
Monday, December 12, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Tamayn

Once again, without further ado, it's time to award the ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week award, so let's rip:
And, seeing that it's Christmas In Smallville, and all the glitter and globes and garland and candles came out, you all had something to say:

Robert-Kent said...

The naughty ornament talks to me...well so does the disco ball... ;-) 

David Dust said...

Based on this post, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you and this "Carlos" fella are homersexuals. Amirite?


twunty mcslore said...

Your house is the perfect color for Christmas and I love the colored lights!

froggy said...

Loverly, loverly!

This year we will measure how high Tar's nose can reach and place ornaments above that height. 

That video of the young boy telling Michele Bachmann his gay mommy doesn't need fixing, made all the rounds last week. I was saddened, a bit, that he was placed in that position, but more disgusted by Bachmann's reaction to his words, with The Face Of Fear:

truthspew said...

I find it interesting to watch her face when she finally understands what Elijah is saying to her. 

You see a flash of disgust followed by a fake smile. 


We don't have symbols of family history here in America so least not in the families I know. But a member of the British Parliament created his own, An Equality Coat Of Arms:

David Dust said...

I'm envisioning Bunnies, biceps and Bacardi in MY coat of arms. Need to get on that...


Raybeard said...

Further proof that a leopard CAN change his spots. I remember when Bercow first became a Member of Parliament some years ago when he was anything BUT a supporter of LGTB issues, and was occasionally downright hostile to them. But he certainly has mellowed over the years and his situation is transformed from being a darling of the most reactionary wing of the Conservative Party to being one of its most loathed enemies, while he is now supported by most liberals of all parties. So miracles DO happen - and it shows how one should never write anyone off completely as being beyond hope. 

All kinds of ignorance in the world, and yet people don't see how useless, and backwards, it is, like with Two Tales Of Intolerance, Bigotry, Fear and Hatred:

froggy said...

Two steps forward, one step back. 

Which begged this question:

FDeF said...

Froggy, are you sure it's not "One step forward, two steps back"? 

Sure seems like it sometimes. 

The Advocate asked some famous actors which man they might have a little heat for, in Man Crushes. It was all in good fun, but then someone asked a pertinent question and made me stop and think...Taye Diggs, Idris Elba, Blair Underwood.....on and on....:

Daij said...

and not one on someone of color. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially in Architecture Wednesday: Let It Snow! and one reader already had a plan:

mistress maddie said...

SOLD! I'm ready to move in! I love it! The only thing I now need is a hunky lumberjack man!!!! Just amazing interior......... 

I am confused by 'Separation of Church and Sate'. Oh, not by what it means, but in the way that some people just don't get that it works both ways, and protects both sides, as we found in To Ten Commandment, Or Not To Ten Commandment:

froggy said...

Mineself would require posting of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's 8 I'd Really Rather You Didn't-s. said...

AMEN! I don't understand why people don't get this. Like you're saying, it's really quite simple. Just one more example of the "hypochristians" wanting to get their way. 

Another young person lost to us this week as a result of endless taunts and bullying, and I ask when is enough enough with Another One: Jacob Rogers:

twunty mcslore said...

One time is to much. 

You can't just ask the kid and then forget about it. You can't! It is not enough. Kids need to be taught in class every single year not to do this and the repercussions should be bad, really bad, like expulsion. There needs to be a plan.

I am so tired of this, and my heart breaks for his family. 

Steven John said...

Same gender compatibility and identity is under attack. Until we continue to accept this "discussion" these vulnerable people will continue to be lost in this worst way. Popular votes on their dignity state by state, community by community, neighbor against neighbor is no way to evolve a society. If leaders can't lead then we probably just shouldn't follow their directives either. 

I throw a lot of thoughts around in Random Musings, and y'all throw 'em right back:

S'A said...

Illinois--where our Governors make our license plates! (borrowed, but true!) 

Mind Of Mine said...

Ok, I really want to get into the mind of the decision maker, who opted to suspend the student who said 'You are cute'. 

What kind of fuckery is that? 

Lots of folks talking this week in I Didn't Say It....., especially a certain GOP presidential never-will-be, who had one reader sum yup his thoughts rather succinctly:

Wonder Man said...

Oh Rick 

One would hope-wish-pray that, in this day of all sorts of social media and easy access to everything you do and say, that folks would learn to think before they post-update-Tweet. Not so, as we learned this week when it became clear that Mayor Janice Daniels Is A Moron:

Sean said...

She may still be mayor but the Royal Oak office of Century 21 Town & Country real estate company she worked for fired her ass! 

We saw the conclusion of yet another GOP scandal this week, when Chris Myers Resigns Amidst Gay Sex Scandal, and while it is ironic to see these so-called family values' Republicans take a tumble down the manhole, it is, often, as:

designing wally said...

I really just feel sad when I hear & see stories like these...

At the most, or at the very least, much, of their problems are at their own hands. Very sad.... 

It's always a fun time doing I Ain't One To Gossip, But...., especially when Charlie and Lindsay are in the mix. But then someone had a brilliant idea that would make the weekly posts phenomenal:

Tivo Mom said...

what if Lindsey Lohan married Charlie Sheen..... 

I like doing the daily does of Christmas music--only the songs and singers I like, mind you--and A Very Bing Crosby Christmas is no exception. Someone, however had an altogether different Bing video in mind!

Dave said...

I was expecting to see a video of him beating his kids! 

I had a little, okay, a lot, of fun, with Herman Cain and his Magic Fingers, during his brief campaign, and Little Cheater Newt Gingrich is always good for a laugh. Put 'em together, in Just For Giggles: The Adulterers Club, and it's the Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week Winner:

tamayn said...

So which is the pot and which is the kettle?

Congrats Tamayn!

And let's keep those comments coming.
'Tis the season......

1 comment:

  1. Great collection!

    Clarification - I actually did think about the one step/two step - but decided that I wanted to look larger. Overall I think there are many more positive steps, maybe even three to one. But also realize I live in WA state and we're making another push to be the next state to legalize gay marriage and move on from 'everything but'.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......