Phelps did acknowledge that, after being raised by such a man as Fred Phelps, he feels the need for atonement, and the need to work out his feelings about his upbringing. These days, as part of what he calls his atonement, he speaks on the subject of his family and his father's religion at both secularist and gay conventions. In fact, earlier this year he returned to Topeka, Kansas, to speak at a gay rally, a move that "put him at the centre of his father’s hate campaign".
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
This Apple Fell Far From That Tree
Phelps did acknowledge that, after being raised by such a man as Fred Phelps, he feels the need for atonement, and the need to work out his feelings about his upbringing. These days, as part of what he calls his atonement, he speaks on the subject of his family and his father's religion at both secularist and gay conventions. In fact, earlier this year he returned to Topeka, Kansas, to speak at a gay rally, a move that "put him at the centre of his father’s hate campaign".
NOM Is Going On Tour
It's As If We Don't Exist
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
We Aren't ALWAYS Right
It's Her Name, But She Has To Pay To Use It
Monday, June 28, 2010
Design Star: Symphonic Design Or Just Plain Noise
This week the Designers met Mini-Me-Vern on top of Donald Trump's head, or one of his hotel towers or something. Sidenote: what is it with all these shows going to the rooftops of buildings these days? Are they hoping one of the contestants, in a fit of inadequacy will fling themselves to their death?
Anyway...on this rooftop, there are musicians playing, and Vern tells the Designtestants that their challenge will be to create an outdoor space using musical instruments as their inspiration. And, because the men have six designers, and the women are down to four, he allows the women to pick one of the men to be on their team.
Michael is the obvious choice, though, Tom is the hottest choice. Alex keeps muttering Don't pick me but I don't think he has anything to worry about; he doesn't come off as an asset to either team.
Courtland, as the winner of the last challenge, picks first:
He goes mellow cello, while Dan gets all guitar-y. Tom goes sexy sax New York, and Michael picks the loooong instrument that slides through your fingers...go figure. Alex says he's an island boy....Staten Island?....and must have the congos, while Emily finds the dumb-ditty-dumb tuba somewhat inspiring. Casey opts for the xylophone because it's twinkly or something--this will be the last time we see Casey during the show as she is, for some reason, given the Invisible Edit. Nina gets the French Horn because she's a bitch; I know that doesn't make sense but she is a bitch, while Trent Of The Big Hat picks the keyboards, and Stacey picks the tiny loud trumpet.
The Designs Of The Women..........and Dan:
What more could I possibly want?
Courtland sees the cello as relaxing and warm and thinks of venetian plaster and Sedona, Arizona. So, he picks the orange-iest of oranges and slaps it on the walls, and, to him, that says cello.
Michael, still thinking of sliding his fingers along the instrument while blowing it.....seriously....creates an art piece that shows off the slide, and a musical note, and a light bulb that goes off at the end in some sort of orgasmic explosion. Really.
Alex wanted a bamboo wicker daybed because it looked like congos, but the men battled endlessly to get that bitch.....not Nina, the daybed....into the elevator, to no avail; so the day bed was nixed, and Tom and Alex worked together to build a daybed. Tom. Tight shirt. Sex, er, sax. Daybed. I forgot what I was doing.
Alex! Yeah! He recreates the curve of the congo and throws around some cushions that are blue like the congos. Alex is a literal designer. I think if you said to him that you wanted a green space he's plant a lawn on Mars.
Trent of the Big Hat finds his piano inspiration in a black grill because it looks like a piano and whenever there's a piano and music there's a grill. I know this is true, because every time I go to the symphony, we take the grill to tailgate in the parking lot.
Tom Brock: Self-Loathing-Homosexual Number 45,387.....Or Something Like That
Henry And Bob Get Married. Finally.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Forty-One Years Ago Today
The weekend of June 27-29,1969 began what is the modern day gay movement. To be sure, there were gay and lesbian activists before that weekend, but the confrontation between police and demonstrators at the Stonewall Inn in New York lit a fire in the hearts of the LGBT community like it had never been done before.And like any good story, there is controversy surrounding the Stonewall Riots; there are arguments and differences over what happened, how it started and how it ended. But the fact we all need to remember is that it did happen, and it should continue to be a rallying cry for the LGBT community to be, finally, considered equal in the eyes of America.
It was Friday, June 27, 1969, and the world was mourning the death of Judy Garland. Could it be that the death of one of the most famous gay icons was what sparked the fire of the modern day Gay Rights Movement? Many people have speculated that Garland's death did indeed push the gay community into the streets of New York that night. But it was also hot, that night, and many say it was the heat that fueled the crowd into action, into reaction. Maybe it was both Garland's death and the hot summer night; or maybe it was just that the gay community had finally had enough of being told what to do, what not to do, and how we should live our lives. Whatever the reason, it was enough. Finally, enough.
