. Also recall this from mayor Pete:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKOoWYfIzIw

    P.S. Have you changed something on your comment settings? I have to go through hoops to be able to comment; I am unable to type into the comment section without reloading the blog post, sometimes a few times...maybe it's me.

    1. Pete, as always, nailed it.
      The commenting business has changed a little on blogger, though all I did was have the commenting section open differently. I haven't heard of anyone else having issues though.

  2. Oh, I feel you.
    LIVID. That's how I have been ever since the leak dropped. I cannot believe that people have been so fucking complacent about actually electing people who are not going to hurt this country. The apathy, the sense of entitlement. The privilege. Hillary warned us all of what could happen. And the idiots did not pay attention. Ugh.
    So pissed off right now.




    2. One thing that might be good is that this will rile up women, and men who support women, and stand for their rights to choose, to vote this year. And vote Blue no matter who.
      Oh, and Susan Collins is "upset" that two nominees to the court mislead her? Fuck all the way off.

  3. We were talking about this earlier today at the village coffee morning. Men and women all were agreed that a woman had the right to make decisions about her own body (average age of participants in the discussion 75+). We are lucky that we don't have to worry about losing the right to abortion which is available free on the NHS. There is no need to state why you want an abortion and why would you have to? Just as a man has a right to decide what happens to his body, so should a woman.

    1. I want men to be held financially responsible from conception through to adulthood. And if men are so busy sticking their dicks in everywhere, then perhaps the government should get involved in their healthcare choices and sterilize every one of them.

    2. Kinda makes sense, no?

    3. Or just cut their fucking dicks off!!!!!!!

    4. Another good idea!!!

  4. This was entirely foreseeable as soon as the majority of appointed justices on the US Supreme Court shifted from progressive to right-wing. This is why it matters who is in government to do the appointing. So you're right -- all progressives and other non-right-wing voters need to show up at the polls and vote for a decent government even if it's not the particular candidate they'd prefer. The long US slide into fascism must be stopped or you are all bloody doomed.

    1. You gotta vote or this court will only make things worse for anyone who isn't white and male and ALLEGEDLY "christian."

  5. Conservatives now have a horrific problem on their hands thanks to this leak. This is a sucker punch to a very centrist America, and America is pissed. And it's not just the 'old white men,' it's the crazy Christians who believe God gave them Donald Trump so they could pack the court in order to do this. Unfortunately, these people will never learn. The only thing we can do is to minimalize them until their mythology dies.

    1. It's old white men who have been running this country for centuries and set the tone that only straight white conservative "chirstian" men can make the rules and no one else's opinion matters.

    2. I too agree that America is pissed, but I shouldn't be surprised like Deb said. It's yet just another issue along with free or more affordable healthcare, minimums wage, strong gun control checks and permits, affordable education, and affordable meds...that neither party has yet to deliver on. It's been said from Hillary and others this would happen, and the last dem president didn't addressed the abortion topic.

    3. Hillary was too divisive, even for Democrats so they stayed home, and look what happened.
      We need to realize that we have to vote like our lives depend on it, because they actually do.

  6. Did you hear us all the way over there?

    1. I don't think I heard anything other than my own shrieking and cursing.

  7. God bless you Bob. Time to get rid of those fucking old white men millionaires who think it's their innate right to rule the world!

    1. Vote them all out. Anyone who stands against equality needs to be gone. It's 2022 and we have taken a huge step back!

  8. Pat Lark3:26 PM

    All we can do is vote them out.
    What women can do with unwanted pregnancies they are forced to carry to term? At the birth, name any one of the white asshats who voted for banning abortions on the birth certificate as the father. Then leave the kid as their responsibility to raise and care for.

  9. Anonymous4:04 PM

    There is a reason she will always be known as Justice Coathanger Barrett.

  10. Astonishing to find ourselves here. I remember in
    1973 when it passed.
    xoxo :-)

    1. It does feel strange to take a giant step back to fifty years ago, but that's the GOP.

  11. "Life begins at birth, with the first breath"

    Mind you that is from Gen:2:7. Has anyone told the Christian wackos or conservatives?????

    1. Nice to see you Maddie! Hope you're doing well!
      Those so-called "christians" pick and choose the parts of the Bible that suit their narrative, and ignore the parts that don't.

  12. Gobsmacked. Time for the revolution to begin. VOTE. And... eat the rich. No more OLD WHITE MEN!

  13. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Thank you for writing this, Bob. It is ever increasingly frightening the hold that the far right has on the United States, even when the majority of Americans don't support them. Alito's draft has so much wrong with it and points to what is so very wrong with SCOTUS in its current makeup. I wrote a bit about this for my blog today: https://closetprofessor.blogspot.com/2022/05/civil-rights-in-jeopardy.html.

    1. It's a scary time, but maybe it's the scare the Democrats need to stand up and do something.

  14. Dark skies above America indeed. Trump's Supreme Court engineering is bearing the rotten fruit he dreamt of. I am so glad that in England abortion remains freely available to all women who seek it. The hypocrites who claim to be "Pro-Life" do not care a fig for the dying babies of Africa or Yemen or India or Myanmar or Mexico.

  15. I will say abortion is not for me but I will also say I never put myself in a situation that would call for it. I would think that with all the advances and birth control options no one should be in that position. People need to take a step back and realize that they may be making a child if they do not practice safe sex. What about being a responsible adult and accepting the decision you made. Why should a baby pay for their mistakes. Bring the child into the world and place them for adoption. There are many that want a child and can't have one. They would not only save their child but give a couple a family and a lifetime of love and joy,


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