Monday, December 24, 2018

Around The House on Christmas Eve!

Welcome to Casa Bob y Carlos! Since we keep Christmas pretty much to ourselves, and the cats and dog, it's a nice calming, peace-filled time; plus, it doesn't hurt that we both have the week off, so, yeah, there's that, too.

But we do like a little decoration around the house, though we don’t go overboard like a lot of these Southerners who have trees in every room—seriously, the bathroom?—but we like shiny and pretty and quirky, too.

The Christmas table is ready, big balls, because we like big balls and we cannot lie.

And a quartet of some of our favorite ornaments … beginning with Latino Santa…our three Asian Wise men, huddled beneath a disco ball because, well, gay… a ‘Nice ‘one for Carlos—sadly, every single photo of the ‘Naughty’ one came out blurry, go figure … and lastly, my Christmas Wish …Peace.

The candles on the mantles have flickering lights that come on at 5PM and go off promptly at 10PM; sounds cheesy, but with curious cats, a live flame is a dangerous thing.

Some ornaments nestled in fake snow and ice, and a few ornaments decorating the windows between the living room and sunroom. The snowflakes are metal and very beautiful, but on the tree,  they get lost, so hanging them in the window is the next best thing.

My mother used to do something called Tole painting, and she painted all kinds of Santa’s and Mister and Missus Claus that we put around the house … it’s like she’s here every year.

And finally, who doesn’t have a reindeer on the kitchen table?

Just sayin’ ….

Merry Merry and Happy Happy!


  1. So much nicer than our "Charlie Brown" tree which is actually out in the courtyard. I used to like to decorate, but I think age has a way of reversing any and all effort/enjoyment ratios.

  2. I love your decor....especially that festive front door against the house!!! And I do have a small tree in the bathroom...I didn't show it though. I didn't want you all to think I'm nuts.

    HAPPY YULETIDE to you and Carlos

  3. fabulously festive!!!

    may 2019 be a joyous year full of impeachments!!


  4. Merry Christmas, Bob y Carlos! Thanks for the tour of your home and lovely decorations!

  5. You have Maddie's seal of approval! Well done! @Maddie- that nuts train has already left the station!

  6. Just gorgeous, Bob. All of your posts that include photos inside and outside your home are always so beautiful. You have a great eye for decorating. Wishing you, Carlos and the fur babies a Merry Christmas and Peace in the New Year.

  7. your mom's tole santas are FABU! such an inviting home you both have! feliz navidad a qui, bob y carlos y gatos y perro!

  8. Stay warm and cozy.
    Loves the decor.Smart
    about the cats!!!
    (Abby approves.)

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Carlos...May next year be even greater...It should because Mr. M is ready to drop the mic...The White House Administration should be given their one box to collect their things...Oh yes, frisk them on the way out...They have grifted (?) enough...

    PS--The house looks festive!

  10. Merry Christmas !!

  11. The tree's beautiful. You have more energy and taste than I do when it comes to decorating. And deer on the table? Simply marvelous!

  12. Merry Christmas to you both. What a beautiful home you have!
    JP c

  13. Merry Christmas to you and Carlos!

    I read your blog every day and look forward to your insights, humor, and snark. You have wonderful posts.

    Not so thrilled with the inside of the homes you showcase on Wednesdays, but that is just me. I don't like modern furniture and furnishings, and I wonder about the owners--surely they are not a senior citizen like I am (69) who has a problem with stairs.

    Please keep blogging--you are doing a great service!

    Thanks so much for entertaining and educating me every day.

  14. Your house and your house for Christmas looks beautiful! Your mother was very talented!


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