Really just a singular Bobservation about the madness that can be me and my thoughts and how Carlos helps save me from myself. Ooooh, dark, eh? During Christmas, Carlos suggested a vacation, just the two of us, for some time in January. He said it was for my birthday and “other stuff,” and I knew what that meant. You see, we’re coming up on a year since my father died and I have had this feeling that I might not live past that date; I said it was dark. I don’t dwell on it, but the fact that so many of my close family have died in February makes my mind go there, so Carlos planned a vacation. In the last four years or so our “vacations” were just me, or sometimes the two of us, going to Oregon because my father had a health issue and needed help at home; and I was always glad to go and help, but it became a depressing thought … flights, airports, cars were not for fun trips but for family responsibility and that became a drag as much as I wanted to help and was only too happy to help, so Carlos planned a trip. New York was a first choice because he knows how much I love it but the cold snap, with 30s during the day and below freezing at night kinda put a damper on exploring the city outdoors as we like to do, so he switched gears … Savannah. All the years we’ve lived here we never visited so he thought a new place would be just the thing, and it was, except while we got a hair over an inch of snow, Savannah got nearly half a foot, so it was cold down there and icy down there and, yeah. But it was just the trip we ... I ... needed. Just the two of us lounging in the hotel room in early mornings, and then going on walkabouts through the waterfront and down into the Historic District, the City Market, art galleries, coffee shops, hole-in-the-wall pubs and some upscale eateries. We wandered and ate and drank and drank some more, and then ate again, and laughed and talked and just had a good time. It really was the getaway we both needed, me especially at this time. While I am generally a positive person, I can get dark and very introspective and a little nutty at times and while this trip didn’t change that ... I am still dreading the next few weeks ... it did give me, both of us, a much-needed break. I joke about Carlos, pick on his eyesight, and his horrid hearing, his forgetfulness, his love of Nerd News, the disasters he leaves in the kitchen … that’s all. I kid; I joke about all of that but there is no one who gets me more and knows what I need and how to make me feel better on those Blue Days that come up, or maybe even the Blue Months. He understands that this first year will be difficult as my mind wanders into the abyss, but I really am very lucky that I found him, and he found me. Now … that’s all … other than a few photos of Savannah. |