Monday, September 23, 2024

GOP Dumpster Fire: Racists, Liars, Grifters and Some Good News

There’s an old saying about when someone shows you who they are, believe them; and when someone says something, openly and publicly, believe that, too, and not the spin machine that envelopes the liar afterwards.

Here are a few examples of liars, and morons, and weirdos showing us who they are …

Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group AKA Truth Social slumped to their lowest level ever last week, the first trading day that its biggest shareholder—The Felon—is free to sell his stake in the company.

And we should trust our economy to that?

The Felon wants to impose a temporary 10% cap on credit-card interest rates but is it a good idea?

While borrowers in lower- and middle-income households who carry balances would benefit the most from caps on credit-card charges they would also be the first ones that banks would stop lending to if The Felon’s cap were passed.

So, yeah, another bad idea from Mister Bankruptcy.

In recent years Republicans have made up rules or redefined existing policies to push through their agenda, remember in 2016 then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to allow a hearing on President Obama’s nominee to SCOTUS,  Merrick Garland, by falsely claiming lying that it was a “rule,” but in 2020 McConnell rescinded the non-existent rule when The Felon nominated unqualified Amy Coney Barrett to the court.

Now, according to Senator Tommy Tuberville, there is another never-before-heard-of practice that says the Federal Reserve cannot lower interest rates before an election; and he is outraged because it’s a win for Biden and a win for the American people …

Tuberville claims this was only done, not to help the people, but to help Kamala Harris win in November and says the “nation’s central bank has no business moving rates this close to an election and is clearly trying to tip the balance in favor of Kamala Harris.”

Of note: The Felon nominated Powell, a Republican, to the chairmanship in 2018 and he confirmed in an 84-13 vote, “one of the widest margins of confirmation for a Trump nominee.”

Sorry, Tommy, you lose … you’re a loser.

Springfield City Manager Bryan Heck told the Wall Street Journal that he received a call from one of Sofa Loren’s staffers, who asked if the rumors true of pets being taken and eaten were true, and Heck replied:

“No. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true.”

But JD Vance still ran with the story and doubled down on the lie, and then even The Felon, in his disastrous cry-baby debate performance shrieked:

“They’re eating the dogs!!!”

This campaign runs on nothing; no solutions, just lies; no problems solved, just racist tropes.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr claims to be the great hope for the future of America if The Felon wins in November:

“I don’t have a post for myself that’s picked out. I know that I’m going to be deeply involved in helping to choose the people who can run FDA and NIH and CDC in a way that restores public health.”

Yes, the man who dragged a dead bear off a roadway and drove the carcass into Central Park as a joke, the man who heard about a dead whale on a beach and his first thought was to take a chainsaw and hack the whale’s face off, the man with the brain worms, is saying he’ll save America.

From himself?

During a stop in the automaking state of Michigan The Felon repeated false claims lied that Chinese automakers are putting up large factories in Mexico and vowed to slap 200% tariffs on any vehicles the un-built plants make and ship to the United States.

Facts: the tariffs would be paid for by anyone who bought a Mexican-built Chinese car.

Facts: there are no Chinese automobile factories in Mexico.

Michelle Morrow, the Republican QAnon candidate for North Carolina superintendent of public instruction, falsely claimed lied week that the “+” in LGBTQ+ indicates support for pedophilia. She used this nonsense bull shit to attack her Democratic opponent, Mo Green, for having accepted the endorsement of LGBTQ+ advocacy organization Equality North Carolina.

In case you’re unsure—and I don’t think you are—the “+” in LGBTQ+ indicates the inclusion of people whose sexual orientation or gender identities don’t fit neatly into categories like lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer/questioning like those who are asexual, nonbinary, intersex, etc.

At the ballot box, give Michele Morrow a “-” sign.

This week Senator John Foghorn Leghorn Kennedy of Louisiana baselessly accused an Arab American witness— Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute, a nonpartisan national civil rights advocacy organization—of supporting terrorists during a Senate hearing, and as she called out his blatant Islamophobia, the GOP senator told her to “hide her head in a bag.”

That’s the GOP … racist AF.

Even though The Felon says he will have the government pay for IVF treatments, this week Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would have created a right to access IVF treatments and mandated that insurance plans cover the practice, deriding the vote as a political ploy.

It’s the GOP playing politics with women’s healthcare so … VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

Two huge advocates of Free Speech lies, Elon Musk and Representative  Marjorie Taylor Greene took to Twitter—I call it that because Elon hates that people still call it Twitter—to share a rumor that police claim an explosive device was discovered near the Long Island site where The Felon was set to hold.

Police reported the rumor of a bomb threat was not true was a lie but these two morally bankrupt asshats still ran with it because lies are all they offer.

In  another case of lies and stupidity, Sofa Loren AKA JD Vance told voters in North Carolina to start knocking on doors and posting on social media to get out the vote for The Felon because the campaign can’t count on the media or “big tech oligarchs” to help them.

Funny, though, that “big tech oligarchs” Elon Leon Musk and major venture capitalist and top Vance donor David Sacks lobbied for Vance as The Felon’s running mate.

