Friday, June 22, 2018

These Reminded Me Of Someone ...

... and so I just had to but them from the Japanese Garden Gift Shop in Portland. They're used to hold Soy Sauce for sushi, or dipping sauces, but they just seemed so familiar!


  1. If you try using them as cat food and water dishes there'd probably be a lot of back arching and tail fluffing going on, but enough about Carlos!

  2. They're ADORABLE! I know HRH would approve.

  3. But does poor Ozzo feel left out, or did you convince him one of the plates look like him?

    And did he fall for it?

  4. Tuxedo! I LOVE these. I would have bought them in a heartbeat.

  5. @MM
    I haven't shown them to Ozzo yet. He's still a bit fragile after being left home with three cats for over a week!

  6. I have a friend who would love these


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