
Monday, February 06, 2012

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Miss Ginger Grant...AGAIN!!!

The weeks rush by and once again i find myself at the trophy shop having yet another of the coveted....coveted?....ISBL outstanding Guest Comment of the Week statues created. So, without further ado.....
In the fight for marriage equality we often here from those opposed to it, who say that same-sex marriage will ruin traditional marriage. Well, one columnists asked how, and got no real response to The Gay Marriage Question:
Bill Dameron said...
There really is no valid argument against marriage equality and that is why those opposed only play the "fear" card. We will get there, it is just a matter of time. But as MLK Jr. said, "A right delayed is a right denied."
Everyone has seen that picture of Arizona governor, Eva Braun, er, Jan Brewer, wagging her crooked talon in President Obama's face. And lots of folks have made fun of it, as i found in Just For Giggles: The Wicked Witch of the West:
Ron said...
I can't take my eyes off of this woman whenever she's on the news. It like looking at an auto accident.
When I heard that Indiana Wants To Teach Creationism, my first thought was, "Indiana is effed up":
Sean said...
You're wrong. Evolution is not science, it's faith based because that's how god planned it.
(where's that snark key when you need it?)
Last year Mama Grizzly Bore® thought it might be cutesy-poo-wink-wink to place crosshairs on the districts of Democrats she thought she be removed from office. It turned far less than cute when one such Democrat, Gabby Giffords, was shot in Arizona. Now, The Crosshairs Are Back:
Tiger Chanter said...
One would hope that the Senate's security department is looking into this? Surely they have security cameras?!! Good Night Nurse!!!
There used to be an old travel and tourism ad that said 'Virginia is for lovers.' Might be true, if the lovers are not of the homosexual variety because Virginia Is Not For Gay People:
Lightning Baltimore said...
My parents, sister & her family, and some of my best friends live in Virginia. I'm so very glad I moved from there twenty years ago!
After his pummeling in Florida, Newt Gingrich stomped and fumed because, well, it's his turn to be president, dammit. In fact, Newt Might Divorce The GOP And Marry A Third Party:
froggy said...
The Democrats fondest wish.
We had a couple of Coming Out parties this week, first as Stephan Elliott Comes Out Down Under and then as Drake Jensen Comes Out:
Princess said...of Stephen Elliot:
And he directed Priscilla?
Darling... Who were you kidding?
Another lost sheep is welcomed to the fold... Congratulations.
Coming out to oneself is often the hardest step of the journey... Take it from me... I lived it! It took me a long time to realise that I wasn't alone... The self acceptance was the hardest part
tamayn said...of Drake Jensen:
And as more people come out from all walks of life, the more apparent it will become that there aren't huge differences among us.
I saw a house made up of airplane parts on HGTV and then saw the site for the architect who designed it, and I knew it was perfect for Architecture Wednesday: Up, Up and Away:
mistress maddie said...
oh dear, it looks like a bomb shelter, beyond Thunderdome!
It's so close I can almost taste the wedding  cakes. Yes, Washington Is One Step Closer to marriage equality:
froggy said...
UPDATE - The House has not passed it yet but no-one is worried, just a formality. This, just posted online in our paper is more of a worry - 
"Gov. Chris Gregoire announced support for the bill last month, and has promised to sign it into law. The law wouldn’t take effect until June, and would be delayed if opponents turn in enough referendum signatures."
We did this once. Overturned an attempt to take away 'everything but' (Ref 71) so we can do it again!
Hate groups always pick these pretty little names for themselves, so no one will know they are hateful. But, when they start demanding that a retailer fire a spokesperson because the spokesperson is gay, the hate just oozes out, and we realize One Million Moms, or Hate Group? Um, Yeah, Hate Group:
Wonder Man said...
these moms need to get laid and have a slice of pizza
Oh, so many thoughts, so little time. Why not just bundle it up and put it into something I like to call Random Musings:
Tivo Mom said...
