Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. If they were smart . They wouldn't return to New York then.

    I said smart. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I hope they get it.

  2. Should be an interesting
    new year!!
    xoxo :-)

  3. I gather that Blonde first Barbie and her Ken are buying a $350,000,000 house in Florida cos Florida has a law that prevents seizure of a home, no matter how expensive. Florida has some very odd laws, because a couple with 3 kids don't need a mansion; they could do with a 3 bed semi-detached - now that would be a blow to their egos!

  4. I'm waiting for the moment that wretched family is all out of the White House. I hope they throw the book at them. If only for example.


  5. Ah, yes, the state level... isn't that simply wonderful.

  6. #1, me too. I'm hoping to watch the trials on television.

  7. NY will get 'em! LOCK THEM UP!

  8. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Next post down the line---Relieve bill is being held up because the Republicans what a stipulation that workers can't hold the business liable because they made them work and they died/sick because of COVID...That should tell you everything...I have been on a tear about this for weeks...


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