I guess JD forgot about that. He also forgot that he begged his BFF, “big tech oligarch” Peter Thiel, who bankrolled Vance’s ascendancy to the Senate, to fund the failing GOP campaign.

The Ohio Christian Coalition, representing the Christian faith in that state, issued a scathing letter in defense of Haitian migrants in Springfield and decried the false statements lies spewed by both Sofa Loren and The Felon that Haitian immigrants in Springfield were eating pets and wildlife:

“We are disturbed and outraged by the reports that have masqueraded as news regarding many of our siblings in Springfield, Ohio. Public and prominent figures have intentionally crafted untruths that have assaulted the culture and character of Haitians residing in Springfield.”

Last week a coalition of Ohio’s Catholic bishops issued a similar letter.

Congressional Republicans in Texas will spend millions on television ads targeting Democrats for supporting pro-LGBTQ+ legislation.

The National Republican Congressional Committee unveiled its first Texas ad of the general election accusing Democrat Representative Vicente Gonzalez of pushing “sex changes for kids.”

Following suit, because he also has no real plans to offer, other than running off to Mexico when the power goes out in Texas, Raphael “Ted” Cruz unveiled his campaign’s biggest ad buy yet for two ads accusing challenger Democrat Representative Colin Allred of supporting legislation that allows men to use women’s restrooms and not knowing “the difference between boys and girls.”

Once again, the GOP runs on lies and fears not solutions and plans.

The Felon spoke this week of rebuilding “our roads, bridges, highways, and airports” even though during his last four years in office, while he promoted every other week as infrastructure week, he never had anything more that a “concept” of a plan; but then he said this:

“I used to go to school on the subway … my parents would drop me off at a subway and I’d go to Union Turnpike, or I’d go to wherever. They had no fear that I was going to be disappearing! They would take me to a subway, put me on, and say, ‘Bye darling, bye.’ If you do that today, you have about a 75% chance that you’ll never see your child again. What the hell has happened here? What has happened?”

That fat gelatinous bastard riding the subway? Bitch, please.

JD Vance, AKA Sofa Loren, claims that:

“Kamala Harris has granted mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Now I happen to think what Kamala Harris has done is not just wrong it is illegal! So when Kamala Harris uses an illegal action to give amnesty to aliens, that does not make them legal immigrants, it makes them illegal immigrants unless you’ve lost all common sense.”

Someone needs to tell JD, since he longs to be Vice President, that vice presidents have no power to grant anyone amnesty, much less “millions of illegal immigrants.”

JD told us he makes up stories and here he goes again.

This week 
 over 700 high-ranking national security officials endorsed Kamala Harris saying they have concerns over The felon’s “scary authoritarian streak” and adding:

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue. We saw as much during the debate.”

The letter endorsing Harris consists of 741 former high-ranking national security officials, including 233 general and flag officers, 15 four-star generals, 10 former cabinet secretaries and 10 service secretaries as well as leaders who served in Republican administrations.

But hey, The Felon and Sofa Loren have Kid Rock and Tulsi Gabbard.

After calling it a “dangerous practice,” Kentucky Governor, Democrat, Andy Beshear signed an executive order to ban conversion therapy on minors in his state.

Beshear said attempts to alter a young person’s gender expression or sexual attractions have “no basis in medicine”—a view supported by experts in medicine and mental health but not shared by GOP Representative Josh Calloway, a Baptist preacher, who vows to “stop this governor from pushing his harmful far-left agenda on struggling kids.”

As of now  Kentucky is the 24th state to ban the ex-gay torture of minors.

Oh, and Josh? God is watching, sees your bigotry and intolerance, and She is not happy.

Former six-term South Carolina Republican Congressman Bob Inglis added his name to the growing list of Reagan- and Bush-era conservatives who will vote for Kamala Harris ; Inglis is the state’s first prominent Republican to back Harris:

“[The Felon] is a clear and present danger to the republic. He’s disqualified based on character and rationality, so I’ll be voting for Kamala Harris. I feel sorry for him. He’s really quite a sick puppy. He’s been unfaithful to three wives. Why would we, at the altar with him as the fourth, think that he’s going to be faithful to us? Talk about irrationality. He needs some help.”


Remember, this is a party that promises but never delivers, a party of demented old men, and mascara-wearing RuPaul wannabes who hate women, the  LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, education and members of our military.

We don't need that so ...


  1. The GOP is so much worse than a dumpster fire. They are a volcano suffering through a reverse eruption. And so many people now see it. They have become hate incarnate.

  2. When it comes to Republicans endorsing Harris, some of us wonder: Where the fuck is GW Bush? He's been awfully damn quiet.

    1. Oh...and far as CouchFucker Vance admitting he makes shit up to get attention: I think his entire book is a work of fiction.

    2. W and his wife have said they won't be endorsing anyone.
      Everything that comes out of JD's mouth is a lie.

  3. Lying appears to be the only thing that IQ45 and his ilk are capable of.
    I bet if someone were to ask Michelle Morrow/Moron what two-spirited means, her head would explode. Now that would be funny.

