Monday, December 09, 2024

Be Like MacKenzie Scott ... Cuz It's Pisses Off Elonia Musk

I laugh at Elon Musk because, while he’s super-rich he has never created anything; he has just copied someone else’s homework, or bought it, and then passed it off as his . And that’s why I love it when he gets schooled … like this:

In a post on X—the social media platform he did not design or build but bought and slapped an X onto—that he has since deleted he cagily mentioned MacKenzie Scott, former spouse of Amazon Asshat Jeff Bezos:

“Super-rich ex-wives who hate their former spouse [should be listed among] reasons that Western Civilization died.”

In response, MacKenzie Scott spoke softly and carried her big wallet and announced that she is donating $640 million to 361 different charitable organizations this year, well more than twice the $250 million she pledged to give away last year. The open call for applications initially planned for 250 awards of $1 million each but according to Yield Giving, the foundation Scott created:

In light of the incredible work of these organizations, as judged by their peers and external panelists, the donor team decided to expand the awardee pool and the award amount.

The 279 organizations in the top tier of scores received $2 million each and the 82 organizations in the next tier received $1 million each.

This year’s awards bring Scott’s total lifetime philanthropic giving over the past five years to approximately $17.2 billion, close to half the $36 billion in Amazon stock she received in her divorce settlement.


And this is what MacKenzie Scott had to say about her wealth in 2019:

In addition to whatever assets life has nurtured in me, I have a disproportionate amount of money to share. My approach to philanthropy will continue to be thoughtful. It will take time and effort and care. But I won’t wait. And I will keep at it until the safe is empty.

Good for her, because how she elects to spend her money is up to her—though I’m sure Elon subscribes to the “your bank account, my choice” bull shit: I mean wonder how Elon would respond if anyone, and god forbid a woman, were to tell him how to spend his money.

Now, perhaps Elon disagrees with her  approach, or with some of the organizations chosen to receive donations, and that’s his right, as it is his right to express how he feels. But then Elon also said this at one point:

“Constantly seek criticism. A well-thought-out critique of what you’re doing is as valuable as gold.”

But “super-rich ex-wives blah blah blah” is not a well-thought-out critique; it’s more of a butt hurt man whimpering about a woman with money which may be why Scott didn’t respond. Instead of dwelling on negative emotions from some asshat who, again, has never built anything and offers up no good deeds with his coins ever, Scott knows she cannot control Musk though she can control her response.

Which clearly was not just to stay the course and keep on donating and donating, but to literally double down on her donations, not in response to Elon because he is not worthy of it, but because she believes in what she’s doing, and in the work of the organizations her foundation chose to fund.

“And I will keep at it until the safe is empty.”

In a world of Elon Musks, whose business venture he did not create, but bought and watched them explode on the highways or catch fire in the driveways or implode of the internet, be a MacKenzie Scott.


  1. A great slogan for many, especially the filthy rich: Be a MacKenzie Scott.

    1. Much better than being a Leon Skum.

  2. She is such a good person and example of someone who has so much money and does good with it. If all these billionaire and such did the same, just think of the crisis that could be whipped out?

    And I swear much like the dump, Elonia Muck is so odd looking. I saw a shirtless picture of him over the weekend. It isn't pretty...a pasty white blob of goo. The dump should have fun suckling from those flabby titties. And the funny part, the dump becomes like one of his mistress's. He blows Musk and gets paid!

    Anyways bless Mackenzie Scott and her caring heart.

    1. And she will always be very very wealthy but still using her money to do some good work, unless her husband and Leon Skum building rockets to make up for the shortcomings in their pants!

  3. Musk will never understand, he was a balding douchebag with money who thinks he can buy the fame and fortune he could never earn on his own.

    1. He's a pathetic excuse for a human being.

  4. A billion should be enough to assure her a good life, and the rest will improve the lives of a few million people.

    1. No matter how much she gives away she will always be very wealthy but, still, she does good things with her wealth and not just to stroke a fragile ego.

  5. Instinctively, I have always been suspicious of Muskrat. I just don't like the guy and his apparent closeness to the president-in-waiting makes him even more irksome. In contrast, I applaud MacKenzie Scott's jaw-dropping philanthropy.