2 years ago for my birthday my husband surprised me with dinner with friends. Earlier in the day (because we were supposed to be staying home) I tried to color my own hair. I still refer to it as the unfortunate magenta incident.
Oh, the things people say, and then the things that I say back, and then the things y'all say. Just another week of I Didn't Say It....:
twunty mcslore said...
It makes me spit nails when I see kids that are brainwashed by their parents. it's even worse with this young girl because she's homeschooled. She's not out there with other kids and their realities, so how is she going to learn any different? Not in the aisles of Walmart or her church I bet.
It was the episode that had everything, from the funniest comment ever to the most hideous outfit ever to Mondo's first win--though, alas, no Rami in a tank top--in PR: All-Stars: Muse To.....MY EYES!!!!:
Miss Lisa said...
Anthony's line about Kenley SLAYED me. I will miss him (again). Yes, Jerell should have been sent packing. His outfit is humiliating.
Remember back in the day, when W was president and he would say all sorts of stupid things--"I'm the decider."--and we'd all laugh? Well, the GOP has another winner in their hands with Mittsy, in Just For Giggles: Mittsy Puts The Moron In Mormon: said...
By November, this guy's going to make ROSEANNE BARR look good.
Whenever I hear that argument about The Gays ruining marriage when we get the right, I think of people like Danny O'Donnell and John Banta, who brought us this weeks Good News Friday: After 31 Years, Danny And John Are Getting Married--plus, I think I got a proposal out of it [don't tell, Carlos]:
Stephen said...
I have taken to reading the NY Times Wedding section. It often featured long time NY couples tying the knot after 20, 30, 40, 50+ years together. It is a trend. Do you want to get married, Bob?
The wacknuts and the crackpots and the famewhores were out in force this week, though I Ain't One To Gossip, But.....:
Will J said...
"...she’s such a private person"
(...who had her body painted and posed nude for a Vanity Fair cover).
Princess said...
Media whores one and all!
Sorry... What I meant to say was how terrible it is to see such private people having their names dragged through the media in such a manner. Hahahahahahahahahaha.....
twunty mcslore said...
Why don't I get invited to these Peen Parties? I'll waltz with Little fassbender. Ain't no thang.
♪♫I used to s-a-a-a-ay, I and me-e-e, Now it's it's we-e-e ♪♫ Ben:
mistress maddie said...
Good ole Ben Bruckner! I got tingles everywhere when he came on. And that was a excellent scene.
Sam said...
Best. Show. Ever.
There was some big to-do yesterday. Soup, or bowling. Something. I was busy watching Downton Abbey, but for some of you It's Today! The Soup Bowl!!! Or Something....:
Biki said...
I LOVE soup!!! Yummy! Imagine an entire DAY devoted to soup! It's been a long time coming, but at long last its finally here. But why do all those hot hot hot guys fight over the soup? Isnt there enough for all?
Sometimes it takes a drag queen to tell it like it is. Wait? Sometimes??!?? Tweet Tweet Tweet: RuPaul:
KDNA said...

It's funny because it's (probably) true.

This week was another one of those weeks that when I saw a comment, I just knew it would win the ISBLOGCOTW--even though it came mid-week. But Miss G has a way with words, and a fondness for a rant, as proven when she responded to Newt Might Divorce The GOP And Marry A Third Party:

Miss Ginger Grant said...
Newt is the pissiest queen I've seen this side of Christopher Street-

  • -he says whatever he thinks will impress you and draw attention to himself,
  • -he gets all pissy and whiny when the spotlight's not on him,
  • -he has something bitchy to say about EVERYONE, and he's fucked everybody in the room!

And beware America, if you elect him, because he will demonstrate the 4th indicator of a truly pissy queen:

  • -he will run out for a "smoke break" just before the check arrives! 

That screamed winner. it also made me scream because I blew orange juice out of my nose.


  1. The OJ test is the best test!

  2. I look forward to this every week. Thank you for being you...

  3. Well, of course I am truly honored! And, knowing that I passed the OJ test fair and square makes it much more honorable!


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