Thursday, September 26, 2024


Y’all know I’m a sucker for Dexter; I watched the first series—and it’s rerunning on Showtime as we speak and I’m watching it again—and I watched the actual series finale last year. But now I am hearing that a 10-episode all new original drama series, Dexter Original Sin, set in 1991 Miami will start this Fall. I cannot wait, but Carlos, on the other hand, said this to me:

“Should I be worried again about your obsession with Dexter?”

“Only if you see my buying heavy duty industrial strength plastic sheeting by the thousand-yard rolls and giant garbage bags.”

Just sayin’.

This Tuxedo memory is from November 2019 and is another episode of ‘Tuxedo Went To The Vet.’

'As I said last week, Tuxedo went to the vets about him licking the fur off his front leg. He was given some medication, and some wipes to clean the area. The wipes were easy, but the medication had to be given through a dropper orally, which meant holding Tuxedo down and shoving the dropper in his mouth and giving him the medication.

So, twice a day I would take a towel and wrap it around Tuxedo, exposing just his head and keeping his paws from grabbing at me, and then Carlos would force the medication into his mouth. After the first dose, as soon as he saw the towel, Tuxedo knew what was coming; he didn’t run, but he wrapped his front paws around my neck and tried to climb me to get away. It was quite the struggle, but we finished his round of antibiotics the other day.

And I will give Tuxedo props for not holding a grudge; as soon as he had the meds, he got a treat, and then would crawl into my lap and go to sleep.

He really is a good boy … and thrilled to be “off the dropper.’

Man, that was a chore; that was one strong cat.

Tim Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, has accelerated his preparations for his debate with admitted lair and couchfvcker,  JD Vance, by holding in policy sessions and mock debates in his home state and on the road.

Walz’s team has enlisted Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to play Vance in debate rehearsals; my question is: how did Pete dumb himself down, and fill his head full of nonsensical rants, to play JD?

This is how my mind works: what if umbrellas were meant to be called brellas but the person who invented them hesitated?

Tennis legend Billie Jean King will make history this month as the first solo female athlete awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

Brava, Billie!

Corey DeAngelis, a conservative education reform advocate who has espoused anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments has, er had, a secret career in gay adult films.

Why is it that the most viral and vocal homophobes are the ones shaking their dicks in gay porn?

Corey??? Corey????

Well, the end is near … after eight months my father’s estate will be closing in a couple of weeks and everything will be settled.

A few hiccups along the way—the first attorney passed away as we began the process—but everything seems set to finalize.

I will probably head back to Oregon to close a few things out and transfer some things to my brother—he and my sister-in-law will be taking Dad’s house—and then ::: big sigh :::

I still miss my dad something fierce; with all that’s going on in this country right now, he and I would have, could have, should have, had some great conversations. I still have them, but they play mostly in my head.

That’s the way of the world, I guess.

The other day at work, one of our interns was telling a story about a former co-worker who’d had testicular cancer and everyone started calling him No Nuts. And because I cannot help myself, I said:

“I worked at a place where we had a guy called No Nuts.”

“Did he have testicular cancer, too?”

“No. He only had one eye. But he was a ball-less little dick.”

I have an appointment at HR again next week.

Fabien Joseph Frankel is a French-English actor best known for his role as Ser Criston Cole in the HBO fantasy drama series House of the Dragon, but … Would You Hit It?


  1. Who's the young actor playing "Dexter" in the prequel?

  2. If you said everything you think, HR would need an extra person just for your thoughts.

    1. I'd get no work done at all!

  3. Toby, Jessie, Thomas and Tuffy all went to our vet, and never came home.
    Poor Corey. the shame for you not because of what you did but that you are a hypocrite.
    I don't miss my father who died in about 2000. Given my life partner recently died, I have pretty well stopped missing my mother who died last year. Death and grieving is complicated but good wishes for what might be the final dealings of your father's estate. Then perhaps you can relax a bit.

    1. I will always miss those who've passed away, but I do so thinking about the laughter and the good times and the love.

  4. I am glad to read that your father's estate is closing. I often think of my father during this political mess were are in and wonder what he'd have to say. He was a Reagan Republican. I wonder what he'd think of tRump. Hopefully he would be in the vein of Liz Cheney and the other Conservatives who have been brave to speak their minds.

    1. My father was a lifelong Republican until Reagan/Bush; he and my mother voted for Bill Clinton and voted Blue every election after that!

  5. krayolakris8:31 AM

    Haha the last one, with Elon!

    1. Elon and Mike; two fools who don't know it.

  6. Yes, it is the way of the world.

  7. Our tuxedo --- a feral-turned-house-cat --- developed diabetes which required insulin injections twice a day. He sure squawked and put up a fight the first week or so. At some point he realized it made him feel better, so when he saw me get the insulin from the fridge and the syringe down, he'd jump onto the counter and lay down and wait. He died a few years ago now and i still miss him. He really was a buddy, the best cat I've ever had.

