Thursday, March 06, 2025


So we were watching the Oscars the other night and they announce that Mick Jagger is coming out to present an award and Carlos says:

“Mick Jagger?”

“Yes, sweetie, Mick Jagger.”

“Is he related to Mick Jagger the singer?”

“No, sweetie he IS Mick Jagger the singer.”

“Is he English? Because he has a funny accent.”

This is from Carlos who has the funniest accent ever.

And imagine what he might do in 2025 to fix the economy rather than focusing on taking control of the Post Office.

The more things change, the more we get the same stupid from The Felon.

Say what you want about Naomi Campbell but the bitch can rock a runway … even at fifty-four! Just don’t make her mad when she’s holding a cell phone!

Isn’t it funny how the GOP denigrates Volodymyr Zelenskyy for coming into the Oval Office and not wearing a suit, but then say not a word about Leon Skum, the Ketamine Kid, entering the Oval in a t-shirt, jacket and baseball cap?

It's almost like they don’t see their hypocrisy.

He’s shaving his upper cheeks now that he’s finished with the lower ones. Smooth cakes, baby.

I woke up Saturday morning and was doing some internet surfing when I saw a notice of Extreme Fire Danger in South Carolina. What? I’d never seen that in all the years we’ve lived in and was surprised. Cut to four hours later when I said to Carlos:

“Call the fire department.”

There was a fire alongside the road from three houses down and it was headed our way. It was coming down the hill toward our neighbor’s house so we got our hose and helped spray the flames while other neighbors ran with buckets.

Luckily, the fire department showed quickly and put all the fires out—no damage to any structures—and then Carlos and I had a nice chat with the fire chief and thanked him and his team them for their service.

Now, as I write this on Wednesday morning, we are awaiting tornados and heavy rain.


A couple of weeks ago singer Sheryl Crow, disgusted by Leon Skum’s presidency, sold her Tesla and donated the money to National Public Radio [NPR]

This week Cassandra Peterson, AKA Elvira, actor and media personality, followed suit and sold her Tesla to NPR and then gave the profits to NPR. But first she wrote ‘Elon SuX’ on the side of her car.

For anyone, and I mostly mean the people on the right who only believe what a convicted felon says, here are some facts:

Between 2014 and 2022 Ukraine held over 200 talks with Russia, reaching 20 cease-fire agreements.

Russia promptly violated all those agreements and invaded Ukraine on February 22, 2022.

Anyone, ANYONE, advocating for negotiations are either misled, uninformed or aligned with Russia.

That’s all.

I was visiting blogs the other morning and I found this on Voenix Rising and for some reason my mind went right to Maddie …

Silvester Ruck is a 36-year-old German born model who was discovered by agent David Todd of DT Model Management at a Coffee Bean in Beverly Hills; coffee is nice, but Would You Hit It?


  1. I was wondering if you were effected by those fires, glad it was safely taken care of. I'll skip Ruck. God is good. God is right. I thought you knew, hypocrisy is every Republican's middle name.

    1. Our fires were just grass fires that spread by the wind from one yard to the next; Myrtle Beach had some bad ones down there.

  2. Glad you saw that fire and got it out quickly. Stay safe there, Bob!

    1. All of the neighbors stepped up with buckets and hoses until the fire department arrived!

  3. I hope the tornadoes didn't cause too much damage.

    1. Luckily I don't think any touched down near us, but we had watches and warnings most of the day!

  4. I too saw the plastic clog thingy (cannot remember what they are called, I have far more important things on my mind) and thought of the Palazzo Borghese where I understand that plastic clog thingies of all colours are banned.

    1. I was hoping Maddie would stop by and see Cinderella's new footwear but she's out of town!

  5. I love that his stock keeps tanking. Lost over $40B already. 'Course it's only pocket change to him - since he keeps getting awarded gov contracts. The nazi should go back to S. Africa where they love them some white power.

    1. He is a terrible businessman, just like the Fat Gelatinous Bastard.

  6. Those of us who have closely followed the Ukraine crisis since the beginning were already aware why President Zelenskyy chooses to dress in a semi-military style. It is in solidarity with the brave Ukrainian men and women who have had to face up to the invading Russians on the front line. Clearly many in the current president's gang were not aware of the noble underlying reason. Maybe they should do their homework!

    1. Homework? That bastion of buffoonery already think they know everything!

  7. I have to wonder what kind of a world we are all going to leave Mick Jagger, he is working on outliving and out partying all of us.