    1. If anyone deserves an exploding head ....

  4. Far right media here claiming that residents in old people’s homes are being offered transgender surgery. Sounds rather unlikely to me.

    1. Yes, we force kids to have sexual reassignment surgery, and we do it to immigrants, so why not old people???

  5. Cleora Borealis11:39 AM

    If I had one iota of compassion left for Trump, whose heart is empty and whose brain is a lump of syphilis cheese (band name!), I would feel sad for the little boy inside!! Mommy and Daddy loved me enough to take me to public transportation and say "bye, darling, bye!" No Donnie, they didn't! Put aside the lie of subway riding...his parents were the same psychopaths as Donald. There was no love. His Mom was too ill and his Dad didn't know Donald existed until Fred, Jr. disappointed Daddy by being an actual human being! My only question is why the "bye, darling, bye" story didn't include "with tears in their eyes!" 🤥

    1. I loved how he said he took the subway to "wherever."
      What a pathetic little liar.


  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    the dog's mother
    thank you for good news!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Sadly, sometimes those stories don't make the news.

  8. I'm encouraged by the response from the Ohio Christian Coalition. Let's hope plenty of Christians out there realize how un-Christian Trump and Vance are being.

    1. I think the so-called christians [little c] who support The Felon and JD are not actual Christians at all.

  9. Dumpster fire? That's more like the disaster movie The Towering Inferno. And why has Tubervilles arteries not clogged yet cutting off his air?

    1. Seriously, that poor brain dead fool.

  10. While surfing the net, I wonder how The Orange Turnip would react if he stumbled across this particular blogpost? He would surely be apoplectic with rage and might suffer a catastrophic heart attack. Perhaps "I Should Be Laughing" requires a health warning... or maybe not.
    P.S. Will you purchasing one of the new Felon coins - only $100 each?

    1. I won't even say his name, much liess buy his Made in China crap.

  11. Wow Bob, your post was packed full of reasons not to vote for anyone in the GOP. Thank goodness that there are some Republicans who have come out in their support of Harris. My ballot is coming in the mail today, and I will vote early. Blue up and down the ticket.

    1. I hope the more moderate Republicans realize that this is the time, perhaps the last time, to save their party from the likes of The Felon and his ilk.

  12. aussieguy4:57 PM

    Thank you -- I now have a throbbing headache from reading all of this baseless, shameless, BS. Make sure you're registered (and tell everyone you know to make sure they are as well) and THEN VOTE BLUE GODDAMMIT!

    1. You have to know what to we're up against to fight back.
      Now, go here to register to vote or to check if your registration is good .... GO NOW:

  13. OMG, sweetpea, I almost stopped reading because the lies were just too damn depressing (mainly because too many dumb fucks believe them) and THEN, I REMEMBERED that you always end with GOOD NEWS! *whew* you know i'm going to VOTE BLUE, baby! xoxo

    1. Gotta wade through the garbage to get to the good stuff!

  14. Well, another week, another ton of fuckery coming our way courtesy of the GQP, DonOld and his minions. It's NEVERENDING.

    I think the idea is to murk the waters so much, to oversaturate everything with so much lying, cheating and stealing that the public does not even blink twice when the second coup attempt comes.

    Sofa Loren (LOL) is an idiot, but a useful one: he'd replace Cheeto when they remove him halfway his second presidency. Mark my words: that is their plan. Also, CouchFucker is backed up by billionaire Peter Thiel: a MAGAt through and through.... So there's that.


    1. One thing I remind people of is if the MAGAts attempt ANOTHER J6 we will have a Democrat president who will shut that shiz down with police and National Guard instantly.
      I agree that Sofa Loren will be installed as President by the GOP should they win, and he's far more dangerous than Demented DonOLD.

  15. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Nixon’s divisive Southern Strategy has finally come to roost on its racist laurels !
    The GOP abandoned the ideals of Abraham Lincoln long ago, it’s long been a party of no ideas or ideals.
    A party obstruction since FDR and Truman, as President Truman said “a do nothing congress!” And they’re still that way and still at it. :(

    1. I'd love if they had an actual agenda, something I could discuss and debate, but you cannot debate dog-eating immigrants or hating Taylor Swift. It's nothing, it's useless, and it's no good for this country!

  16. JD, Tommy, and Bobby Jr. are The Stupid And Proud Of It triplets. No matter who condemns JD's lie about the Haitian people, no matter who asks him to stop telling that lie and other lies, he won't quit. Nothing will stop him short of duct taping his mouth shut. I wonder what he'll have to do for donold to send a mob to hang him. I can't wait!


    1. Tommy is a moron, Bobby is an idiot, and JD is a pathological liar whose only care is the end game.
      F**k 'em all.

  17. I am really pleased to hear of so many republicans now supporting Kamala Harris. Vote Blue!

    1. And I think the number who support her, but aren't speaking out for fear of retribution is even greater.

  18. Relieved to see Christians behaving like Christians are said to behave. Thanks for the good news. Still, I feel like I need a shower.

    1. I'd like a little less horror and a little more good news, too!


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