    Pete is smart enough to know how to dumb down. LOL

    1. I don't know what it is about Tuxedos, but they are very loving and very smart.
      You're right about Pete!

    2. They are. Keep hoping we'll find another....

  8. aussieguy10:25 AM

    Poor Pete will require therapy for years! I know what you feel regarding your father — my mom passed 6 years ago (at age 102!) but I think of her often, especially as I continue to age. Corey? Ick!

    1. As our parents go, we just need to remember that we can still talk to them, it's just a different way of conversing.

  9. Loved the Tuxedo memory this week!!!

    Yes....Pete would have had to drop his IQ waayyyyyyy down....and go real low and ugly to get to Vance stage. I just hope he didn't do any damage to his system by doing this! Lmao!!!!!

    I think Corey and Janet Jackson get the biggest ass wipes of the week awards! Both of them have mostly likely ended their careers.

    1. Man we fought with Tuxedo to give him his meds!!!
      Pete can dumb it down, but JD will never be smarter.
      You're right about cory and Miss Jackson.

  10. Oh shit.........dam blogger!!!!!

    1. I got you out of Spam Lockup

  11. Is Mike Johnson super-short?

    I have not heard about this Corey DeAngelis. I will do more Googling when I'm not at work!

    1. Mike is 5 feet 8 and Elon is 6 feet 2. Both are asses. Smelly ones at that.

    2. Mike is a tiny man with a wee mind.
      Corey is disgraceful and disgusting.

  12. I don't believe I have ever seen nor heard of the Congressional GOD Medal. Is that a new one? Early morning sarcasm!! 😜

    1. I swear, I copied and pasted that line because I thought it was just a Congressional Medal of Honor ... I'll fix it!!! 😁

  13. Cleora Borealis11:05 AM

    #1--I spent many years as the HR person you would have talked to! I led the workshops on prevention of harrassment and investigations of complaints. I can tell you that I would have appreciated knowing ahead of time you were one of my "problem children." I hated surprises! 😉
    #2--I thought Mike Johnson was always s'posed to communicate with his teenage son BEFORE he reached for his junk!
    #3--Tuxedo Strong!! 😻✊

    1. Luckily, we're a small business and we all know one another quite well so my HR days are not really real.
      Mike is a White Nationalist Christian so I trust nary a word that falls from his lips.
      Yes, Tuxedo strong.

  14. Corey Whosits, what an asshole. Elon and Mike, ashamed of their johnsons. Poor Carlos, asked for it. Fabien Joseph Frankel, nice face. I would guess Pete Buttegieg had a ball doing his idiot imitations. Um... brella. You are a comic genius.

    1. Corey is a self-loathing pathetic asshat!
      Carlos doesn't get my love for Dexter!
      I can be funny sometimes ..... ?

  15. Thursdays never disappoint around here, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Good to know!!
      Glad you enjoy it.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    chortle for Pete Buttigieg!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Pete and Tuxedo and Carlos ... love love love

  17. The tweet of the week is fabulous. Someone mentioned that people are referring to Twitter as Shitter but for not the obvious reason. Since Elon prefers to call it X, they are using the Chinese pronunciation of the letter X to get to Shitter. It made me chuckle. You and Carlos take care, Bob. Hope the HR visit goes well.

    1. I used to call it Xwitter but since I know Elon-Leon hates it, I'll keep using Twitter.
      HR loves me!! I think? 😁

  18. Heh
    You know how I feel about Corey. Not an ounce of pity. And of course I'd let Frankel hit it. Repeatedly, if he's wearing the costume.

    And I cackled at the Carlos story. Priceless...

    I can't wait for the CouchFvcker/Walz debate. Hillbilly Eyeliner is training with someone from Project 2025. That tells you everything you need to know about the level of fuckery that will be unleashed upon us....



  19. Corey. Pffft. Waste of air.
    Fabian as my Knight/Night in Shining Armor!
    Hard for Soda Loren and Demented DonOLD to say they have no connection with Project 2025 when that's who's prepping the Little Nazi.

  20. I'm sorry you still miss your dad, sweetheart. My parents were horrible people, but I still have moments when I miss them. If they had been good parents, I'm sure I would still be bereft and it's a long time since they died. Princess is the first dog I've had who takes meds willingly; that is, she takes them when I put them in peanut butter between two crackers. The tweet of the week made me laugh out loud. I love Dexter, too. I started watching it earlier this year. I'm on season six.


    1. My dad, at times, was not the easiest man to get along with, but as we both grew up, we found a good solid common ground, and the way he welcomed me in coming out, and welcomed Carlos into our family, will always stay with me.

    2. It's great that he welcomed Carlos. Too many parents still can't accept a gay child.

  21. You often refer to your place of work - as you did here - but I have no idea what you do for a living Bob. Given your weekly look at architecture I guess you might be in that field or are you a professional blogpost creator?

    1. I work in our local arts community ... and I am an UNprofessional blogpost creator.

  22. The umbrella one reminds me of how the Australian Wattle tree got its name after the explorers discovered it after already naming a gazillion trees: "what'll we call it?"

  23. I've had to medicate cats before too, and the burrito method works, at least until the cat manages to get one paw and claws out...
    Good luck with the finalization of your Dad's estate. It will be a relief to have it complete, I know, but there I suspect there will also be some regret too as it is one less connection.


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