    1. I have invited him to sing at my funeral since I imagine he'll still be around. Maybe he can duet with Cher??

  8. Cleora Borealis10:45 AM

    🔥🌪🤬 Not once in a 100-minute glorification of himself did Sphincter Face demand that your governor turn on a big spigot to put out the fires!! Oh, and he ain't gonna fund FEMA now or when the storms hit!! Thanks, Biden...they are still blaming him for all of WTF this is.
    😼 Side-eye is not a substitute for action, but it is the feelgood beginning of action! Tuxedo Rocks!! 😻🤘

    1. Nor did they ponder why SC wasn't raking their forests.
      Tuxedo was the Master of the Side-eye!

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    stay safe!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Well, we got some rain on Tornado Wednesday though we had no tornados, luckily.

  10. Yay for the fire department!
    Climate change is gonna do a number on all of us.

    So about Silvester, of course!! Duh. Right up my alley *winks*

    I'm loving the Leon Skum name!! Yes. Now the Repugs are asking for his permission to vote on some things. It's peak fuckery. Add to that that now the US is Western Russia and we're in for a ton of pain...


    1. The GOP will soon be getting theirs as they run from constituents and cater to a gelatinous blob of ignorant flesh and President Skum.
      Our fire department was here quickly which was a puls!

  11. Fire, tornados, heavy rains... what's next, locusts? Oh, wait, those have already over-run the White House!

    1. Luckily, the locusts are busy in DC!

  12. Does the Watch Duty app cover your area? I found it very useful when I was in Southern California in January.

    Will Jay

    1. I've never heard of it; these fire warnings are new to SC because our rainfall has been so light in 2025. And with the humidity low, that doesn't help.
      There were bad fires down near Myrtle Beach but not much here other than our little fires.

  13. Bluesky is a wonderful place

  14. Ohh, are those rings around Silvester some kind of bondage device? Maybe he is not just a pretty face with nice nipples.

    1. I think those rings are whatever you want them to be!!

  15. God needs to be careful or he might get some tariffs sent his way. Glad the fire near your house was handled quickly and all is well. Hope the other issues do not get serious either. Take care.

    1. All is well today; clear skies, sunny and cool!

  16. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Tuxedo knows, he knows they’ve been undermining the Postal Service with the complicity of DeJoy so they can privatize and destroy it. Elon musk will soon find he will get burned by his own lunacy as more people dump Tesla.
    Now the repug fucks are meeting with the political opponents and rivals in Ukraine of Zelenskyy in hopes of undermining his government and setting up his ouster. God does not bless Trump’s and the magats America, God blesses those that resist and fight the seditionists and treasonous repugs who have defiled America.
    Salve Ukraine 🇺🇦 and those that believe in a free America and democracy 🇺🇸

    1. I do see a tide turning on The Felon which is why he lied about what he plans on doing in the SOTU address; he needs to keep the ignorant MAGAts in line.

  17. Hahahahaha, Cinderella's Croc! Glad that fire didn't do any harm to your place!

    1. Luckily the fires were contained to grassy areas and no structures were damaged.

  18. President Musk can wear anything he wants because he has a metric fuck ton of money and he gave a shit ton to his wife, Dawn. Giving Money = Love President Zelensky's bravery and intelligence are not to be admired because he needs money; he doesn't give it. Dear God, I respect your rejection.


    1. I'll take one Zelenskyy over a trillion Felons and Elons.

  19. He's trying to take control of the Post Office?? Whatever for? Does he somehow think he will get to vet everyone's mail? Yikes!
    And I did not know there had been fighting and ceasefires since 2014.
    Fires followed by tornados and heavy rain? Crazy weather you're having there.

    1. One simple phrase: mail-in ballots.

  20. Are you sure Carlos isn't winding you up with that Mick Jagger comment! If he is, well well done to him. If he isn't, I'm sure I'd hate to find out what he thinks of my accent!

    1. And Carlos, whose grandfather was British has a very different sounding Spanish accent because of that, so when he talks weird accents he does so with a weird accent!

  21. “Is he related to Mick Jagger the singer?” made me crack up. But, Carlos is a connoisseur of accents. Ironic that now whenever any of us see Crocs, we think of Maddie. I don’t think that’s what he was aiming for. How bizarre about fires around you. Wishing you well with the unpleasant weather events. Tell Sylvester I’m waiting.

    1. Carlos and his pop culture knowledge ... not knowing Mick or knowing he was British ... slays me!
      I do think of Maddie when I see crocs and it always makes me smile.
      As for our weather, now we're cold, tomorrow we'll be warm and Sunday we get more downpours ... just wait a minute and it all changes!

  22. The whole t-shirt thing was so filled with hypocrisy. As Janie says, "President Musk and his wife Dawn."

    1. And you know The Felon hates the idea of President Musk!

  23. I wonder how long Silvester hung around that Coffee Bean before he was "discovered"? That's a very Lana Turner story.

    Crazy about the fire! So glad it wasn't worse!

    1. I imagine he was in there every single day, using the free wifi and sipping a coffee and posing!
      Luckily no one's house was damaged, just lawns and shrubs that will grow back.


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