Friday, March 07, 2025

I Didn't Say It ...

Kamala Harris, in October 2024, telling us what we would get if The Felon was elected:

“If [he] were president, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv right now, and understand what that would mean, because Putin’s agenda is not just about Ukraine. Understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that [he is] no longer president, and that we understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, which is NATO, and what we have done to preserve the ability of [President] Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians to fight for their independence. Otherwise, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes of the rest of Europe, starting with Poland.”

Oh, but she laughed so much and she’s a woman and a woman of color at that, so the lot of you looked the other way and voted for the man you knew was a liar and a traitor and a cheat and a fraud and just hoped he would hurt you.

You deserve what you get.


Friedrich Merz, Germany’s newly elected leader, on Putin’s Puppet and Leon’s Bitch:

“I am communicating closely with a lot of European Union heads of state, as for me it’s an absolute priority to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible, so that we achieve independence from the US, step by step … I never thought I would ever need to say something like that on TV, but after the latest statements made by [The Felon] last week, it is clear that the Americans—at any case, these Americans, this, administration—mostly don’t care about the fate of Europe one way or the other.”

Soon enough there will be no allies for this country other than murderous dictators and tyrants.

Thanks MAGA.

Thanks Democrats who didn’t vote because of “a woman.”


Liz Cheney, former GOP Congressperson, and real American patriot who put country over party, and over a traitor:

“Generations of American patriots from our revolution onward, have fought for the principles Zelenskyy and Ukrainians are risking their lives to defend. But toward, [The Felon] and [The CouchFucker] attacked Zelenskyy and pressured him to surrender the freedom of his people to Putin, the KGB war criminal who invaded Ukraine. History will remember this day—when an American President and Vice President abandoned all we stand for.”

No matter what has been to done to Liz Cheney, she continues to speak up and fight for our country, and not for the enemies of our country.

When you hear the word ‘patriot,’ think Liz Cheney.


Mark Kelly, Democrat Senator from Arizona, demolishing [The Felon] over his Zelensky Oval Office disaster in terms that even MAGAts can understand:

"Well, [Democrats] have a role. We do our own negotiations. We do our own diplomacy so to speak. So we do have a role. We can push the administration. Hopefully, we can get them to come back to the negotiating table … [even though] we are in a much worse position. Our European allies especially are looking at this and they're thinking to themselves what just happened? What happened to the United States of America? It used to be the leader of the free world. And you know I pointed out in our meeting this morning … that I was rather disappointed that our country, we're about to celebrate our 250th birthday. Which is a big deal … but now we're dealing with one of our allies like this is a business transaction. I mean, that's not the way we have traditionally done things and so where do we go from here? … [The] President and the Vice President need to figure out how do they pick up the pieces from this total disaster and get back to the table and negotiate in a way that is who we are as a nation. [We] have principles, we have values, and we don't berate our allies in the Oval Office. I’ve never seen anything like this before. And throughout our entire history there have been a lot of tense negotiations between countries. We don't do this in public. This did not get us anything. And I think it's important for the American people to understand because of what happened today we are all less safe. And I'll tell you there is one winner in this, one winner, and if you watch Russian TV tonight or tomorrow morning you will see that they're going to cover this. They're going to be happy about this. Putin and his cronies are probably popping champagne bottles right now."

Kelly is spot on; The Felon and his cabal of traitors and ignorant cronies have made America less safe in the world today by aligning with a murderous dictator and they don’t even realize. They’re the new bullies on the playground who care only about looking tough, not being tough, and scared shitless to cross the boss.


Tony Bisignano, a Democrat state Senator from Iowa, in an interview with The Advocate after the GOP voted to remove transgender Iowans from the state’s civil rights laws:

“We were time certain, which means that we had to vote by 3:30, and we didn’t start [debating] until 12:15. That wasn’t part of the Senate conduct—we don’t do that in the Senate, but this particular majority has chosen to do it on a number of large issues. This was just a lead-up, the prelude to finally just choke [Transgender Iowans] out and try to eliminate them from our culture here in Iowa. When my colleague brought [this] forth, I said, ‘Well, if you say this is all [about protecting women and children], then why don’t we eliminate the housing and the employment and the credit [elements] and all these other important things because we don’t need ’em?’ ... I did not have the intention to speak to that particular amendment, but the fact that we were just starting the debate and I could see where it was going, it was time to take a role to call them out. [My niece] is a transgender girl … She’s a sweet person, she’s lovely, she’s smart, she’s talented, and you want to dispel and disgrace and demean these people? I’m sorry, Tony Bisignano cannot sit in a room in any capacity to see that done to anybody for anything. I had to call that out because I’m a Catholic; we’re Christians. And I asked [my Republican colleagues] in a speech a few days ago, ‘What Bible do you use at your Bible study? Because I’ve not seen quotes ever apply to what you’re doing here.’ I know these people on the other side. They’re friends. I’ve known some of ’em for years. I can’t believe that in their heart they believe this is the right thing to do, but they understand that’s the only way to stay elected ... I’m calling them on it. Transgender people need champions and voices and not people voting against people because they’re afraid—they need somebody willing to take it on the chin, and I’m willing to do that.”

