And, as a gay man, you should be celebrating the fact that these two men want to raise a child together and not spend time speculating on the reasons why.
Maybe they just want to be parents.
Dan Savage, on GOProud:

Nicely put, as usual, from Dan Savage.
GOProud seems to exist merely to placate the LGBT community in relation tot he GOP, but I don't think we need placating, we need equality.
Anthony Verdugo, founder of Florida's Christian Family Coalition, on the DADT repeal:

Where to begin?
Um, gay men and women want to serve in the military, risking their lives, so they can have sex with other men and women?
Um, they can do that anywhere.
Gay men and women want to serve their country for the same reasons that straight men and women do, and it has nothing to do with sex.
Reichen Lehmkuhl, of the 'reality' show The A List, responding to the editor of Next Magazine, who says that each "cringe-worthy" episode of the Logo show probably canceled out 100 'It Gets Better' videos":

Oh, to be a D-list pseudo celebrity who takes umbrage at being called a vapid queen when, if you've seen five minutes of the show, you realize he is a vain, vapid, egotistical, self-indulgent, gym rat, glamor boy wannabe
Vapid is just the first step.
"Conservationists write me these nasty letters because I support an industry like this. They write me these nasty letters using their pretty little pencils on their pretty little stationery not realizing. Where do you think your pencil and your piece of paper came from, people? It came from a tree that was harvested."
Mama Grizzly Bore, on her 'reality' show, talking about conservation, as she chainsawed a tree:

Okay, MGB, I guess by your logic, oil spills are okay because we drive cars, and so we shouldn't complain.
Maybe, just maybe, if you pull your self-involved head out of your self-involved ass, you might realize that conservationists are just looking at different ways to do things other than destroying our environment.
Seriously, MGB, you are the dumbest human being ever.
"It's an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that. It's an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office. What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons. Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.'"
Newly elected Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie, on Birthers:

While I appreciate his efforts, no one, and I mean no one, is going to convince anyone who thinks Obama wasn't born in this country that was he was born here.
Stupid goes all the way to the bone.
Richard Chamberlain, on gay male actors staying closeted:
Hmm, Dick? May I call you Dick, because you're talking like a dick.
The reason there is still such homophobia in this country is because gay men and women are in the closet.
That ignorance of what gay men and women are is what feeds the homophobia and the fear.
Better that we all come out and show the world that we are just like everyone else--only a wee bit more fabulous!