Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. And yet the mind boggles with such proof and evidence hos followers still don't care, and he gets away with more. Sad dark times what the US has become.

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Robert Hyde, who is a congressional candidate (anyone surprised he is a republicon)and other _____sycophants and thuglicans exchanged a series of text messages that are chilling to the core. Reading _____'s suggestion to "Take her out"is, in most people's understanding, an implicit threat to ones life. This from the cockroach infesting the White House!

    This article from CNN describes the discussions in frightening detail.


    Ambassador Yovanovitch is still among us and displayed her patriotism and courage to testify in _____'s impeachment inquiry. She displays traits that the republicants could and would never understand under this corrupt and depraved administration. She is one of many heroes being attacked to the shame of the country.


  3. If they do nothing to Cheeto this country is f*cked. Really
    So much EVIDENCE of delinquency.
    It’ll give the repugs permission to do as they please.


  4. Lev... flipped really easy


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