Saturday, December 14, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that before you slip into my DMs, you need to look between the ‘T’ and the ‘U’ on your keyboard.

… that while I finally quit drinking for good, I am still drinking for evil.

… that people need to know that if they see me looking zoned out, it’s because I’m having a therapy session inside my head.

… that I have never had a Welcome mat at my house? Because I’m not a liar.

… that people don’t realize that I am no longer interested in Driving at Night, Leaving My House at Night, Driving in Winter, Leaving My House in Winter. Driving, and Leaving the House.

… that I’d rather clean the whole house than do dishes.

… that I lie awake at night thinking what if I get kidnapped and I have a stuffy nose and they duct tape my mouth.

that every day around midnight I am shocked to find out it’s only 5PM.

… that when yet another coworker asked if I could be more annoying, the next day I showed up wearing tap shoes.

… that I could be the bigger person, but being the reason HR makes a new policy is much more exciting.


  1. My first real boss, issued memos. At meetings we would look at them, and someone would say "this one is mine." My favorite one was, "When all else fails, disregard all other memos."

    1. Lord, no memos!!!! Just say the words!!!

  2. I'm sure you are every HR manager's dream associate!

    1. I do have the ability to be both snarky and sarcastic and yet still do my job very very well.

  3. You talk tough but I think you are a softy inside, Bob!

  4. 'tap shoes' . . . LOL!

  5. I don't drive at night, in the snow, or if it's too damned hot outside or if I don't have any reason to be wasting gas!
    These are all great! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  6. Ha! We're having that "midnight" experience right now. It's 4:17 p.m. and it's pitch dark outside. :(

    I actually like washing dishes, but I know I'm in the minority. I blame Madge the Manicurist.

    1. No dishes!!!! It just irks me even though it might be my turn!!

  7. Well , my men know about my welcome mat....but to the general public coming to the house the welcome mat says YES? Wickedly written typeface.

    All these...any wonder I enjoy you?

  8. Cleora Borealis11:58 AM

    🤧 OMG!! I thought I was alone in my fear of the DUCT TAPE = CAN'T BREATHE = POLICE DETERMINE SHE SUFFOCATED!! Of course, I suppose I should be more concerned that nobody has found me worth kidnapping in the first place. 🥹

    1. Claustrophobia is my kryptonite and duct tape on the mouth is so confining; just the thought .....

  9. I feel the not leaving the house at night or at all, but I'll happily leave it to go somewhere where it is NOT winter. ;)
    You must be a hoot to work with. That is, as long as one doesn't work directly with you or for HR. :p

    1. People adore me at work ... or else suffer the wrath!!!! 😈😈😈

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  11. I am absolutely sure we are related, sweetpea! While I no longer have co-workers, the people I live with aka my family will attest to the last two items PROFUSELY! xoxo

    1. You and I would get along famously, or try to kill one another!

  12. "Y", got it!
    I like doing dishes...

    1. Oh I loathe doing dishes which is why I love a dishwasher, but then I hate putting clean dishes away.

  13. You make me laugh. If I worked with you, would you make me cry?

    1. Quite possibly; acid tongued devil that I am.

      We had a woman quit a few years back and I said,m with a slight smile to hide my truth, "Brenda, over the years I found you both bossy and annoying ... that's all."

    2. Oh, dear Bob, so often I wish I could be more like you.

    3. It's a lot of work!!!


Say anything, but keep it civil .......