Saturday, November 16, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that getting offended by something posted on the internet is like choosing to step in dog poop instead of walking around it.

… that while I have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, I am also deaf in one ear.

… that I look into the fridge for a snack only to find there are no snack worthy snacks so I lower my snackspectations and eat a single slice of cheese and that one grape.

… that I often wonder what happened to the people who asked me for directions.

… that I refuse to clean up any rumors out there about me unless it’s the one where people say I’m out there eating coleslaw because that is a bridge too far!

… that my boss hates it when I say “I’m ready to call it a day” right after I clock in.

… that no one gets it that the I in my name stands for I don’t care. And before you say there is no I in my name, I will say it’s there, and it’s silent.

… that I just realized that next week has been exhausting.

… that only I know my body isn’t a temple, it’s a haunted house that needs a lot of work and makes mysterious creaking sounds, and contains the spirit of a creepy old lady that’s always mad about something.

… that I sleep like this: Blanket on, too hot; blanket off, too cold; one leg out, perfect.


  1. When did you stop eating coleslaw in public?

    1. I probably should have mentioned my loathing of cole slaw on your Sunday 5 post!

  2. Exactly right about the blanket!

    1. I was surprised how many people do that, too!

  3. The dog poop? The internet is worse.

    1. But you don't have to scrape the internet off your shoe.

  4. Cleora Borealis10:32 AM

    🤨 Nope! I never lower my snackspectations! If there ain't anything good, I ain't snackin'! That'll teach me!! 🤪

  5. For the third one, shouldn't "each" be "eat"? Never mind - only a few of us can be perfect.

    1. Yes, it should, and I will blame Spell-Check and not my pudgy digits!

  6. Hey, I LIKE coleslaw! LOL!

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    the dog's mother
    "haunted house"!!!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Sometimes it feels that way!

  8. aussieguy12:33 PM

    Heck, some days I don't even want to walk from the parking lot to my job!

  9. I bet I can guess what is on the shoulder of your hearing ear. :)
    Many years ago, I had a boss that would show up at my desk when the rest of the team was on EDO. He'd spend most of the day there talking while I tried to work. Eventually, I'd get tired of his chatter and say, "Would you please go home? I'll give you a head start before I leave too." He frequently took me up on it.

    1. You sound like me with my boss!!

  10. OMG, next week? Is it going to be worst than THIS week????? *sigh* xoxo

  11. Did you time travel to find out next week is exhausting and did you get the lotto numbers while you were there?

  12. Had someone call me a f@g on Facebook today because he was offended by the truth I was posting politically

    I was very tempted to confirm he was kinda correct about how I feel about 🐓

  13. The i in your name had me going!

    1. It's a subtle pronunciation!


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