He's so right talking about these people weaponizing their faith against the trans community when nowhere in the Bible is there a single anti-trans message.

It’s ignorance and hate, but not Jesus at all.


Stuart Stevens, GOP consultant, on his party weaponizing gender and sexual orientation:

“When I see sexual orientation hate come out of the Republican party under the pretext of just being anti-trans, I am very tempted to name the Republican operatives and elected officials who are closeted gays. It’s not a short list.”

Do it.


Thanks to Sixpence for the reminder ...


  1. Oh, if only Kamala Harris had been elected!

    1. That thought crosses my mind everyday.

  2. Where IS Kamala these days?
    It's not only the total disaster of that public berating that has our allies and NATO nervous, it's a laundry list of things The Felon, The Couchfucker, and Elonia have done and are doing. Like outing CIA Black Ops. Our country can no longer be trusted with Intel for good reason, and the GOP Congressional Cowards are too afraid to stand up and defend Democracy.

    1. They think they are reshaping government when they are really setting it up to be taken over by Putin.

  3. OMG
    I miss Kamala SO much!
    And Stuart should go ahead and NAME NAMES!!


    1. Just start with one, Stuart. Please.
      We all miss Kamala because, again, she was right.

  4. It amazes me the lengths people will go to (and some of them allegedly Christian) to keep their jobs. The current batch of Repugnants are all just cowardly, cowardly custard, thinking only of themselves and not those they claim they serve. How can they stand by and watch the Muskrat and his twats destroy the US government.....apart from those offices where he can get yet another slice of taxpayers' money.

    1. They are all liars and hypocrites and cheats and ... everything else; The one thing they aren't is decent human beings or christians.

  5. I really do think they should Out the hypocritic Republicans.

    1. Think of the chaos!! I'm here for that!

  6. Cleora Borealis11:30 AM

    🤔 I am an atheist. I don't know how many people that I know who are also atheists. We don't have meetings. We don't wear crosses or fish or any symbol that identifies us. But, I ALWAYS know who the xtians are! They refuse to allow me the peace of mind to not know! It is their behavior of being constantly in my face that makes me knee-jerk "yah, out the gay bastards! Let them lose their jobs; those hypocrites!"
    BUT, it was my questioning of Christians when I was young that helped me accept some Christian values while rejecting xtianity and religion in general! And so, before I choose to out someone I have to ask "how does outing that person help to protect my transgendered brothers and sisters?" If I out a nasty hypocrite out of my own sense of vengeance, that person's voters will probably not respond by voting in a caring, loving, accepting human being. Those voters will more likely search for an even nastier individual who promises to hate more reliably. That doesn't help my brothers and sisters. I'm open to discussing an effective end game to outing people. On my own, I'm unable to see it. 🤷‍♀️

    1. There's faith without religion; there's belief without a church; there's all kinds of spots for people who aren't following along in hate.

  7. I haven't bought anything from Amazon for a while now.

    1. I can proudly say I never have!

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    the dog's mother
    Good collection!
    xoxo :-)

  9. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The repugs think by gutting NATO we will save money, how wrong they are !
    We’ll end up spending more on defence as Putin of Russia and Xi of China become even more emboldened in East Europe, Taiwan and the developing countries in Africa. And we will have no allies to spread the burden and the responsibilities. The worst traitors are within a country, better known as deceitful opportunists.

    1. Howsabout cutting trips to football games or NASCAR or golf weekends? Think about the millions saved there. Howsabout not allowing Skum to use Air Force One? There's some coins back in the bank.

  10. All because of a whole bunch of ignorant fucks. I am all four outing the hypocritical fucks in government. Too much damage is being done.

    1. I agree; the hypocrisy and self-loathing is tiresome.

  11. Where is the fast forward button so we can jump ahead four years?

    1. I hope in four years America is still here.

  12. I haven't purchased anything from Amazon in a long time, and was just researching where to find a replacement neck light for crafting. I can purchase them at a couple of stores here in Canada, but I'll check the manufacturer first before purchase.
    Rather than jump forward, as Yorkshire has suggested, I wish we could go back in time and change the outcome of the election in the US.

    1. A Time Machine to go back and save America would be great.
      I have never used Amazon and never will; I always search out other places to buy what I need.

  13. I'll join that boycott, and I had already figured out I can purchase some products directly from the seller and get them for less but the seller makes more. I am pretty Amazon dependent because I don't leave my house a lot, but I am trying to wean myself from the Bezos tit. People who refused to vote for Kamala deserve what they got, but I don't deserve it and you don't deserve it. A lot of us don't deserve it, and we're stuck. All I can do is bitch and complain.


    1. Bitch and complain AND Resist and Boycott!!!

  14. I'm going to try and remember to google the company and buy from them instead of Amazon, though I already very rarely buy from Amazon anyway.

    1. You can often get a discount buying from the original company.

  15. Stevens should probably Out any of the hypocrites, but he's too tasteful to do that. I Voted for Mark Kelly, I think he'd make a fine Presidential Candidate actually for the Dems.

    1. Stevens is just gonna threaten and then do nothing because that's HIS party.
      Kelly would make a fine president, I think.


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