Thursday, February 06, 2025


One morning in Savannah we went out to breakfast at b. matthew’s, a rustic little eatery on Bay St; we chose it because we have a friend named Byron Matthews and I joked that he was the secret owner. The real story is that Brian Matthew was a baker and had owned a bakery at that location for many years and when he sold it and it became a restaurant, the owners kept the name.

But I digress … Carlos ordered a ham-and-cheese omelet and grits and when it arrived and he began eating it, he told me he thought it was fish.

“Why would it be fish?”

“I don’t know but it takes like fish.”

“Well, I doubt they’d give you a ham-and-cheese omelet and accidentally make it with fish.”

“Taste it.”

It was ham; bless his heart.

Later in the day he inexplicably ordered a ham sandwich at a small café and I questioned him about ordering fish twice in one day.

This Tuxedo Says is from July 2020 … Ain’t it funny how government—made up of mostly old white men who think they control the bodies of more than half the electorate—works?

Just a thought … on March 21, 1933, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany. The same day he pardoned 8,000 people who had committed violent acts starting with the failed Hitler coup in November 1923.

If you don’t learn from history you are doomed to repeat it … and we did.

Mississippi Democratic State Senator Bradford Blackmon introduced the "Contraception Begins at Erection Act" to troll Republican anti-abortion laws that claim life begins at conception. The bill would make it illegal for men to "discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo." The bill, of course, will not pass in the GOP-controlled Legislature but Blackmon knew that.

Smart move, sir. Well-played.

Oh look!! Nothing says Happy Birthday like a  box of balloons and some silky-smooth caramel birthday cakes!!

Illinois Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker has ordered that everyone who took part in the January 6th insurrection be banned from working in state jobs in Illinois—undermining The Felon’s attempt to give them all a fresh start.

It's time that every Democratic Governor issued the exact same order. Make these traitors pay.

I'm not explaining the economics of tariffs to people who think workplace diversity crashes planes.

If you liked Bishop Mariann Budde when she took on The Felon right to his face, you love her even more if you didn’t know this:

Did you know that for 25 years Matthew Shepard had no permanent resting place due to concerns that his grave would be vandalized and desecrated? And that when Bishop Budde learned of this she invited the Shepard’s to inter him inside the Washington National Cathedral and officiated the service that welcomed Matthew to his final resting place?

Today’s so-called “Christians” need to listen and learn … if they can.

It's now clear that the 47th President of the USA is an even bigger disgrace than the 45th president.

Remember that Pete Buttigieg is a DEI hire and there was not one plane crash on his watch

Look! An actual Democrat with a plan … Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii has vowed to put a “blanket hold” on all of The Felon’s State Department nominees until the administration’s attack on USAID [United States Agency for International Development] a humanitarian organization ends.

Such a hold would halt the Senate’s ability to move bills quickly and require Senate Majority Leader John Thune to use precious floor time to advance the president’s nominees through the confirmation process.

Thanks for taking a stand, sir.

Noah Luis Brown was discovered at age 17 through Instagram and a month later he was on the Louis Vuitton catwalk in Paris; cool story, but Would You Hit It?


  1. I have some boxes that need moving, do you have his number?

    1. Oh, I think we ALL have his number!!

  2. Bishop Mariann Budde also had two stained glass windows honouring the Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed from the Washington National Cathedral and replaced with new stained glass windows honouring the black civil rights movement.

    1. I didn't think it possible, but that makes me love her all the more!

  3. Schatz is smart, and Democrats are listening. Trump's a bitter old man who's ruining the United States just so he can stay out of jail. Republicans do not understand that politics in America is a great pendulum, it may swing very far to the right, but then it's going to swing just as far to the left.

    1. Democrats better start listening because we'll stop donating to their campaigns if they don't step up and do something.

  4. Excellent, as ever.

  5. There’s being an x-tian and being Christian; being x-tian means following the old testament and doing what suits you and your church best, no matter if your pastor is f***ing young children or stealing the collection. Being Christian means following the new testament and helping others.

