Thursday, October 05, 2023


Thank you for all the kind words about the passing of Ozzo, AKA The Pocket Dog. It really broke my heart to let him go—and hit Carlos very hard—but there was the idea of quality of life versus quantity, and we finally felt that his good life, and the good life he was us, was more important than the number of years.

Still, that little round ball of love is going to be missed something fierce.

This Tuxedo Memory is from October 2011 and is all about the real love between BFFs Tuxedo and MaxGoldberg.

Caturday: Snuggle Buddies

MaxGoldberg and Tuxedo

Their whole lives together they were buddies and it’s a wonderful thing to relive, especially this past week.

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler, president of the pro-choice women’s political action committee EMILY’s List, to replace recently deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein in the US Senate,.

A woman of color, Butler will also be   the first out LGBTQ+ person to serve as California’s senator and that sound you here is MAGAt heads exploding everywhere.

It appears that as her husband faces his ninety-one indictments, Melanie AKA Mrs. Inmate # P01135809 has “quietly” renegotiated her prenuptial agreement with her criminal husband.

Her “team” says Melanie is “most concerned about maintaining and increasing a substantial trust for their son, Barron” but the new agreement also provides Melania with money and property … cuz that’s her main concern.

I am thinking of going as Helen Lawson from Valley of the Dolls for Halloween so when people answer their doors, I can say:

“They drummed you out of Hollywood, so you come crawling back to Broadway. But Broadway doesn't go for booze and dope. Now get out of my way, I've got a man waiting for me.”

“The only hit that comes out of a Helen Lawson show is Helen Lawson, and that’s me, baby, remember?”

I’ve been driving Carlos crazy practicing my inner Helen …

Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl has sought to discredit a New York judge’s ruling threatening his “empire” by arguing that Mar-Illegal alone is worth more than a billion dollars.

But, um, Demented Donald, please to explain why just three years ago, your tax representative told Palm Beach County officials it was worth just $26.6 million?

That’s quite an increase in 36 months …

In another desperate attempt to keep Catholic from fleeing their bigoted criminal church, Pope Francis suggested that some Catholic priests could bless same-sex unions. But then  he also said the Church only recognizes marriages only between “a man and a woman” who are “naturally open to procreation” so, yeah, lying hypocritical bigot.

Oh, and those of you heterosexuals who marry but don’t want children, it kind of sounds like the Pope doesn’t like you either. Pedophiles and Nazis are okay, though.

And we’ll finish up with The Girls … Consuelo Roca Jones and Miss Rosita, who have both been mourning the loss of Ozzo this week. We cleaned up the sunroom where Ozzo lived these past months and opened both French doors to the living room, but it took several days before wither one of the cats would cross the threshold into Ozzo’s old room; nearly every day they sat right on the line and looked at the room wondering where that black dog had gone.

It was sweet and heartbreaking.

Jaden Goetz, Canadian hockey player, model and actor and the latest member into the Would You Hit It sweepstakes …


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Big hugs to both of you!)
    xoxo :-)

  2. Cats and dogs and love. Heartwarming and heartbreaking... but still heartwarming. Jason Goetz ... Um, towel... water... underwear... shower... tub... Uh... what was the question?

    1. The pets and Jaden made it a special Thursday!

    2. Oh, yeah, Jaden, not Jason. I don’t know WHERE my brain was.

    3. I KNOW where your brain was, and that's okay!

  3. The film, the Gold Digger of Mar-a-Lago, can be produced PDQ once ole fat orange face is inside. That woman deserves NO sympathy; she has allowed her son to be brought up in close proximity to a rapist, a liar and bankrupt, not a good influence on a growing boy.

    1. I don't necessarily believe Melanie knew what she was getting into, but once there, she knew, and stayed, so she gets everything coming to her.

  4. Cleora Borealis11:23 AM

    McHenry, Acting Squeaker of the House, jokes are just too easy!! "The Mouse That Roared!" His biographical novel: "If You Give A Mouse The House..." "Of Mice and McCarthy" And then there's the whole Pee Wee Herman look-alike genre of humor! Tequila!

    1. Oh that's some good stuff right there! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  5. All Republicans are smaller than they think they are. Jaden's a yes. Conservative Catholics will kill the church rather than change. I did see where Melania wants to open her own Dry-cleaning service.

    1. Smaller in every which way, indeed.

  6. Awwww
    *hugs* Ozzo was awesome.

    And that photo of Petty Patrick is the GOP in a nutshell. Yes.
    It's also a YES for Jaden because damn!

    Gavin Newson has done fantastic things in CA. Is he perfect? No, (he was married to the piece Donald Junior is banging, so there's that) but he's been doing very awesome things.


    1. Ozzo was a giant of a tiny dog.
      Patrick suffers from LMS ... Little Man Syndrome.
      I might like a roll in the hay with Jaden AND Gavin!

  7. Good day dear!!
    A few thoughts:
    *I bet a cracker that Melania is just as deranged as P01135809. I have heard scuttlebutt that she is brainwashed and they are like two peas in a pod. I don't know the legalities of transferring of assets and on-going court cases but I believe they may have money set aside for her and Barron. Sort of break glass moment. There may even be a divorce for protection of monies. Because Ms. Letitia is coming for it all.
    *Animals can be just like brothers and sisters. They fight and snap at each other BUT you come for one you come for all. The Girls know. They are in mourning.
    *Homophobe Patrick needs to to find a tailor for those pants and secure the correct pair of SHOES to accessorize. I bet I could find him a pair of SHOES that are just as comfortable as those damn sneakers.
    *I would love to snuggle with Jaden. I would prefer it even more if he would put down the razor.
    Welcome Back!!

    1. Melanie never lay back and put her heels to Jesus unless there were coins coming her way.
      Rosie and Consuelo are slowly coming together, which is nice.
      Patrick refuses to concede that his inseam is 24 inches.

  8. I'm not commenting on anything other than that lovely puppy and those cats. I always had a little soft spot for Ozzo. Be on the lookout for a little letter in the mail.

    Okay maybe I will comment on Jaden. Of course I would tap that and then he could tap me and then I can tap him and then he could tap me..

    I loved that this post was Heavy with cats and dogs though!!!!❤💋❤💋❤💋❤💋

    1. Thanks, Maddie, you are too kind.
      Jaden is worth a comment or two, as well!

  9. That Mar-a-Lago meme made me laugh!

    1. Cuz it's true ... and now a Florida Democrat in Congress is urging the state to collect taxes on Mar-Illegal and at the Inmate's inflated value of $1B! Lord knows that criminal doesn't have the coins to pay those taxes, he can't even pay his lawyers!

  10. You'll have to ensure your fellow guests at the party are of a similar age to you or older because I doubt younger people would have a clue who Helen Lawson was.

    We seem to have similar property inflation as has occurred to the victim of property inflation in Florida.

    1. That's one reason to go as Helen: school the public!

  11. I wonder why McHenry wears bow ties? They make him look like a ****! Mind you, he probably is one. He made George W. Bush look like The Colossus of Rhodes.

    1. Um, Carlos wears bowties and he looks adorable ... but then he's not a tiny little prick of a man like McHenry!

  12. Ms. Inmate, that only matters if he actually has anything when it is all over. No guarantee that the banks don't own it all.

    1. I imagine he's hiding assets, though is it from Melanie or the government?

  13. The only thing more stupid than IQ45 are the idiots who believe every word he says.
    As for Melania - I do wonder how she expects to get money and property, if there isn't anything.
    I do so like the sound of MAGAt heads exploding.

  14. OMG! The Helen Lawson costume! That's one of my FAVORITE MOVIES!!!


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