Friday, October 25, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Barack Obama, My President, on The Felon’s cognitive decline:

“Have you seen [him] lately? Giving 2-hour speeches. Just word salads. He held a town hall meeting where he just decided to stop taking questions and swayed to Ave Maria and YMCA for half an hour. He called himself the father of IBF. I do not know what that means. He said January 6 was a ‘Day of Love.’ He made January 6th sound like Woodstock. You would be worried if your grandpa was acting like this, so imagine it coming from a guy who wants to be given unchecked power.”

Just think about the times Obama stopped talking and danced around in some sort of seizure for a half hour … or talked about the dick size of an athlete … or ranted about people eating pets.

There’s something wrong with a man that does that, and that man has no right to be President.


Cher, icon, on stepping up:

“It really should fall on people like me to get together and do things to help people in this country. If you’re not worrying about how to put food on your table, you [should be][ worrying about why other people don’t have food on their table.”

It’s true: there’s the saying that ‘To whom much is given, much is expected,’ and I think all of us could lend a hand to help those less fortunate.


Jermelle Simon, actor,  sharing his truth on National Coming Out Day:

“To everyone. To the ones who feel now is the time. To the ones who feel like maybe later. To the ones who may never come out. And to myself. I want to say to myself Happy National Coming Out Day. I decided to embrace myself fully. All the parts of me. I decided to love myself unconditionally. I decided that the one thing that I thought was the biggest curse in my life is actually the biggest blessing that I could ever receive. I have decided that I am enough. And I want to thank everyone who has helped me to get to that place where I feel seen, where I feel like I belong, where I feel loved. Thank you for that. Thank you for providing a space where I can come on the internet and say: ‘I am a Black, gay man.’ Happy National Coming Out Day.”

Welcome out, Jermelle. And please accept as our gift from HOMO HQ your own copy of The Gay Agenda and the Official Coming Out Toaster Oven™.

Everyone who comes out paves the way for others to follow ….


Fred Upton, Republican and former U.S. Representative, on endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2024 bid for the White House:

“Watching [him] day after day, he’s ignored the advice of many senior, respected Republicans to stay on the issues. Instead, he’s still talking about the election being stolen, trashing women left and right. He’s just totally unhinged. We don’t need this chaos. We need to move forward, and that’s why I’m where I am. [Kamala Harris and Tim Walz] want to get things done, and the only way to get that to happen is to work on a bipartisan basis. I'm convinced that Harris has more ability to do that than [The Felon]. I’m convinced that those of us who are willing to stand up now will be at the table as we try to chart a path to resolve these issues. They are too important to ignore. ... At some point, the country has to come ahead of party, and that’s what this is all about."

I again ask: how many Democrats have said they will vote for The Felon? ::::crickets:::: And I believe for every Republican who comes out for Kamala they are dozens and dozens more who are silently, quietly, planning to vote Blue.



  1. Yes, I hope there are legions behind Fred Upton as well.

  2. As we get closer to the election, I don't doubt we'll see more Republicans telling the country they're voting for Harris.

  3. Where are the Bush boys? Pappy Bush would be spanking them - hard!

  4. I hope against hope that Donald Duck doesn't win, but I worry that there is too much misogyny amongst American males and that the world will come to an end within the next 4 years.

  5. I'm scared but hopeful.

  6. No one ever needs to know how you voted! Just make damned sure you vote!

  7. The idea that the 'better people' will end up being Repugs who came to their senses will make those 'on the fence' idiots even more stupid.
    And I love Barack. He let Cheeto HAVE IT in the rally yesterday. It was fabulous.


  8. Cleora Borealis10:27 AM

    🥰👏 Cher! Gurrll!! I wish it was always the case that giving back was on the minds of people who have plenty. Nobody successful got there without us "little people." We buy the products and the concert tickets, etc. We build the roads they ship on and stadia/concert halls they play in, etc. And, with President Harris, we are gonna tax those who have used us for too long without giving back...I'm talking to you, Elon Musk, you disgusting subsidy-sucker! And, under President Harris, Musk should also be charged with treason! A private citizen calling Vladimir Putin to discuss suppressing the rights of whole nations! Yah, textbook treason!! 🤬

  9. The rants of the Felon are often indecipherable, and who talks about the endowment of a dead golfer? How is that relevant to anything? Unhinged is a good term. Logic makes the choice clear, vote with your heart. Welcome, Jermelle to life that is true to your own self, self acceptance and happiness are hand-in-hand.

  10. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  11. aussieguy10:53 AM

    Unhinged? ✔️ Bloated, misogynistic, etc etc? ✔️✔️ AND, if I wanted a President for Life, it'd be Barack Obama, with maybe Pete as his VP! Vote, vote, vote!!!

  12. I'd not heard of this Jermelle chap, but what a LUVERLY message! Huge thanks and hugs to him!

  13. We have such a different form of government in Canada. The party that wins the most seats forms government, and the leader of that party becomes Prime Minister. He/she must win their seat, though, and only the constituents of their riding vote for them. (There are issues with the current system, and some talk of a change but no consensus has been reached).

    It seems to me the Republicans could vote Harris/Walz and be free to vote for the Republican candidates for the House/Senate, correct? As Upton suggests, it seems it is time to put country before party.


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