    1. It's the helping others who aren't white and straight that these so-called Christians have an issue.

  6. Cleora Borealis9:55 AM

    😋😋 OMG! Grits! Yumyum! Years ago at a business seminar in La Jolla, CA, I was surprised and delighted to find grits on the hotel's breakfast buffet! I fixed myself a little bowl of it with butter and made love to it. An attendee from Boston asked me what was that stuff; I said grits; what's grits?!; ground-up hominy; what's hominy?! 🤯 I put on my best disdainful Southern accent and replied, "Oh, bless your little Yankee heart, have got to get out of Boston more often!" Then, I got out my fan and plopped on the settee in the nearest parlor because the vapors overtook me! I was born in KC, MO, but I understand the insult of not knowing grits!! 🤪
    🙀 Oh Lordy, even a cat (a brilliant cat) understands who owns my uterus!! Tuxedo Rocks!! 😻

    1. I do loves grits, myself; so versatile.
      Tuxedo was no fool!

  7. I had no idea Matthew Shepard didn't have a resting place. I'm so grateful he does now. I love your fishy conversation with Carlos. Bradford Blackmon is a guy who should be destined for great things.


    1. I didn't know that either.
      Carlos was funny about the Ham Fish!
      I love the idea of telling men that they cannot, um, expel., their genetic material any longer.

  8. The majority of the felons fans and voters are Caucasian identifying heterosexuals. Right now their leader president Musk is attacking the OTHER.....Once they have inflicted all they can on us...guess who's next?

    1. "And then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up."

  9. At this juncture, all I can is I'm glad there have been a few regular folks (meaning non-politicians) in this country who began preparing last year. I hear senators and representatives saying "I think we're finally coming together" and I scream at the TV. They knew what was coming, they claimed they were ready. They were not. Quite obviously, they were not.

    1. It's amazing that it's mostly women speaking up, though now, to be fair, a few men have joined in.

  10. The Bishop is such an inspiration!
    And you know that erection will not pass the legislature (it's Mississippi, people!) but love the trolling.
    Repugs here in Illinois hate JB with a passion. I think he's fab.


    1. I'd love to see a No Jerk Off rule imposed on men; ,I mean, think of all those unborn children that the GOP could ignore if men stopped choking the chicken!
      I like JB because The GOP hates him!

  11. Was Carlos being fish brain that day!? Boy he is a trip. Although he could be on to something. They could have cooked on something that previously had fish on it. Not that I'm helping his cause mind you.

    And you just passed them birthday cakes over to this greedy hungry bitch right this minute.
    How much more of the dumps b******* I can take. I read a headline last night where he got rid of the head of I think absorbed forces I can't recall. But she was a four star Admiral. I read she basically had 3 hours to vacate her house. I also thought the article said he removed three other heads of branches of military also. And this is how people in our military get repaid? If that's how he's going to be I wouldn't even want to join the military.

    Bishop Mariann Budde is wonderful an example of a true Christian, and mayor Pete.. unlike what the dump claims about Pete, never happened. I didn't hear one negative thing about Pete buttigieg the whole time he was in. They're probably just jealous because he did such a good job.

    1. Carlos and the Fish Ham!
      The Felon is a draft dodging mama's boy coward so he cannot understand military service, and much less a woman who served.
      The Bishop is a hero, and Pete just gets to work!

  12. When I was last at the National Cathedral, I learned about Matthew Shepherd’s final resting place and the bishop’s role in that. She is what Christianity should be all about. The Bluesky post was spot on.

    1. The Bishop is what Christians should strive to be although most think The Felon's style of Christianity is the way.

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    xoxo :-)

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Tuxedo knows, and he can see and smell the shit put out by others.
    Trump and his administration have taken a page from the Nazis, by subverting and gradually submerging our government and replacing it with a parallel authoritarian government that will descend into dictatorship. :(

    1. But if we step up in 2026 and vote Blue in record numbers we may be able to stop this asshattery.

  15. Tuxedo was a "furry" smart kitty! I love the conception begins at erection concept.
    Jeez man, you could give a head's up when you share birthday cakes like that. This 65 year old just about had a heart attack. :p

    1. Those are some nice birthday cakes!!
      And Tuxedo was a very smart gato!

  16. Praise to Blackmon, Buddle and Schatz.

    1. Nice to see some good news for a change, eh?

  17. I don't even know who Matthew Shepard was, I'll have to get googling.

  18. And now I remember. Thank you Bishop Budde.


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