In the early morning hours of June 28, police officers raided the Stonewall Inn, a small bar located on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village. Although mafia-run, the Stonewall, like other predominantly gay bars in the city, got raided by the police periodically.Typically, the more "deviant" patrons--drag queens and butch lesbians, especially if they were black--were arrested and taken away, while white, male customers looked on or quietly disappeared. The bar owners would be levied an insubstantial fine--a sign of corruption and collusion between bar owners and police--allowing them to open for business the following day.
On this night, the charge at the Stonewall was the illegal sale of alcohol. The raid began as they always did: plainclothes and uniformed police officers entered the bar, arrested the employees, and began ejecting the customers one by one onto the street. For some reason, however, the crowd that had gathered outside the Stonewall, a somewhat campy and festive crowd, began to cheer as the patrons were pushed out of the Stonewall Inn. But soon the mood changed; it was Judy Garland's death, or the summer heat, or the fact that the summer of 1969 was a particularly busy one for police raids on gay bars. Or maybe it was watching drag queens and lesbians being pushed and shoved and kicked into paddy wagons.Whatever it was, the on-lookers lost their patience. No one really knows who threw the first punch; some say it was a drag queen, some say it was a rather butch-looking lesbian. But someone defied the police that night; someone had finally had enough.
The crowd, now numbering several hundred, exploded. People began hurling coins at police officers, then they moved on to rocks and bottles, whatever they could grab. The police, at first stunned that the normally docile and shamed homosexuals would react in such a fashion, soon began beating the crowds with nightsticks. This group, however,was too angry, and could not be pushed down; the police officers were forced to take refuge inside the Stonewall.
As news spread throughout Greenwich Village the crowd grew ever larger; many residents, some gay, some not, ran down to the Stonewall Inn to join the fight. Lighter fluid was squirted inside the bar and someone tried to light it; others grabbed a downed parking meter and used it as a battering ram against the front of the Stonewall. Someone began chanting "Gay Power!"
The riot-control police unit arrived to rescue the trapped officers and break up the demonstration, though it took over an hour before the crowd dispersed. To taunt their attackers a group of drag queens began to sing at the top of their lungs:
We are the Stonewall girls
We wear our hair in curls
We wear no underwear
We show our pubic hair
We wear our dungarees
Above our nelly knees!
That first Stonewall Riot ended the morning of Saturday, June 28, but the fight was far from over. That night a second riot broke out and the crowd now numbered in the thousands, filling the streets in the name of Gay Pride. They marched to the Stonewall Inn and waited for the police to arrive; and they did, in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 29.
For over a week, though in smaller numbers, protests and demonstrations continued in Greenwich Village. There was finally a sense of what could be accomplished by banding together, by being out, by being seen, by being heard. By being angry. It was a new day.
A month after the riots, the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was formed. Radical and leftist, the GLF was one of many politically focused lesbian and gay organizations formed in the days and weeks following the riots. The number of lesbian and gay publications skyrocketed as well, which led to an even greater sense of community. The LGBT community was no longer strictly marginalized in United States society. Now, out and proud lesbians and gay men were developing their own communities in cities across the country.Since 1970, marches have taken place in New York City--and all over hte world--every year on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. In June 1994, hundreds of thousands of people converged on New York to celebrate Stonewall's 25th anniversary. In 1999 the United States government proclaimed the Stonewall Inn a national historic site. The following year, the status of the Stonewall was improved to "historic landmark," a designation held by only a small percentage of historical sites.
It is our Plymouth Rock. It's where the gay community landed and came together and began the march toward equality. Stonewall was our first glimpse of a new world where we weren't alone, we weren't all that different, where we belonged.
It makes no difference how it started. The death of an icon; the summer heat; a sense of frustration. It makes no difference who started it; drag queens or lesbians; coin tossers or rock throwers. The difference is that it happened.
Forty-one years ago today.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I Ain't One To Gossip, But....
Does no one remember that her first "album" sold an embarrassing 600 copies in its first week of release? Does anyone remember how many people went rushing to emergency rooms all across this great land with bleeding and shattered eardrums?
It seems the UK finance minister George Osborne has announced that the royal budget will remain frozen at 7.9 million pounds--roughly $11,796,284.22 American dollars--for the coming year and that he will "propose a new means of consolidated support for her majesty for the future at a later date."
Smack to Liz because, just last month, royal officials asked for a funding increase.
