Saturday, September 28, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that most of you don’t know that I was away from the blogopsphere most all day yesterday because that damned Hurricane Helene knocked our power out for nearly fourteen hours; but we’re all good now!

… that most days I wake up and spin the Wheel of Attitude and it almost always lands on bitch.

… that once I uttered the phrase, ‘Man, this escape room is hard,’ and my boss said, ‘You’re at work.’

… that I’ve discovered I am at that age where I’m old to young people and young to old people.

… that my mind is like a steel trap that is rusted shut and being pulled around by a possum drunk on fermented apples.

… that once I touch my bed, chances are 90% that all my plans are cancelled.

… that at my age y’all need to stop asking me my likes and dislikes. I like money and food and I dislike not having money and food. Please don’t stress me out.

… that I identify as danger and my pronouns are try/me.

… that people don’t see that I don’t make mistakes, but instead create unexpected outcomes.

… that since our time on Earth is limited we should not be “aging with grace,” but age with mischief, audacity and a good story to tell.


  1. I'm with you on the last one, if only I had the energy.
    And the commuting distance from where the hurricane landed and where you live might be???

    1. Well, from where Helene made landfall to our town is about 440 miles, but it was such a huge powerful storm that brought high winds and quite a bit of rain to us, and took our power for quite a while.

  2. I do like that Try/Me! And glad you survived Helene, she had quite a wallop!

    1. I like try/ me, too, and while the power outage was frustrating, many many more people had it far worse, so I am thankful and grateful today.

  3. aussieguy8:53 AM

    Amen to the last one!

  4. Though I didn't realize you two were in the danger zone, it's good to know you're okay. The Wheel of Attitude and ‘Man, this escape room is hard,’ are my favorites. I don't know how you come up with these, but I've often thought you need to turn your Why's into a book, maybe a daily calendar of sayings.

    1. Helene was a big storm and those outer bands reached us and did their damage here; but we made out a lot better than many more people so we're feeling lucky.
      My Wheel of Attitude is stuck on bitch lately.

  5. You know, there not a single thing wrong about any of that --- except losing the power for 14 hours. Glad to hear you and Carlos are safe and sound, and hoping you sustained zero damage.

    1. We spent the morning clearing branches and leaves off the deck and dragging branches from the yard, but it's all good.
      I saw on the news whole towns in Florida wiped off the map and a small town up in North Carolina totally washed away in the rain. We're counting our blessings today.

    2. Good to hear....
      Yeah the Gulf coast of FL got hit hard. My siblings and I have a condo in St. Pete, the buildings and grounds sustained a lot of damage but no one was hurt. Blessings in disguise.

  6. Hey, I've got one of those possums drunk on fermented apples too!

    1. It makes for an interesting thought process.

  7. Another great trek down the "Why Is It ....?" Lane this lovely Saturday morning!
    Do enjoy your day everyone!!

    1. It is lovely here today, with clear blue skies and a nice breeze, so we feel good!

  8. Cleora Borealis10:54 AM

    😟 Well, I was worried yesterday 'cause I knew Helene was in your neighborhood. So happy for you guys to be doing OK! Why is it?...that some people who have spent a year and six figures recovering from last year's hurricane(s) look at Helene's historic damage and wanna know why "climate fanatics" keep screaming about their stupid hoax?! Just sayin'. 🤷‍♀️

    1. You can't fix stupid, and by stupid, I mean GOP!

  9. I do like that last one! And I laughed at the "escape room"!

    1. Work can feel like that at times!

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    the dog's mother
    So happy you are okay from the storm!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Yep, and we have a gorgeous day today!

  11. I always so enjoy these insights, and today is no exception. The last one, aging with mischief, audacity, and a good story to tell is something I, too, aspire to.
    Glad the impact of the hurricane was limited ot a power outage. It sounds like it was hell on wheels in many places.

    1. We were very lucky compared to places in Florida and Georgia and North Carolina!

  12. So glad you're safe and sound and ready to snark another day. Or is that bitch and moan? Whatever, you're good at it, Bobulah.

    1. I think I snark AND bitch AND moan!

  13. Now Sugah,
    Glad to hear that you are safe.
    For the last item, always have a good story to tell and, as the Sofa Loren (manipulative SOB) might say, don't let facts get in the way of a great story.

    Will Jay

    1. Yeah, power, er, electricity, anyway, is good.
      And I do have some stories ....

  14. That storm was enormous! Glad you’re OK. I finally got out of the escape room in 2011. I will never go back in. The last one: Words to live by.

    1. It wasn't so bad except being without power for so long; that's unusual around here. But it's a new glorious day so we are quite thankful for getting though it relatively unscathed!

  15. At my age, I love a good story to tell and I have quite a few. That doesn't mean other people think they're good stories, unfortunately. I'm glad your power is back on. Some people in Jacksonville don't have their power restored yet.


    1. Some people here are still without power, but we didn't get hit as hard as Florida, or Georgia or even North Carolina!

  16. I like money and food too, have enough of one but not nearly enough of the other. Did you survive the hurricane intact? No damage to your home?

    1. Just a lot of branches down in the yard, a bit of a mess to cleanup, but compared to other places we got off easy.

  17. Even though you often make yourself out to be the the most awkward, disinterested worker of all time, I expect that your colleagues view you as a bit of a teddy bear.

    1. A teddy bear with teeth, perhaps?


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