Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Meme Dump


  1. So many good scorchers this morning! Thanks!

  2. Really good collection, the quicker . . . I like that one.

  3. Another fine collection Bob but I especially liked the "REVOLUTION" graffiti - I had never seen that before. So simple and clever.

  4. A lot of truths above. All hiding in plain sight, and even yet too many can't see it. Because they don't want to - or they DARE NOT!

  5. I thought the whole Gulf of Mexico thing was a joke.
    But it's Jabba the Orange's presidency, so the joke's on me. Only the most stupid, petty and cruel things happen under his chaotic hand.
    And love that graffiti!


  6. The one that struck me: Capitalism. It's that way in every industry in this country.
    Them: We want new. We want innovation.
    Me: I have this novel/play/film/TV script about ----
    Them: Tell us what it compares to that's hot right now.
    Me: Uh....
    Them: Sorry. Next!

  7. Cleora Borealis10:56 AM

    🤔🤨 And then, capitalism goes one step more. It advertises, falsely, that there is a chicken sandwich "war" among consumers over who sells the very best chicken sandwich so we'll go out and buy more of them so we can be soldiers in a war that doesn't exist!! And, that is the model Sphincter Face and his pet Nazis are using to divide us! We didn't NEED fins on our cars. We didn't NEED violence over getting an ugly Cabbage Patch doll for our kids. We don't NEED to stand in line for the next Apple product because the company intentionally made too few (or a massively over-hyped Tesla cybertruck). Our responses to advertising created the oligarchs who are now our governmental overlords...and what an ungrateful group it is!! 🤬🤬🤬 Buncha cunts, really!! 💩🤣

    1. I have an aversion to being told what to buy and when to buy and how much to buy; I don't buy the trendy little bedazzled water bottles, or anyone's chicken sandwich; or the shirts and shoes and what not "they" have determined is "in" and the new "thing."
      I'm stubborn like that ... which explains why I have never seen Titanic or any Tom Cruise movie.

    2. I am not a slave to advertising either. I buy what I need and what I can afford.

    3. I've seen Tom Cruise films because my wife insists. You're not missing anything....

  8. Anonymous11:44 AM

    the dog's mother
    Lots of AK!
    xoxo :-)

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    All are spot on !
    You selected well :)

  10. We ALL knew what would happen if Mussolini Don got elected again.

    It's more like the first term but with a bigger bite. There is no one to keep the train on the tracks.

    I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. The rise up of our elected officials. I am looking at you, Republicans. The American people voted you in to look out for our interests. Bluntly, you work for us, so act like it.

    Now, let me retire to my fainting couch.

  11. Excellent spread! Expect most—if not most of them—to make a reappearance on a blog near you!

  12. The last two are absolutely perfect!

  13. Cats remember the tragedy acutely, which is why they start hanging around an hour before the deadline.

  14. An AP reporter––yes, the Associated Press––was barred from an event in the oval office because the AP uses the correct term: Gulf of Mexico.


    1. Our local weatherman called it the Gulf of America this morning and I fired off several emails to the station expressing my disgust.

    2. Excellent! We need to let these companies know we are happy with them bending the knee. The renaming is petulant bullshit.

  15. It's always going to be The Gulf of Mexico for me, I don't care what google puts on their maps.

    1. It does irritate me beyond belief.

  16. Oh the sting! I love these.

  17. The beauty of the "Gulf of America" is that it will be easy to pick out the idiots from the crowd.
    Quicker fucker upper!!! Succinct and accurate.

    1. When that guy said Gulf of America this morning I almost jumped out of my chair!!


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