But, ALLEGEDLY, Buckingham Palace--and by Buckingham Palace, I Mean the Queen and her4 court--have agreed with Osborne's announcements saying that the decision to freeze the amount was "mutual."
Oops. More Lindsanity news.
According to legal documents, Lindsay Lohan was under the influence of cocaine during that 2007 chase on the Pacific Coast Highway. No! I don't believe it!But the pee don't lie. Her urine sample ALLEGEDLY detected two different types of coke!
Lawyers for the plaintiff, Tracie Rice--the passenger suing La Lohan for chasing her down the Pacific Coast Highway during her drunken joy ride--want the judge to tell the jury about the findings. And if the judge does not inform the jury of Lindsay's test, the lawyers request that Lindsay should not be allowed to deny that she ingested or had the drug on her.
For her part, Lindsay refuses to talk about that night. perhaps because she was so high at the time she has no recollection.
Just sayin'.
And, ALLEGEDLY, Tracie Rice's lawyers also want Lindsay barred from telling the jury she's broke. As we understand it, Rice's lawyer is concerned that the jury might get soft and stingy with awarding damages to her client. She is requesting that the judge "exclude all testimony about Lindsay Lohan not having money or currently being poor or in debt."
Poor Lindsay.
Telling the world that you're a drug whore.
A broke-ass drug whore.
Oh. Wait.
We already knew that.
Poor Tori Spelling.
Every time she opens her mouth--not to eat, mind you, girl never eats--the stupid falls out.
While promoting her new, er, "book," Uncharted TerriTORI--okay, lets stop for a moment.....that business of incorporating your name into every, er, "book" title is getting old, unless the next book is My Career Is HisTORI--Spelling announced on Ryan Seacrest's radio show that all of her former Beverly Hills, 90210 co-stars hate her.Tori:
"All my cast members hate me. People say, 'Do you mean during 90210?' I say, 'No, we were great friends during 90210. We were friends after 90210.' They all came to my first wedding. All of a sudden I marry Dean, and I don't know what happened. I lost all my cast members."
Hmmm, maybe it's me, but when you refer to your "friends" as "cast members" maybe that has something to do with it.
Try calling them "friends" fool.
I mean, I call my friends, supporting players, because they all understand that the show is about me, and they understand that we aren't friends when the show is up and running.
We are STAR and supporting players.
I never confuse the two, and you shouldn't either.
Hasbeen, though I think he's more of a never-was, because I don't know who he is, actor, Jeremy London has been talking to anyone who will listen about his ALLEGED kidnapping in Palm Springs where the kidnappers drove him around in his car, holding a gun to his head, and forcing him to do drugs before they just let him go.
He says: "It's been an absolute nightmare. This actually did happen to me. It was one of the worst days of my life… I thought I was going to die. Thank God I made it out alive."
But, sad to say, not everyone, and by everyone I include myself, is buying this story; even his twin brother, Jason, says: "We love Jeremy very, very much…but he's lost."
Jeremy, however, is sticking to his story, saying: "The worst part of this has been my family. We've had to put a cease and desist order on them and now I'm going to have to have a restraining order put on them. They went on TV and told a bunch of lies saying this [the kidnapping] never happened. I haven't seen them in six months… they have no idea what's going on."
Even Jeremy's wife, and drug mule, Melissa, has come forward and says that this kind of kidnapping-drug-party-joy-ride-at-gun-point stuff happens all the time: "Police told us this is the new thing to do down here… rob people at gunpoint and make them do drugs so they won't be reliable witnesses. It's happening more and more."
But, um, Melissa, the Palm Springs Police Department says: "We have not had a rash of them — they are not commonplace here in Palm Springs."
Sounds like Jeremy just wanted to get drugged and drive, and is now looking for excuses.
Mel Gibson has filed for a temporary restraining order against Oksana Grigorieva--the mother of his eighth child--along with a notice about a forthcoming court hearing as well as a notice of visitation rights and child custody.
Gibson and Oksana split in April after over a year of dating, and Oksana has since said: "We have split up, suddenly and recently... Unfortunately, I cannot give you the reason. But you will find out everything quite soon." Well, soon is here.
ALLEGEDLY Mel--the most Catholic man on the plant who divorced his wife, and mother of his first seven children, so he could date, and subsequently knock-up, his mistress, Oksana--is dating--and y'all know what I mean by dating--Polish porn star Violet Kowal.It's unclear if this new affair led to the break-up with his other mistress, just as it's unclear if his affair with the first mistress led to the break-up of his marriage.
What is clear is that Mel Gibson is an anti-Semite-homophobic-alcoholic-adulterer-asshat.