Friday, July 19, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Nikki Haley, proving she either lied when she called The Felon ‘unhinged’ or she’s just another hypocritical GOP goose-stepper:

“We should acknowledge that there are some Americans who don’t agree with [The Felon] one hundred percent of the time, I happen to know some of them and I want to speak to them tonight. My message to them is simple: You don’t have to agree with [him] 100 percent of the time to vote for him. Take it from me. I’m here tonight because we have a country to save and a unified Republican Party is essential for saving her. For the sake of our nation, we have to go with [The Felon].”

I guess she forgave the draft dodger for making fun of her husband’s military service.

Anything for a spot in the unhinged cabinet, eh Nimrata?


Adam Kinzinger, former Illinois GOP Representative, on JD Vance as The Felon’s VP:

“They are celebrating that choice, both in Milwaukee tonight and in Moscow. JD Vance is the one that has … very loudly talked about how he doesn’t care what happens in Ukraine. He has opposed aid to Ukraine, at a time where, since World War II, the biggest defense of a country, of freedom, that is happening right now.”

Americans doing the bidding of Russia and Putin; that’s the GOP and the Felon/Hillbilly ticket.


Charles Moran, Log Cabin Republicans president, on how the GOP is the better party for the LGBTQ+ community:

“Log Cabin Republicans have been working for decades to help build a more inclusive GOP and update the platform’s outdated and out-of-step language. Today, that hard work has finally come to fruition. The platform sends a powerful message to LGBT conservatives across the country that we are not only welcome, but a part of the movement to Make America Great Again.”

And yet at the convention, two high profile speakers, Florida’s Fascist Gogo Dancing Governor Ron DeSantis, and Arkansas Klan wife Aunt Lydi, AKA Sarah Huckleberry Sanders, railed against our community.

Didn’t sound so inclusive, Chuck.


Helen Comperatore, widow of Corey, killed at The Felon’s rally where he was nicked in the ear lobe, on the aftermath:

“Joe Biden called me. I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden. He didn’t do anything to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did. Our family has not heard from [The Felon.]’

Well, to be fair, it was a golf day for Demented Donald.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, Neanderthal GOP Representative Shrew, on posting to X:

“We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL. The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars. They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it. The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder [The Felon.]”

All this after her Dear Leader

wanted to speak about unity and stop violent hate-filled rhetoric.

That’s the GOP.


Patrick Stewart, actor, on the choice ahead:

“It is what you do from now on that will either move our civilization forward a few tiny steps, or else … begin to march us steadily backward.”

It’s pretty simple. One party has a plan for America going forward and the other party has Project 2025, which will return us to a time when women were ‘less than’ people of color denied their rights, and LGBTQ+ people locked in closets.



  1. Vote, Vote, Vote.

    1. It's the only way to stop this destruction of America.

  2. I roll my eyes but I have a little faith in the people of the US to vote correctly...kind of like for basic public human decency, whoever leads the Democrats.

    1. I have a little faith too, but I still worry some as well.

  3. Adam is so right. Sometimes some RINOS have the most accurate descriptions of their party.
    Oh Nimrata. She is a weathervane: always facing the wind that will bring her money. Spineless see you next Tuesday.

    And the Comperatore woman? Typical Repug wife: no mind, no spirit, no logic.


    1. I like that Mrs. Comperatore said she didn't care for Biden, but was pleased that at least HE called.

  4. There are vile, ignorant people out there, but Charles Moran is in a class all his own.

    1. It's insane that he spews his ignorance while the GOP is coming for the LGBTQ+ community.

  5. Appalling group, except for Patrick Stewart of course.

    1. Of course; simple common sense.

  6. Log Cabin Republicans will always be putting their shoes on the wrong feet. So much badness coming out about Vance. Did Comperatore's wife get an invite to the convention, I didn't see? Kinzinger rocks.

    1. I saw that The Felon hugged and kissed, yes, he actually kissed, Corey Comperatore's uniform and helmet!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What Marjorie Taylor Greene comes out with is often bizarre but to spout the idea that Republicanism = Good and The Democrats = Evil is a demented topsy turvy re-imagining of the truth. As The Orange Monster used to chant - "Lock Her Up!" Nobody needs Marjorie Taylor Greene. She occupies space that somebody else could happily fill.

    1. MTG is a delusional wingnut. I think even her own party mostly finds her laughable and intolerable.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Patrick Stewart)
    xoxo :-)

  9. Do the Log Cabin Repugnants actually live in log cabins, without all modern amenities, throughout the year? If not, why not? Practise what you preach.