    1. She's a wonderful human being, while Leon Skum is a petulant child.

  6. Funny, I was just responding to another blogger that a donation few million dollars would have no impact on a billionaire. MacKenzie Scott blows that out comment out of the water. Good on her.
    As for the Skum, I hope he and IQ45 have a falling out and soon.

    1. She's doing good things with her wealth and that's a rarity among the wealthy men who think their bank accounts define them.

  7. Quality human beings like Mackenzie Scott reveal men like Bezos and Musk to be the asswipes they are.

    1. Well said! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  8. I bet the Muskrat has never given a penny to charity.

    1. I think you're right because if he did he'd be shouting it from the rooftops.

  9. She is an incredibly good soul. So glad she's donating now vs a lot of these billionaires who have trusts set up for when they die. Just wish she was an animal lover of any sort. None of the donations evidently have gone to shelters, etc., which are doing so horribly right now across the country.

    1. I don't know if she's done any kind of animal charity donations; did you check out her website? The link is in the post.

  10. Cleora Borealis11:30 AM

    🤨 Hmm...the richest (in dollars and nothing else, like happiness love, or human personality) man in the world showed up uninvited at Notre Dame Cathedral. They found him a seat several rows back. He wormed his way into some meetings, but he got snubbed a lot...especially by the President he bought and paid for. This sad man bought power, but is very much on the sidelines of real human activity. I can guarantee when MacKenzie shows up, she is invited, noticed, welcomed, hugged, thanked, and is warmed by her place in the universe. Her money brings something that Musk's never will. Smiles!! 🥰

    1. Leon Skum is a pitiful little man thinking his bank account is all that matters.
      He'll never be a MacKenzie Scott.

  11. Good for MacKenzie Scott.
    Musk seems to get everywhere, like a bad smell.

    1. You've defined him perfectly! 👃🏼👃🏼👃🏼

  12. Anonymous12:45 PM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

    1. I find her amazing and so much of a better human than her ex and Leon Skum.

  13. I think Scott's approach to wealth is exactly the right one. After all, we can't take it with us. Generosity wins every time.

    1. Yes it does! And just the mere fact that her donating millions and millions to charity upsets tiny Little Leon Skum makes the donations even sweeter.

  14. Anonymous4:02 PM

    MacKenzie Scott has what is called noblesse oblige with honor, something Musk and others of his ilk despise.
    Blessings for her and others like her, as for Musk and his ilk….

    1. Yup, she'll reap the rewards and kindness and grace while Bezos and Musk look like spoiled little men with tiny penises and giant egos.

  15. MacKenzie Scott has more class and integrity than any of those "men" will ever, or rather , could ever possess! It seems that her criteria for receiving a grant is simply, "Is the group doing good work?" This world needs more MacKenzies, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. It's really that simple for her. A shame Leon and Bezos can't figure that out.

  16. Musk donated to a worthless cause: trump. What a waste of money. I thought he pledged back in 2016 to finance his own campaigns but he sure loves to con idiots out of their money, whether they are wealthy or barely able to pay the bills.


    1. Liars donating to liars. They'll each get exactly what they deserve from their arrangement.

  17. They really are an incomparable pair with one being generous and conducting herself with grace, and the other.....

    1. Yes, the other. 💩💩💩💩

  18. I wonder if she still gets proceeds or dividends or financial gain from Amazon. If so I will feel less guilty ordering from Amazon, not that we buy that much anyhow.

    1. I won't ever order from Amazon because I don't want Bezos getting even a penny from me.

  19. Scott is a class act. Can't help it, but Bezos sure traded down!

    1. I think you're exactly right!

  20. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Elmo IS a parasite.
    All that money and he reeks of pettiness and immaturity. What a waste of space.



    1. He is a vile human being with a tiny dick and a giant ego who thinks his is the only opinion that matters.
      He'' crash and burn like his cars and his social media platform.

  21. I'm picturing Mackenzie Scott diving into huge pools of money like Scrooge McDuck, while she contemplates who next to give some away to.

    1. As soon as she received the money in her settlement she announced she'd be giving it all away and has kept true to her word.


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