Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1



  1. I can think of one person he ought to shoot - the man who caused this mess in the first place. I bet even Pennies from Heaven could have managed the coronavirus better than the Trumposaur.

    And just think how much better off the world would have been if social workers in the late 1940s have taken the Trumpelstiltskin children away from the monster Fred and his money grubbing wife and put them into loving homes where they could have grown up normal.

  2. @helen - dump's mother should have swallowed, taken it up the ass, or aborted all her pregnancies. the world would be a better place.


  3. Don't give him any suggestions. He just might if he loses.

  4. The man committed criminal negligence.
    All because he's deep in debt and is afraid of prison.
    I despise him.


  5. Nice one, George. I love the stuff that comes outta his mouth! As for the orange ogre... had he not lied... had he not kept it to himself... had he only done the best effort we could have summoned... had he convinced his followers that this was to be taken seriously... had he not turned this into his version of politics as usual... Ah... how we love to speculate.

  6. @TDM
    He's a murderer, plain and simple.

    I don't know if Pence would have been any better. He's as vile as _____, but hides it a little better.

    I have to scrape those images off my brain!!!

    I wouldn't put it past him!~


    Woulda, coulda, shoulda, except he doesn't care!

  7. And he'd proud of it, too.


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