    1. I don't think they're actually truly gay. 😏

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Hayley, typical opportunist.
    Moran, more like Moron.
    MGT, proves her insanity everyday.
    Kinzinger and Stewart tell it like it is.

    1. I'll take Adam and Patrick over the ilk any day.

  11. Cleora Borealis10:10 AM

    🙉💩 And, OMG!, the Felon's "speech" last night!! The same old rally riffs and zero energy behind it!! Long, rambling, and even the delegates were looking for the exits!! Even accounting for GQP work to suppress votes and its ratfucking every way it can, I've never seen a more beatable candidate! Joy Reid of MSNBC immediately remarked "MAGA, this is your king?!?" BUT, I am finally willing to admit something I am heartsick to admit. I think even Dark Brandon 😎 is no longer the one to beat the Felon. 💔 As much as he has been working to overcome some negatives, Joe is slowing down and looking tired. If we Dems wanna save the world we have to respectfully shift all energy to Kamala. I am just hugely afraid that forces I cannot control will try to crown someone else the candidate and that would be crazy. The Felon fears Kamala for good reason. The visual differences alone are striking...a vibrant former prosecutor against a sundowning idiot and his bearded attack chipmunk...we can't lose!! It'd be nothing but Blue Skies and Blue Votes ahead!

    1. Cleora Borealis4:18 PM

      🙏🏼🤞👏 OMG!! The Internet is starting starting to burst with energy for a wished-for Harris/Buttigieg ticket!! I'll begin knocking and phoning and meeting and marching within hours of such an announcement!

    2. The Felon's desire for unity was short-lived, like his marriage to Marla.
      I'd love a Kamala-Pete ticket.

  12. Patrick S.-Sums it up beautifully. Time to circle the wagons and make the case forcefully and consistently for our democracy. VOTE!! VOTE!! VOTE BLUE!!

    Self-reflection is not MTG's strong suit. Get a clue.

    What stood out with me with Helen C. is that she refused to speak with Uncle Joe. She may have political differences but the call was not about that. It was about being a decent human being. President Biden has that in spades. How did that call go with Diaper Don? Oh yeah, he was golfing. At least show some respect for the office of the presidency.

    Adam K. knows what is going on. Stay frosty and cute.

    Nikki, it's time for her to go home, be quiet, be still, and self-reflect. She has flipped more than a pancake.

    Don't get me started with the Log Cabins. It's like vying for Daddy's attention. I gather they have not read Project 2025. It's not good for the LGBTQ folks.

    Have a great weekend Bob. Take Carlos out for ice cream. Be well!!

    1. Nikki is everything that's wrong with politics; the spineless, wishy washy, say one thing until it no longer suits your purpose and then say something else bull shiz.

  13. There's really two things I can't stand about Republicans

    Oh ....what are they?
    There face!

    And that hàrpie bitch Marjorie Taylor Green as no room to talk...she's nothing but a evil , crazy off her rocker cunt...who is also an adulter who does nothing but take up space on the planet. Karma will come for her.

    And im surprised the unkempt Huckabee Saunders had time to show up at the RNC. Didn't that set her back on her gravy drinking contests?

    1. Large Marge throws stones to take the shine off her own evil words and deeds.

  14. JD Vance has previously been known as James Donald Bowman and James David Hamel, so who is he exactly and why does he need aliases?
    I like Patrick Stewart.

    1. I don't mean to defend J.D. Vance (God knows) but name changes like this aren't unusual in tangled modern families. He was born James Donald Bowman, adopted by a stepfather (hence the name change to Hamel) and then ultimately began using the last name of his maternal grandparents, who largely raised him (Vance). I think he changed his middle name from Donald to David because Donald was his birth father's name, and maybe he didn't want to carry that. Just a guess. Anyway, they're not really "aliases" in any nefarious sense.

    2. I hadn't thought of any of that. Thank you.

  15. Yes, Patrick Stewart, you said it.

    I don't understand the cognitive dissonance required to be a Log Cabin Republican. Talk about denial!

    1. I don't understand Log Cabin Republicans period.

  16. Most Republicans are spineless minions to their orange leader. I wish the GOP had more people in it like Cheney , Romney, and Kinzinger. I would rest easier at night.

    1. Sadly, they have no balls, no spines, no guts, no decency, no virtues.


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